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hèng cái
  • ill-gotten wealth;a fortune which one doesn't deserve;ill gains;a windfall
横财 [hèng cái]
  • [ill-gotten wealth] 指非法或侥幸获得的钱财

横财[hèng cái]
  1. 对于许多人来说,危机也让他们发了一笔横财。

    For many , the crisis has also handed them a windfall .

  2. 中彩票是一笔横财。

    Winning the lottery is a windfall .

  3. 为发横财,他们想出了个蠢办法。

    They invented some lamebrain scheme to get rich quick .

  4. 他不择手段大发横财。

    He got rich by devious means .

  5. 她总想顷刻间大发横财,的确有点想入非非。

    She indeed lives in a fool 's paradise as she always dreams about making a huge fortune overnight .

  6. 他晚上做梦也想发笔横财,但是他从来不好好劳动。

    Even at night he often dreamt of striking it rich , but he never worked hard .

  7. 这笔横财是IPO真正的“成本”。

    Call the windfall the real " cost " of the IPO .

  8. 苹果因引领行业变革而大发横财,但如今却面临着要求改变公司DNA的战略挑战。

    Apple caused a paradigm shift and reaped a windfall , but now faces strategic challenges that will require changing the company DNA .

  9. 英国某地一台ATM机发生故障,在顾客取款时会吐出双倍数额的现金,有数百名顾客趁机取款,但银行表示大家可以留下这份飞来横财。

    Hundreds of people cashed in after an ATM machine began paying out double - and a bank said they can keep the unexpected windfall .

  10. 熟悉Facebook公司的人士告诉《金融时报》,扎克伯格“希望等到来年9月或以后(再上市),以让员工专注于产品开发而不是大发横财。”

    People familiar with the company told the FT that Zuckerberg " wants to wait until next September or later in order to keep employees focused on product developments rather than a pay-out . "

  11. 黄金矿商有足够的理由对此感到高兴自2004年创立gld以来,金价一路飙升,它们因此大发横财。

    Gold miners have much to be pleased about , with the soaring price of gold since GLD was created in 2004 giving them windfall profits .

  12. 非洲的种子对孟山都公司的投资是一笔潜在的横财。

    Africa 's seeds are a potential windfall investment for Monsanto .

  13. 我经常听人说有人在拉斯维加斯发了一笔横财。

    I often hear someone make a killing in Las Vegas .

  14. 生物科技公司利用他们的种子专利大发横财。

    Biotech companies stand to make billions from their seed patents .

  15. 他不会靠那种方法发横财。

    He is not going to make a killing that way .

  16. 至少我不发无辜者的横财

    At least I don 't prey on the innocent .

  17. 我听说他赌马发了横财。

    I heard he made a fast buck at the race track .

  18. 政府正在通过卖土地来发横财。

    The government is making windfall profits from everyone by selling land .

  19. 约翰发了一笔横财,因此变得自负起来。

    John earned quick money , and by that he grew vain .

  20. 每次战争垄断资本家们都大发横财。

    During each war the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth .

  21. “他们就像是发了横财似的。”

    " It 's as if they 'd come into property . "

  22. 《老友记》的第三集叫《飞来横财》。

    The third episode of Friends called The One With the Thumb .

  23. 投机商们一见到行情上涨就抛售,从中大发横财。

    The speculators cleaned up large fortunes by selling when prices rose .

  24. 这个夏天他们在这里发了横财。

    And they made a fortune here this summer .

  25. 经营废旧品和推销旧汽车的商人在他们这些人身上发了横财。

    Junk dealers and used-car salesmen profiteered on them .

  26. 急于想发横财的投机者到头来往往破产。

    Speculators eager to earn a fast buck often wind up in bankruptcy .

  27. 大学会把她送到知识海洋的彼岸,而不是送来意外的横财。

    College will ferry her to her intellectual destiny , not a financial windfall .

  28. 我在拉斯维加斯发了一笔横财。

    I made a killing in Las Vegas .

  29. 他确实知道自己家并没得过长毛的横财。

    They certainly hadn 't kept any of the " Long Hairs " gold .

  30. 有些人说他们将用这笔“飞来横财”买彩票。

    Some of them said they 'd buy a lottery ticket with the cash .