
cái wù zhuànɡ kuànɡ
  • Financial situation;financial condition
  1. 多因素Binarylogistic回归分析发现,医院整合的影响因素主要是医院规模、医院产出、医疗质量和医院的财务状况。

    According to binary logistic regression analysis , health care quality , scale , outputs , and financial condition all have impact on integration .

  2. 贝尔斯登(bearstearns)两位前对冲基金经理昨日受到联邦政府的指控,称其涉嫌在一些投资工具的财务状况方面有意误导投资者,而这些投资工具去年出现了暴跌。

    Two former Bear Stearns hedge fund managers were yesterday indicted on federal charges that they intentionally misled investors about the financial condition of the investment vehicles that collapsed last year .

  3. 现在是你整顿财务状况的时候了。

    It 's about time you sorted out your finances .

  4. 这家公司的财务状况不明朗。

    The company 's financial position is not certain .

  5. 应该要求公司使其财务状况更为透明化。

    Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position

  6. 一定要从财务状况良好的保险公司购买保险。

    Buy a policy only from an insurance company that is financially sound

  7. 其日常财务状况十分糟糕。

    Its day-to-day finances are in a critical state .

  8. 我们的财务状况已变得不稳定了。

    Our financial situation had become precarious .

  9. 那家公司慷慨捐款100万英镑,使牛津辩论学会的财务状况得以好转。

    The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous £ 1m endowment .

  10. 他又一次询问她的财务状况,她再次含糊其词。

    He had asked her once again about her finances . And again she had equivocated .

  11. 此外,研究表明,财务状况是父母和大学生之间最常交流的话题。

    Furthermore , studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children .

  12. 按我目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。

    My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car .

  13. 因为国税局一直在问我们最近的财务状况,我的老板捏了一把汗。

    My boss is in a sweat because the IRS has been asking questions about our recent finances .

  14. B:我们主要对贵公司的规模、产品范围、运作模式和财务状况感兴趣。

    B : We 're interested in the size , product range , business model , and financial status of your company .

  15. 对于有关财务状况预警信号采用前向三层BP神经网络建立财务预警模式。

    About the financial status signals a financial early warning model is established based on forward 3 layer BP neural networks .

  16. (最终被调用的)金融数据服务(FinancialDataService)发布一个或多个转换成对财务状况数据的简单信息的请求的RPC操作。

    The Financial Data Service ( as it was ultimately called ) published one or more RPC operations that translated into simple information requests for position data .

  17. 关于我公司的财务状况,请向法国的ABC银行了解。

    As to our financial standing , please refer to French ABC Bank for information .

  18. 财务状况:Facebook2011年的营业收入达37.1亿美元,净收入为10亿美元。

    Financials : Facebook reports $ 3.71 billion in 2011 revenue , and $ 1 billion in net income .

  19. 前馈神经网络和Fisher判别分析对上市公司财务状况异常的预测研究

    The research on predicting financial abnormity in listed companies using fisher discriminant and feed forward neural networks

  20. 从1998年起,上市公司如出现财务状况异常或者其他异常情况,沪深证券交易所宣布将对该类上市公司的股票交易进行特别处理(specialtreatment,简称为ST)。

    From 1998 , when the financial circs or other circs of the listed company become worse , Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange will take special treatment to the company .

  21. 对于一再提出的有关广告主目前在Twitter上的投入问题,他拒绝透露,至于公司其他方面的财务状况,他也三缄其口。

    He declined repeated opportunities to disclose how much advertisers currently spend on twitter , or any other company financial information .

  22. 在系统中,设计出了借款企业财务状况BP神经网络模型,使系统增加自学习能力和对环境自适应能力。

    In system , design the borrowing business enterprise financial standing BP nerve network model , make system increment from study ability with to environment from orientation ability .

  23. 佳尔华表示,今年以来,该公司财务状况显著恶化,而保留aim上市公司身份的相关费用及监管负担已“不再合理”。

    Jarlway said that its financial situation had deteriorated significantly during the course of the year and that the costs and regulatory burdens associated with retaining the aim quotation " can no longer be justified " .

  24. 选取2002~2005年共446家制造业上市公司,以公司因财务状况异常而被ST作为公司陷入财务危机的标志,对危机公司的财务危机征兆进行研究。

    This thesis explores the symptoms of financial crisis by choosing 446 listed manufacture companies during 2002-2005 and taking ST ( specially treated ) companies as the sample in financial crisis .

  25. 相反,在这些文件中,纽约联储官员将扭曲Libor报价与银行担心财务状况不好看联系起来。

    Rather , in those documents New York Fed officials linked Libor misreporting to banks ' fears of appearing financially weak .

  26. 而采用无偿划拨的公司的财务状况改善最明显,其后依次为要约并购、协议并购、母公司改造和MBO方式。

    And the financial improvement of the company using volunteer transfer is the most , then followed tender offer , protocol M & A , parent company reconstruction and MBO .

  27. 通过财务状况和投资可行性的分析,总结并给出了XX集团公司投资3PL具体可行性的分析报告。

    Passing the analysis of financial situation and investment feasibility , have summarized it and provided the analysis report of concrete feasibility that XX Group Company invests in 3PL .

  28. 然后根据ST上市公司与非ST上市公司这种差异,利用距离判别法建立了预测企业整体财务状况预警模型以及预测企业四个方面财务状况的预警模型。

    Based on the differences of ST and non-ST listed companies , using distance judge France , establishing the early warning models for their overall financial situation and forecasting the financial position of enterprises will warn models for four respects .

  29. 印度央行警告,基于有关ICICI银行财务状况的传言,一些地方的储户开始在自动取款机(ATM)和该行的网点提取存款。

    Based on rumours regarding the financial strength of ICICI Bank , depositors are withdrawing cash at its ATMs and branches in some locations , the central bank warned .

  30. 文章以1998~2000年因“财务状况异常”而被ST的A股上市公司为研究样本,并根据行业和资产规模设计“非ST”配对样本。

    This paper chooses ST ( specially treated ) companies listed in Chinese A-share markets as research sample over the period of 1998-2000 , and non-ST firms are also selected as benchmark based on matching criteria of industry and asset size .