
cè shì bǎn
  • beta version
  1. 现在是测试版的这个软件,可以免费使用。

    Now is the beta version of this software , you can use free of charge .

  2. 我想告诉你,我最近发布了测试版的我最新的插件。

    I thought to tell you that I have recently released the beta version of my latest plugin .

  3. 首个MAME4ALLα预览测试版是为了测试的目而放出的

    First MAME4ALL alpha binaries is out for testing purposes .

  4. 即使不是测试版了,F依旧还是会不断地发展。

    Not even in beta yet , F # continues to evolve .

  5. 在这些饭菜,我们给冲刺石油,另一个测试版K片剂和另一个篮板片剂。

    On those meals we give Sprint Oil , another Beta K tablet and another Rebound tablet .

  6. 而用户必须替换掉原来的版本的IE浏览器才能使用该测试版。

    And users will swap out their current IE for the new version .

  7. IE浏览器9将于9月15日推出测试版。

    Internet explorer 9 will have their Beta version out on September 15th .

  8. 这款测试版只能在Vista,Windows7环境中运行,而不能应用于WindowsXP。

    The Beta will work with Windows Vista and Windows 7 but no XP .

  9. 测试版还提供了一个平台,以便与用户分享创新性方法及解决方案等关键知识。利用清洁技术基金(CleanTechnologyFund)的那些试点项目就是此类创新性方法及解决方案的例子。

    The beta also provides a platform for sharing critical knowledge about innovative approaches and solutions , such as those being piloted under the Clean Technology Fund .

  10. 据Scott所说,Silverlight2的第一个公共测试版将包括如下特性

    According to Scott the first public beta will include the following features

  11. 在撰写本文时它仍是测试版,但是它最终会是一个受欢迎的针对JavaWeb服务工作的解决方案。

    It is still beta at the time of this writing , but it may end up as a popular solution for Java web service work .

  12. 测试版的Net60可以通过联系RedFiveLabs来获得。

    A beta of Net60 is currently available by contacting Red Five Labs .

  13. 它在2010年6月发布了HTTPSEverywhere的beta测试版。

    It first released HTTPS Everywhere as a beta test version in June of2010 .

  14. 评估这些office软件的测试版时,请参考这些资源以便为您的公司提供更先进的软件。

    As you evaluate these trial versions of office software , check out these resources , intended to help you bring more advanced software to your company .

  15. 雅虎搜索(yahoosearch)的测试版不再强调自动生成的搜索结果,而是在一个新的板块中根据类型对众多搜索结果进行总结。

    The version of Yahoo search in testing de-emphasises automatically generated results and summarises many results by type in a new panel .

  16. 在WebSphere技术支持方面,他拥有超过12年的经验,包括WebSphere测试版项目以及与云相关的项目。

    He has more than 12 years experience in WebSphere technical support , including WebSphere beta projects and cloud-related projects .

  17. MIX传统上都会宣布某个Silverlight测试版发布,今年也不例外。

    MIX is the traditionally the time when Silverlight betas are announced and this year is no exception .

  18. 他还详细说明了最近将Spaz升级到最新的AIR测试版的时候遇到的一些挑战

    He also details some of the recent challenges of upgrading Spaz to the latest beta release of AIR

  19. 我期盼/希望截至2008年一季度,能够出来第一版,或者至少是个开放的公共beta测试版。

    I expect / hope to release V1 , or at least an open public beta , by the end of Q12008 .

  20. 随着微软发布更多信息,并且把beta测试版公布于众,很多问题都有望得到解答。

    Hopefully as more information is released and the beta is released to the public , many of the questions will become answered .

  21. 研发人员正在研发测试版的应用程序编程接口(API),这对谷歌来说局限性非常大(比如应用软件每天不得进行超1000次的API调试)。

    Developers are working with a beta API , which Google has severely limited ( apps cannot make more than 1,000 API calls per day , for example ) .

  22. 研发人员正在研发测试版的应用程序编程接口(API),这对谷歌来说局限性非常大(比如应用软件每天不得进行超1000次的API调试)

    Developers are working with a beta API , which Google has severely limited ( apps cannot make more than 1000 API calls per day , for example ) .

  23. 随着jBPM过程虚拟机(ProcessVirtualMachine)最近alpha测试版的发布,JBoss距离实现一个支持多定义语言的过程执行语言的目标又进了一步。

    With the latest alpha release of the jBPM Process Virtual Machine , JBoss moves closer to realizing the vision of a process execution engine that supports multiple definition languages .

  24. 最初的Flash10.1测试版发布在为NexusOne提供升级的Froyo系统里,此后,Flash取得了长足进步。

    . it has also come a long way from the original 10.1 beta version that shipped with the Froyo update on the nexus ones .

  25. 测试版包含一个选择器的示例,Ensemble(​合集)​是JavaFX主要的取样器。

    The beta also includes a small selection of samples , including Ensemble , which is the main sampler for JavaFX .

  26. 其用于IE浏览器的版本仍被标注为beta版或是测试版,因为它在同步IE书签时偶尔还会出错,在Vista系统中尤为如此。

    The Internet Explorer version is still labeled a beta , or test , version because it still produces occasional syncing errors , especially in Vista .

  27. Siri在发布时罕见地被苹果打上了“测试版”的标签,这说明Siri还处在研发阶段。

    Apple launched Siri with a rare beta label , a tacit admission of work in progress .

  28. Google+面临的问题在于,测试版用户对该社交服务的好评能否渗透到到已经熟悉了Facebook的主流用户。

    The question facing Google + is whether the positive reception that beta users are having over the social service will cross over to a mainstream audience already familiar with Facebook .

  29. 那些测试版试用者将成为Lark的独家零售商,至少在最初几个月是如此。

    And those beta testers , at least for the first few months , will be Lark 's exclusive retailer .

  30. 关于probevue的这个早期测试版的最后一点看法

    Final thoughts on this first version of probevue