
  • 【医】divergence of character
  1. 武夷山土壤理化性状空间分异规律研究

    Study on Spatial Differentiation of Edaphic Physicochemical Properties in Wuyi Mountain

  2. 鄂尔多斯高原北部不同植被类型下土壤性状的分异

    Heterogeneity of Soil Characteristic about Different Vegetation Types in North of Ordos Plateau

  3. 在稳定的土壤发育条件下,土壤剖面有可以鉴别的诊断层,其中一些性状特征沿剖面分异明显。

    Soil profiles have the obvious diagnostic horizons and properties and characteristics of soils have distinct change along their profile depth under stable conditions of soil development .