
  • 网络Conversion;transformation;transformation method
  1. 降低分组装配时延的CBR码流VBR转换法

    The Conversion of CBR Code Streams to VBR Streams for the Purpose of Reducing Assembling Delay of Speech Packets

  2. 目前,实现白光LED最成熟的方式是荧光粉转换法,而荧光粉的发光性能极大程度上影响着白光发光二极管的性能。

    Up to now , the most mature method for achieving white LED is phosphor conversion , and the illumination performance of the phosphor powder plays a key role in the performance of white LED .

  3. 化探背景与异常划分中的C型转换法

    The C-type transformation method for recognition of geochemical background and anomaly

  4. GPS坐标成果的游动九参数转换法

    The Moving 9 Parameters Coordinate Transformation Method for GPS Coordinate Results

  5. 抽样转换法计算RDF(R)程序研究

    Study on a rdf ( r ) program computed by sampled transform methods

  6. ~(10)B靶转换法测量金属钚质量的MC模拟

    Monte Carlo simulation for measuring the mass of metal plutonium with ~ ( 10 ) B converting target

  7. 函数RM展开式和CRM展开式的图形转换法

    Mapping Transform Between RM and CRM Expansion of Functions

  8. 该方法采用经典自由网平差和坐标转换法实现基于拟稳基准的GPS控制网2维约束平差。

    This method realizes the2 dimension constrained adjustment of GPS control network based on quasi-stable datum using classical adjustment of free networks and coordinate transformation method .

  9. Hadamard变换和Haar变换谱系数的图形转换法

    The Mapping Transform between Hadamard Transform and Haar Transform Spectral Coefficients

  10. 介绍了C型转换法的基本原理及其在条件模拟和实际金矿区中的应用。

    The concepts and the corresponding algorithm of the C-type transformation as well as its applications in conditional simulation and in " real " gold prospecting aroa are introduced in this paper .

  11. 新算法组合使用了层次分析法(AHP)中的标权转换法和内点法,将q个有效鞍点减少为一个。

    Scale - weight transformation method in AHP and affine - scaling interior points algorithm reduced the number of efficient anchor points to one .

  12. PSK转换法产生直序扩频MSK信号研究

    Research on the Generation of MSK Signal by PSK Transition

  13. 讨论了抽样转换法(Sampledtransformmethod)计算径向分布函数RDF(R)的基本原理。

    The basic principle of a Radial Distribution Function RDF ( R ) computed by sampled transform method was discussed here in this paper .

  14. 用事件转换法实现VxD与Win32程序的实时通信

    Realization of Real-Time Communication Between VxD and a Win32 Application Using Event Transformation

  15. 基于坐标转换法的GPS-RTK高程测量及成果检核

    The GPS-RTK Height Surveying Based on Coordinate Transformation and Result Validation

  16. 并对对数转换法与图解转换法转换原始数据的结果和转换系数Ch、块段估值及占值方差作了对比。

    In addition , the transformation results of original data , transformation coefficient C_k , number of blocks estimated and estimation variance obtained by logarithmic transformation method and graphical transformation method are compared with each other .

  17. 在逻辑函数的CRM展开式和COD展开式的基础上,详细讨论了逻辑函数dj系数和gj系数间的关系,并提出了二者的矩阵转换法,举例说明了转换过程。

    Based on the CRM expansion and COD expansion , the relation between d_j coefficients and g_j coefficients is discussed , and matric transform method proposed .

  18. 用GaN基大功率蓝光LED芯片作为激发光源,分别用荧光粉转换法和红光LED补偿法制备了不同相关色温及显色指数的白光LED。

    GaN-based blue LED chips were used as exciting light source , high-power white LEDs with different correlative color temperature ( T_c ) and rendering index ( R_a ) were fabricated through phosphor conversion and red LED compensation .

  19. 而在数据样本点满足统计要求的前提下,应用岩心分析数据转换法所求解的MDT渗透率相当于储层在理想条件下的渗透率;

    When the data samples can meet statistical requirements , the core data method may be used to calculate the ideal permeability of reservoir .

  20. 针对目前通用的cDNA微阵列数据的标准化处理方法(常称为对数比转换法)中存在的缺陷,提出了一种新的cDNA微阵列数据标准化方法-非转换法。

    In view of the limitations of the currently widely used method for the cDNA microarray data standardization ( often called log-ratio transformation method ), a new method was proposed which named as non-transformation method .

  21. 先驱体转换法是迄今为止高性能SiC陶瓷纤维最为成功的一种工业化方法,而高聚物先驱体的结构与性能则是该法的关键。

    The most successful route up-to-date to prepare SiC ceramic fiber in industry is the polymer precursor route ; whereas the performance and the molecule structure of polymer precursors play a key role in this method .

  22. 根据异或和符合运算的性质详细讨论了逻辑函数bj系数和dj系数间的关系,并提出了两者的矩阵转换法,举例说明了转换过程。

    Based on properties of XOR and COINCIDENCE operations , this paper discusses the relation between b_j coefficients and d_j coefficients , and proposes matric transform method .

  23. 提出了一种实用的存取转换法,可用于会议电视系统中将扫描格式的数字视频信号转换为符合ITU-TH.261标准的CIF格式的视频信号。

    A practical method using access translation is proposed . This method can translate the digital video signal in video conference system from scanning format to CIF format corresponding to H.261 standard of ITU T.

  24. 基于流体&结构干扰计算中流体和结构网格之间的数据交换方法的研究,提出了一种改进的常体积转换法(CVT),即引入面积限制值来保证网格插值的质量。

    Based on the study of the exchange of displacement date between fluid and structural meshes in fluid-structure interaction simulation , a method of the improved Constant Volume Transformation ( CVT ) has been proposed and illustrated in this paper .

  25. 对比分析表明,在裸眼井MDT测试的一般情况下,流入取样器的流体是泥浆滤液,应用泥浆滤液粘度转换法可以确定储层在真实条件下的渗透率;

    When the MDT is conducted in a barefoot well , the mud filtrate viscosity method can be applied to calculate the true permeability of reservoir , because the sampling device is generally filled with mud filtrate .

  26. 精测则利用时间-电压转换法对鉴相脉冲进行转换,然后由模数转换器ADC对转换电压进行采样,通过单片机对ADC的输出值进行计算处理获得精测值。

    The accurate discriminating phase pulses are converted by using the method of time to voltage conversion , and then the ADC device samples the converted voltage , so the accurate measurement of the distance is obtained by processing the ADC samples through micro controller unit .

  27. 同时本文给出了基于全球大地水准面的几何中心同地球质心相重合这一假设之上的莫洛金斯基坐标转换法,该法不需要联测公共点即可将WGS-84坐标转换成本地局部坐标。

    Meanwhile Molodensky method is given in the paper based on the hypothesis of global geoid geometry center coincided with earth centroid , This method can translate WGS 84 coordinates into local geodetic coordinates without surveying common points in the same time .

  28. 从原始隐喻到诗性隐喻概念转换法指导诗性隐喻的翻译

    From Primitive Metaphor to Poetic Metaphor Functional approach to poetic metaphor

  29. 多刚体系统中运动量之间的坐标转换法

    Coordinate Turning Method Between Motion Values in systems of Rigid Bodies

  30. 该模型的泡点计算采用函数转换法,同时根据实际情况,考虑了数据预处理和控制系统。

    The functional transformation method accelerates the calculation of bubble point .