
  • 网络single index
  1. 隶属函数是模糊算法应用的基础,隶属函数的有效与否直接关系到电能质量评价等级的科学性,有效的隶属函数能够较为全面地反映各单项指标的本质特征。

    Membership function is the basis of the fuzzy algorithm , membership function is effective or not directly related to the level of power quality evaluation more scientific , effective membership function can more fully reflect the essential characteristics of each single index .

  2. 单项指标质量指数评价表明:影响文化娱乐场所卫生质量的主要因素为CO2、噪声、CO。

    The assessments on single index showed that the affecting factors of sanitary quality of public places of entertainment were the levels of CO2 , noise and CO.

  3. 我们更加关注结构调整等长期问题,不随单项指标的短期小幅波动而起舞。我们坚持区间调控的基本思路,只要经济增速保持在7.5%左右,高一点,低一点,都属于合理区间。

    We focused more on structural . Judging by the principle of range-based macro-control , we believe the actual economic growth rate is within the proper range , even if it is slightly higher or lower than the 7.5 percent target .

  4. p53是较好的肺癌诊断单项指标。

    P53 was a rather good marker for lung cancer diagnosis .

  5. 其次,分别推导出满足期望指标集中各个单项指标的PID控制器参数解集的求解定理和推论。

    Secondly , the theorems and corollaries of calculating the PID controller parameter set satisfying the corresponding desired performance index are derived , respectively .

  6. 沉积物中TOC的测定用重铬酸钾氧化-还原滴定法。在测定结果的基础上采用单项指标标准指数法对沉积物中氮和磷的污染程度进行了评价。

    Single standard index method was used to assess the pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment .

  7. 本文应用灰色GM(1,2)建模方法,提出了水质富营养化单项指标的一种新的预测模型。

    In this paper , a new predicting model of single eutrophic index of water quality is developed by grey systems GM ( 1,2 ) modelling .

  8. 作者在BL地区1:5万地形图的油气勘探工作中分析测量了近20个单项指标。

    Authors have analysed about twenty single indexes in the oil & gas exploration in BL area ( a scale of 1 : 50000 ) .

  9. 根据超效率DEA方法的原理,不仅测算了反映银行整体效率的运营性技术效率和综合性技术效率,而且还测算了反映银行局部效率的单项指标技术效率。

    According to the super-efficiency DEA method principle , has surveyed not only operating technical efficiency and complex technical efficiency which reflect the whole efficiency of banks , but also single index technical efficiency which reflect the part efficiency of banks .

  10. 分层分析还表明,肺、脑、心、肾等单项指标的ROC预测值也以兰州标准的适用度最高(P<0.05)。

    Further investigation showed that Lanzhou criterion was more adapted to high altitude areas in predicting the ROC probability values of lung , brain , heart and kidney ( compared ) with the other two criteria ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 结论:化疗前PCNA和P53的表达水平均可作为预测口腔鳞癌对CF化疗方案敏感性的分子标记物,但用PCNA和P53两项指标的表达水平来联合预测显著高于单项指标预测。

    Conclusion : Expression level of both PCNA and P53 can be used as a chemosensitive predictive marker to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Carboplatin and 5-Fu for the patients with OSCC , and combined analysis of PCNA and P53 expression has higher predictive value than that of either PCNA or P53 .

  12. AFI及胎心监测两项指标均异常者胎儿窘迫及低Apgar评分发生率均高于单项指标异常组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    The cases with both abnormal AFI and abnormal NST ( or OCT ) showed higher incidence of fetal distress and lower Apgar score than those with only one abnormal index ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  13. 说明两组调脂总有效率及对血脂单项指标调节上疗效相当。

    The total efficiency to regulate blood lipid is 82.36 % .

  14. 评吸的各单项指标与含氮化合物之间大多达到显著相关水平。

    Each smoking index and most of nitrogen compounds had close correlation .

  15. 方法依据中国居民膳食指南,选择构成膳食平衡指数的食物组的单项指标。

    Method The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents motivated the selection of food-based components .

  16. 大量的数据分析还是基于连续性单项指标的线性分析。

    Massive data analysises are still based on linear analysis for continuous single metrics .

  17. 即通过建立多层次的评价指标体系,对单项指标采用专家评判法,并采用递推算法给出目标层对评语的隶属度。

    Then , the recursion algorithm was adopted to give the relative degree between object level and evaluation .

  18. 从几乎所有单项指标看,巴黎高等商学院都没有排在首位,但它整体表现强劲。

    HEC Paris is not ranked first in any of the individual criteria but registered a strong performance throughout .

  19. 结论:采用平均住院日单项指标评价临床科室床位利用率应考虑病例四型分布因素

    Conclusion : The efficiency assessment of the clinical department health bed using should connect with four type case distribution

  20. 各水厂出水中的雌激素与与国外文献的报道值相当,其他污染物的总浓度和单项指标均能达到国家相关标准。

    The concentrations of estrogens in effluents water of all plants were close to the reported levels in literatures .

  21. 采用单项指标法和综合污染指数法两种方法对娘子关泉域地下水污染现状进行了水质评价。

    The ground water quality of Niangziguan Karst spring is evaluated by comprehensive index method and single index method .

  22. 另外,采用多个单项指标评价对各指标权数的确定和具体的评价方法又存在争议;

    In addition , the index power 's ensuring and material evaluation methods are disputed while multi-single indexes are evaluated ;

  23. 并采用线段法评判各单项指标,以替代表格统计法和评分法。

    The method of the judgment for each index replaced " Mark " and " Form " by " Line Segment " .

  24. 个别城市的单项指标存在异常点,显现出其优劣势。

    And ( 5 ) single index of some cities exits some abnormal points that show the superiority or inferiority of the cities .

  25. 文章首先以经济、社会和生态环境因素为基础,建立江苏省主要城市人居环境综合评价三级指标体系&指标类、指标组、单项指标。

    Based on economic , social and eco-environmental elements , the author presents a three level index system to evaluate urban settlement environment .

  26. 结果发现,优秀男子武术套路运动员在许多单项指标上,有别于普通人群和其它项目的运动员。

    They found that there is a difference in many individual index among elite male Wushu routine sportsmen , common people and other sportsmen .

  27. 同时,本文指出建筑结构工程系统的评价、决策应该是综合考虑了各个方面因素后的评价、决策,而不能只考虑建造成本单项指标。

    Thirdly , this article indicates that the evaluate and decision of structure systems must contain all factors , not only the construct cost .

  28. 单项指标标准指数法对沉积物中氮和磷的污染评价结果表明:珠江口沉积物中总磷含量较低,标准指数都小于1;

    All the single standard indexes of total phosphorus were below 1 , indicating that the content of the total phosphorus was relatively low .

  29. 经营业绩的单项指标评价往往只能反映上市公司经营状况的一个侧面,而不可能全面反映整体情况;

    Single index evaluation of operating achievement sometimes only reflects one side face of operation status of listed companies , but impossible does whole ;

  30. 调查显示,在构成幸福指数的单项指标方面,广东居民对公民权利保护情况感到最满意。

    Looking at the individual components of happiness , Guangdong residents felt best about the protection of their rights , according to the survey .