
jué jiāo
  • break with;break off relations;break off relations(as between friends or countries);sever diplomatic relations with
绝交 [jué jiāo]
  • [break off relations(as between friends or countries)] 断绝友谊或外交关系

  • 君子绝交,不出恶声

  • 两国宣布绝交

绝交[jué jiāo]
  1. 我不赞成同约翰绝交。

    I don 't hold with the idea to break with john .

  2. 与弗洛伊德绝交以后,他故意地容许自己以这种外貌出现,让自己本性非理性的一面去自由表白。

    After his break with Freud , he deliberately allowed this aspect of himself to function again and gave the irrational side of his nature free expression .

  3. 我收到女友来的绝交信,令我伤心欲绝。

    I received a dear John letter from my girl friend which broke my heart .

  4. 他们吵过架后就绝交了,一连好几年都未曾见过面。

    After their quarrel they parted company and didn 't see each other again for years .

  5. 战争伊始,国民政府对日伪实行的是经济绝交的政策。

    At the beginning the national government practiced a policy of breaking off relations with the Japanese invaders .

  6. 可怜的蒂姆在瑞典时收到了一封绝交信。

    Poor Tim received a Dear John letter while in Sweden .

  7. 择友不宜快,绝交更须慢。(指节奏)较慢而且比慢板更宽广。

    ( of tempo ) less slow and broad than largo .

  8. 她离开你了,这是给你的绝交信。

    She left you . I 'm reading her dear john .

  9. 女友的绝交信使汤姆发疯。

    The dear John letter from his girlfriend drove Tom mad .

  10. 在这节课中,我们将要绝交协商阶段。

    In this episode , we 'll focus on the negotiation phase .

  11. 他昨天收到了女朋友的绝交信。

    He received a dear John letter from his girl friend yesterday .

  12. 有时候朋友会意见不和。有时候会发生争执。以下就是避免绝交的方法。

    Sometimes arguments happened . here 's how to avoid a breakup .

  13. 由于菲尔不诚实,琳达和他绝交了。

    Linda has finished with Phil because of his dishonesty .

  14. 她昨天给她的男朋友写了一封绝交信。

    She wrote to her boy friend a dear John letter yesterday .

  15. 我在念她的绝交信。

    I 'm reading her Dear John ( letter ) .

  16. 这是一封绝交信。

    It was a " Dear John " letter .

  17. 爱丽丝那样对待我,所以我和她绝交了。

    I 've finished with Alice after the way she 's treated me .

  18. 五卅运动中的提倡国货与经济绝交

    Advocating Home-made Goods and Breaking off Economic Relations during the May 30th Movement

  19. 自从我结婚,他就和我绝交了。

    He had cut me ever since my marriage .

  20. 那是你们绝交的原因么?

    Is that why you guys stopped being friends ?

  21. 就在他启航那一刻,她寄给他一封绝交信

    She send him a dear john letter just as he put out to sea

  22. 上星期他跟我绝交了。

    He gave me the push last week .

  23. 他从字里行间看出这是一封绝交信。

    Read between the lines , he knows it is a dear John letter .

  24. 上个星期她与她的男友绝交了。

    She split with her boyfriend last week .

  25. 但是我希望你能够独立自主,绝交他们的迷惑。

    But I hope you can stand on your own two feet and say no.

  26. 我确定安娜和她男朋友绝交了。

    I also found out for sure taht Anna and her boyfriend split up .

  27. 约翰跟玛丽绝交了。

    John and Mary have broken off relations .

  28. 以下就是避免绝交的方法。

    Here 's how to avoid a breakup .

  29. 她非常需要我的帮助,希望我完全站在她这边,与父亲绝交。

    She needed my help desperately by being on her side and denouncing my father .

  30. 一场争吵使两个朋友绝交了。

    A quarrel dissevered the two friends .