
  • 网络blurred vision
  1. 视物模糊随着病程延长发病人数增多,有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The increased number of blurred vision along with the extension of the duration of disease , there is statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 她饱受头晕目眩视物模糊之苦。

    She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision .

  3. 中毒的临床表现以发病急(中位数潜伏期为0.5h)、头晕、恶心、呕吐、视物模糊、呼吸困难、紫绀、昏迷等神经系统毒性作用为特点;

    Clinical manifestations were nervous system toxicity characterized by acuteness , dizziness , nausea , vomiting , sand-blind , dyspnea , cyanopathy , coma , etc.

  4. 结论脑膜癌病患者以头痛、头晕为主要临床表现,并可伴有发热及视物模糊。

    Conclusions The headache and dizziness are the main symptom .

  5. 患了视物模糊症,阅读就更加困难了。

    Clouded vision can make it more difficult to read .

  6. 相关症状为痒感,分泌物多,视物模糊及镜片耐受性下降4方面。

    The significant symptoms included itching , excess mucus , diminished lens tolerance and blurred vision .

  7. 结果:18例主要临床表现有剧烈头痛、心慌、多汗和视物模糊等,症状凶险,血压波动大,常有恶性高血压发作。

    Results : The main symptom included severe headache , loss of vision , excessive perspiration , and impetuous hypertension .

  8. 结果63例病人接受护理干预4周后,头晕、视物模糊等症状得到改善(P<0.01)。

    Results In 63 patients receiving special nursing intervention , the symptoms of dizziness and ocular blurring were ameliorated ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 最常见的眼部症状为视物模糊和视力下降(61只眼),占以眼部异常为主诉者的85.9%。

    The most common chief complains were the blurred and decreased vision ( in 61 eyes , occupying 85.9 % of all the chief complains ) .

  10. 在批准眼科矫正激光手术仪器十年后,食品药品监督管理局更进一步的关注病人所受到的伤害,包括视物模糊以及眼睛干涩。

    A decade after it first approved devices for laser eye-correcting surgery , the Food and Drug Administration is taking a closer look at grievances from patients , including blurred vision and dry eyes .

  11. 患者症状、舌脉象的频数及发生率前十位分别为:舌暗、口干、疲倦乏力、多饮、苔腻、脉弦、舌淡、视物模糊、舌红、脉细。

    The top ten symptoms of diabetes were : dark tongue , dry mouth , fatigue , polydipsia , greasy fur , wiry pulse , pale tongue , blurred vision , red tongue , thready pulse .

  12. 但治疗组口干、便秘、视物模糊、心动过速、嗜睡等不良反应明显比对照组少(P<0.01)。

    However , the incidence of adverse reactions including xerostomia , constipation , blurred vision , tachycardia and somnolence was significantly lower in the treatment group than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  13. 喹硫平组的不良反应中活动减少、视物模糊、便秘、流涎、头晕、体重增加的发生率显著少于氯氮平组(P<0.01或P<0.05)。

    The adverse reactions of quetiapine group ; such as hypoactivity , blurred vision , constipation , sialorrhea , dizziness and increase of body weight were less than those of clozapine group ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 科学家们发现,看屏幕的时间过长会造成视疲劳和视物模糊。

    Scientists have found that too much screen time can cause eye fatigue and blurred vision .

  15. 年龄相关的黄斑退行性改变可能存在的体征包括:中心视觉丧失(在视野中央看到一个黑斑)、视物变形或视力模糊以及看到波浪状的垂直线。

    Possible signs of AMD include a loss of central ision , seeing a dark spot in the center of the field of ision , distorted or blurred ision , and way vertical lines .

  16. 结果:1.VDT性视疲劳的主要临床症状表现为眼干涩感,视物模糊,眼酸胀等。

    The main symptoms of VDT asthenopia are eye dryness , blurred vision , eye soreness and so on . 2 .