
cè huì yí qì
  • surveying instrument
  1. 测绘仪器的发展现状和发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Developing Trend of Surveying Instrument

  2. 随着高、新技术的发展,使测绘仪器逐渐趋于自动化。传统的测绘方法手段逐步改进,甚至被淘汰。

    As the development of high technology , surveying instrument is gradualy tending to automation Traditional surveying methods are gradualy improved or abandoned .

  3. 测量队员们使用了全球卫星导航系统接收机、重力仪、雪深雷达和气象测量仪器进行测量作业。本次珠峰高程测量应用的创新科技包括北斗三号卫星导航系统、国产测绘仪器装备、航空重力仪、三维交互虚拟现实等技术。

    The surveyors used a global navigation satellite system receiver , a gravimeter , snow-depth radar and a meteorological measuring instrument to determine the height of Qomolangma . Innovations applied virtual reality .

  4. 加入WTO后,中国测绘仪器行业正面临着前所未有的竞争和挑战。

    After WTO entry of China , Chinese survey instrument industry is facing the competition and challenge that never met before .

  5. 对工程测量发展的几个主要方面,即现代先进的电子化、数字化测绘仪器,数字化测绘技术、3S技术、精密工程技术在工程测量中的应用情况进行了概述。

    Several aspects of engineering survey development , i. e. application case of modern advanced instrument of surveying and mapping which are of electron and digitalization , digitalization surveying and mapping technology ;

  6. 我国测绘仪器发展的几点思考

    Some Consideration to Development of Surveying and Mapping Instruments in China

  7. 我国测绘仪器发展思路的探讨

    Investigation of developing lines of domestic surveying and mapping instruments

  8. 测绘仪器市场动态分析

    The Dynamic Market Analysis of the Surveying and Mapping Instruments

  9. 测绘仪器检核管理系统的设计与实现

    The actualizing of a calibration and inspection management system of surveying instruments

  10. 衡量测绘仪器品质高低的指标为测绘仪器的准确度或精度。

    The quality of survey instrument is evaluated by accuracy or precision .

  11. 正交实验法在测绘仪器检定中的应用

    The Method of Perpendicular Test in the Surveying and Mapping

  12. 论测绘仪器在促进测绘事业发展中的作用

    On the role of Surveying and mapping instruments in surveying and mapping development

  13. 测绘仪器与技术的发展趋势

    Tendency of Instruments and Technologies for Surveying and Mapping

  14. 测绘仪器精度状况管理方法探讨

    Discussion on Management Methods for Surveying Instruments Precision

  15. 测绘仪器精度的表示与检定

    The expression and calibration of surveying instruments precision

  16. 湖北庙岭测绘仪器检定场技术特点分析

    Technical Character Analysis of Standardization Site for Surveying and Mapping Instruments in Miaoling , Hubei

  17. 编码作为现代信息学的重要基础,在测绘仪器领域有着越来越广泛的应用。

    Coding , an important basis of modern information science , is broadly applied to surveying instruments .

  18. 编码与测绘仪器

    Coding And Surveying Instruments

  19. 文中还介绍了国际标准ISO17123所建议的测绘仪器精度检定方法。

    Then , the author introduces some calibration methods of survey instrument proposed by international standard ISO 17123 .

  20. 本文以南方测绘仪器公司柳州分公司为例,探讨作业成本法在销售费用分配中应用的可能性及其具体的分配方法。

    Liuzhou Subsidiary as an example , and explores the potential and the way of using activity-based costing to assign sales expenses .

  21. 本次大赛以个人测绘仪器操作技能、四等水准测量、导线测量等技能为主要竞赛内容。

    The competition in their personal mapping equipment operating skills , four leveling , traversing the contents of such skills as the main competition .

  22. 测绘仪器计量站测量标准的评定方法关节臂式坐标测量机标定系统的设计

    Method of Get the Measurement Uncertainty of Measure-standard for Constructing a Station of Measure and Testing Study on Calibration System of Articulated Arm Flexible CMMs

  23. 针对以上情况,论文主要完成了以下工作:1、介绍了现代测绘仪器发展的现状和趋势,总结了道路测设方法的历史进程。

    The actuality and current in the development of modern surveying instrumentation are introduced , in which the history about the methods of road setting-out is concluded .

  24. 阐述了我国测绘仪器行业的发展趋势及发展概况,并就我国测绘仪器的生产、销售与发展进行了积极的思考。

    This paper expounds the developing trend and the developing situation of Chinese survey industry , and makes active considerations about the production , marketing and development of Chinese survey industry .

  25. 公司目前生产和销售的主要产品有:激光投线仪、激光测距仪、各种测绘仪器、接收器、擦背机、三脚架、壁挂架。

    The products our company manufactured and sold recently include : Laser Level , Laser Ranger , all kinds of mapping equipment , Receiver , Back Rubber , Tripod and Wall Hanging Shelves .

  26. 由于测绘仪器的发展还可以大大的减轻测绘工作者的劳动强度,提高劳动效率,所以测绘仪器对于测绘工作的重要性不言而语。

    The development of instrument can make the people of surveying and mapping ease the intensity of work , improve the efficiency of work , so the importance of the instrument is obvious for the people of surveying and mapping .

  27. 在分析了当前测绘仪器管理存在问题的基础上,从仪器在实验室的管理体制、模式方面做了有益探讨和分析,提出了测绘仪器实行动态管理和开放使用的模式。

    Based on the analysis of the present situation of management on surveying and mapping instruments , this paper discusses and analyses the equipment 's management in laboratory from the angle of the system and mode of management , and puts forward a dynamic and open management mode .

  28. 虽然这些新方法和新技术在提高事故现场勘测的效率和自动化程度方面起到了积极作用,但由于测绘仪器价格过高,不便携带,测量人员需掌握专门的技术知识,因此难以得到普及。

    Although these new methods and new technology have played a positive role in improving the efficiency and automation of the accident scene investigation , however , due to high price of equipments , inconvenience to carry and technical expertise needed , they are difficult to be widely applied .

  29. 实验室测绘教学仪器的管理

    Management of Surveying and Mapping Instruments for Teaching in Laboratory

  30. 当代测绘新仪器、新技术在测绘工程中的应用

    On Application of New Instruments and Technologies in Surveying Engineering