
guò shān chē
  • Roller Coaster
过山车[guò shān chē]
  1. 玩完过山车之后我觉得头很晕。

    I felt quite dizzy after riding the roller coaster .

  2. 在ADAMS软件中建立过山车的虚拟样机模型。

    A virtual prototype of roller coaster was constructed using ADAMS software .

  3. 乘坐创极速光轮(TronLightcyclePowerRun)过山车需要等候90分钟。

    riding the Tron Lightcycle Power Run roller coaster , 90 minutes .

  4. 对于很多CEO而言,过去几年如同坐上了过山车般的经济刚刚平稳下来。

    For many CEOs , the economic roller coaster of the past few years has reached a lull .

  5. 俄亥俄州CedarPoint游乐园的站立过山车,游客全程都是站着体验的哦。

    Stand-up roller coaster at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Ohio designed to have the passengers stand through the course of the ride .

  6. 一个“过山车”是一个可怕的UPS和金融市场的波动,这些天的描述。

    A " rollercoaster ride " is one description for these days of scary ups and downs in financial markets .

  7. TerryHoffman是被雇来做过山车的控制工作的。

    Terry Hoffman was hired to do the controls work for this coaster .

  8. 5、嫁给过山车AmyWolfe今年32岁,住在美国纽约州。

    Amy Wolfe is a confident 32-year-old American who lives in New York State .

  9. 尽管亚洲多数信贷市场在2012年蓬勃发展,但离岸人民币债券被称为“点心债券”(dimsum)的表现却好似坐过山车。

    While most Asian credit markets boomed in 2012 , offshore renminbi bonds known as " dim sum " bonds endured a rollercoaster ride .

  10. 在北卡罗来纳州东部的杜普林大学先修高中(DuplinEarlyCollegeHighSchool),学生们上了一门应用数学课程,通过用电线、管道和遮蔽胶带做一个过山车,研习速率和绘图。

    The students at Duplin Early College High School in eastern North Carolina take an applied math class in which they learn about velocity and graphing by building roller coasters out of wire , piping and masking tape .

  11. 难以计数的挑战使AOL犹如一直处在高速过山车中那般令人胆战心惊。

    Innumerable challenges had given AOL a heart-rending rollercoaster ride all along the way .

  12. 在股票分析与投资公司citronresearch指责其财务欺诈之后,东南融通的股价在4月27日开始了“过山车”之旅。

    Its shares started a rollercoaster ride on April 27 after citron research , a company which analyses and invests in shares , accused the company of accounting fraud .

  13. 娱乐设施:rides鬼屋:HorrorHouse过山车:RollerCoaster儿童节在世界不同的地方日期也不一样,美国的儿童节是哪一天呢?

    M : Children 's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world . What day is Children 's day in America ?

  14. Squeaky先生在过山车里吗?

    Is Mr Squeaky in the roller coaster ?

  15. 随着《过山车大亨》(RollerCoasterTycoon)等电脑游戏移植到了智能手机上,这一款次世代的过山车游戏可以让玩家有着时尚的互动体验。

    With classic PC games like Roller Coaster Tycoon now playable on smartphones , this next generation of thrill-ride creator is a welcome interactive experience .

  16. X2是我和弟弟玩的第一个过山车。它是一个5D,喷火的过山车。

    The first roller coaster my brother and I went on was the5th dimensional fire shooting thrill , the X2 .

  17. 过山车的虚拟建模和动态仿真2.几种数字建模方法用GIS软件的3D模块方便地对大范围的地形房物场景虚拟建模;

    The main content is as following : 2 . Some digital modeling methods . Using 3D module of GIS soft-ware to have a virtual model on the terrain ^ houses and scenes in a large domain conveniently ;

  18. Soley认为云计算的炒作模糊了它的真实价值,就像过去十年中SOA所经历的过山车经历。

    Soley believes that the hype around cloud computing is obscuring its true value just like the roller coaster ride SOA experienced in the last decade .

  19. Infatuation就像坐过山车,刺激、心慌、又有些兴奋;而love不像infatuation这样漂浮,它没那么令人振奋、没那么扣人心弦,但却更加现实。

    Infatuation is like a roller coaster ride – crazy , scary and somewhat fun , while love is something more down to earth , less exhilarating , less dramatic but more real .

  20. 前两个交易日过山车般的走势,表明了这个市场的投机色彩是多么浓厚,摩根士丹利首席中国股市策略师娄刚(JerryLou)说。

    The rollercoaster ride in the first two days of trading tells you just how speculative the market is , said Jerry Lou , chief China equity strategist at Morgan Stanley .

  21. 六旗(世界上最大的主题公园连锁品牌)正在美国德州的圣路易斯六旗乐园打造据称是世界上首个4D自由飞翔过山车。

    Six Flags is building what it says is the world 's first first ' four-dimensional free fly ' roller coaster at its park in San Antonio , Texas .

  22. 世界上最高最快的过山车京达卡(KingdaKa)于上月在美国新泽西开放。

    The tallest and fastest on earth , Kingda Ka , opened in New Jersey , US , last month .

  23. 该公园将会有“世界上最快的过山车”,其时速高达125英里(200公里),并且会升至200英尺(62米)高的顶端(受法拉利GT跑车启发而造)后回落。

    There will be the " world 's fastest roller coaster ", which reaches speeds of125mph ( 200kmh ) while rising over200ft ( 62m ) through the Ferrari GT inspired roof and back down again .

  24. 除摩天轮外,乐园内还有多种游乐设施供游客选择,如4D影院,蝶翼悬挂式飞行过山车等。

    In addition , there are many other amusement facilities around the park , such as the28-seater4D cinema , a roller coaster with a track in the shape of butterfly , and more .

  25. 位于阿布扎比法拉利世界的FormulaRossa可不是一般的过山车,事实上,它是世界上最快的过山车,其最大速度可达240千米/小时。

    The Formula Rossa at Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi is not your average rollercoaster . It is , in fact , the fastest rollercoaster in the world , reaching a top speed of 240 km / hour .

  26. 这个主题公园将开放特别设计的过山车,让游客能够身临其境地体验女主人公凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩(KatnissEverdeen)的故事。

    It will feature specially designed roller coasters to give visitors an immersive experience of the story about heroine Katniss Everdeen .

  27. 你买好了票,登上过山车。

    You 've bought your ticket and boarded the roller coaster .

  28. 人们以及兴奋的心情&就像坐过山车一样。

    The people and the exhilaration-it 's like riding a rollercoaster .

  29. 她想让我去坐那个过山车

    She 's trying to get me on that roller coaster .

  30. 至少可以说是像坐过山车。

    It 's a roller coaster ride to say the least .