
cè dì wèi xīng
  • geodesic satellite
测地卫星[cè dì wèi xīng]
  1. 日本现正有三颗对地观察卫星在工作,即静止气象卫星(GMS)、试验测地卫星(EGS)及海洋观察卫星(MOS-1)。

    Japan is now operating 3 different satellites to observe the Earth , i.e. GMS ( Geostationary Meteorological Satellite ), EGS ( Experimental Geodetic Satellite ) and MOS-1 ( Marine Observation Satellite-1 ) .

  2. 对日本测地卫星的观测和分析

    Observation and analysis of the Japanese geodetic satellite

  3. 天文台在接收测地卫星回波信号时经常有漏测的现象,即地面发射激光后,接收设备接收不到卫星反射的回波信号。我国局部网对近地测地卫星定轨精度的估计

    It often happens that the satellite echoes could not be received at our astronomical observatory . AN ESTIMATION OF POSSIBLE ACCURACIES IN DETERMINING LOW-ALTITUDE SATELLITE BY CHINESE NETWORK

  4. 本文利用模拟观测资料,估计了中国卫星跟踪网对近地测地卫星定轨和测定一些跟踪站地心坐标所能达到的精度。

    Using the simulated observational data , We have estimated the possible accuracies in determining low-altitude geodetic satellite 's orbit and the geocentric coordinates of some tracking stations by Chinese network .

  5. 本文在简要介绍全球定位系统(GPS)及GPS接收机之后,详细地介绍了测地型GPS卫星接收机的检测内容和检测方法,并从大量的检测结果中分析得到一些有意义的结论。

    In this paper the Global position system ( GPS ) and GPS receiver are introduced and the test for geodetic GPS receiver is described in detail . Some useful conclusion is made from amount results of GPS receiver test .