
zhuǎn huì fèi
  • transfer fee
  1. 豪尔赫·门德斯在接受意大利《天空体育》的采访时确认,一家尚未透露名字的俱乐部愿意为C罗支付给皇马3亿欧元(316744500美元)的转会费。

    Jorge Mendes confirmed to Sky Sports Italia in an interview released that the unnamed club were willing to pay Real Madrid a transfer fee of 300 million euros ( $ 316744500 ) .

  2. 不包括C罗的前东家皇家马德里1亿美元的转会费,C罗将得到一份四年2.58亿美元的合同,或者说平均一个赛季6450万美元。

    Not including the transfer fee to Ronaldo 's former team , Real Madrid , that will exceed $ 100 million , Ronaldo will get a four-year contract worth about $ 258 million , or an average salary of $ 64.5 million per season .

  3. 他以巨额转会费从热刺队转到阿森纳队。

    He was transferred from Spurs to Arsenal for a huge fee .

  4. 他以600万英镑的转会费转到埃弗顿队。

    He transferred to Everton for £ 6 million .

  5. 到目前为止,他持续增长的转会费已高达200万英镑。

    So far , his running total in transfers fees is £ 2 million .

  6. 英超(EnglishPremierLeague)足球俱乐部今年夏季打破了之前所有的转会费纪录,大手笔的支出直至周三晚转会窗口关闭才结束。

    English Premier League football clubs have broken all previous records to sign players this summer and the big spending will not stop until the transfer window shuts tonight .

  7. 这些因素导致8月上旬曼联(ManchesterUnited)以高达1.1亿英镑的价格从意大利的尤文图斯(Juventus)买下保罗•博格巴(PaulPogba),创出全球最高的转会费纪录。

    These factors led to the world record signing of Paul Pogba , worth up to Euro110m , by Manchester United from Italy 's Juventus earlier this month .

  8. 德勤(Deloitte)数据显示,截至周二上午9时,球员转会费总额达到9.25亿英镑,已经超出上一赛季同期创出的8.7亿英镑的纪录。

    According to Deloitte , the sum splashed out on players by 9am yesterday was £ 925m , already exceeding the previous peak of £ 870m spent during the same period last season .

  9. 转会费和球员薪水也随之无止境的增加。

    The growth in transfer payments and players ' salaries seemed limitless .

  10. 在前锋的合同,因此没有转会费是参与。

    The striker was out of contract , so no transfer fee is involved .

  11. 到时转会费,薪水等一系列都会得到证实。

    The official transfer fee - and wages - are still to be confirmed .

  12. 巴西罗纳尔多的转会费是4500万欧元。

    Ronaldo of Brazil arrived for C45million .

  13. 如果我要走,我也希望利物浦能得到一笔可观的转会费。

    If I was to leave , I wanted Liverpool to receive a decent fee .

  14. 天空体育会带你重温他的出场纪录、转会费以及身体状况。

    Sky will be telling you about his appearance records , transfer fees and fitness .

  15. 中国足球运动员转会费的法律性质评析

    An analysis of the legal nature of the transfer fee of football players in China

  16. C罗8000万英镑的转会费显然已经大到无需任何吹捧的程度。

    Cristiano Ronaldo 's transfer fee of 80m is titanic enough to need no flattering .

  17. 有报导说双方只是未倾妥转会费。

    Some reports say the clubs are merely haggling over the size of the transfer fee .

  18. 于是巨人米兰便开始召唤他,花了高达26000000英镑的转会费。

    The giants of AC Milan came calling , paying a transfer fee of $ 26 million .

  19. 这是世界上保密措施做得最失败的足球秘闻:贝尔的转会费打破了世界纪录。

    The world 's worst kept football secret finally revealed a world-record transfer fee for Gareth Bale .

  20. 在与米兰就转会费达成一致以后,桑普多利亚已经买下共有球员萨马科的全部所有权。

    Sampdoria have bought full rights to co-owned midfielder Paolo Sammarco after agreeing a fee with Milan .

  21. 利物浦足球俱乐部今天与阿贾克斯就路易斯苏亚雷斯的转会费达成了一致,等待体检通过就可以完成转会。

    Football Club today agreed a fee with Ajax for Luis Suarez-subject to the completion of a medical .

  22. 爱玛:瑞士的国家足球体育队仅有几个球员。俱乐部不能与德国、西班牙、英格兰提供的转会费竞争。

    Enmar : Only a handful of the players in the Swiss national sports play football in Switzerland .

  23. 布莱克浦主帅伊恩·霍洛韦日前再次申明,只有高额转会费才能说服他们放走查理·亚当。

    Blackpool boss Ian Holloway has again stated only big money will convince them to sell Charlie Adam .

  24. 上述转会费还不包括这两位球员在新俱乐部的薪水。

    The transfer fees do not even include the salaries both players will draw from their new clubs .

  25. 按同样的方法衡量,马拉多纳1984年的500万英镑转会费,相当于今天的1200万英镑或1750万英镑。

    Maradona 's 5m transfer fee in 1984 is worth 12m or 17.5m today , by the same metrics .

  26. 最后,是蓝军老板阿布直接提供的现金满足了这超级的转会费。

    In the end , it came down to straight hard cash as Blues owner Roman Abramovich sanctioned the mega fee .

  27. 俱乐部不能与德国、西班牙、英格兰提供的转会费竞争。

    The clubs can not compete with the transfer fees on way it is offered in Germany , Spain and England .

  28. “转会费”的准确数目将在两队下次相遇时确定。

    The exact amount that Floey will have to pay , will be decided when the two teams meet next time .

  29. 文比加特队的官员们开了一个短会,决定把克里斯滕森的转会费定为相当于其体重的虾。

    After a brief meeting , Vindbjart 's officials decided that the transfer payment would be Kristensen 's weight in shrimp .

  30. 琼斯表示:只要收入增长,就会有更高的转会费和球员薪资。

    As long as there 's revenue growth , there will be bigger transfer fees and player wages , says Mr Jones .