
  • 网络Legal Advertising
  1. 运用法律对广告活动进行监督管理十分必要。

    The application of law to supervision of advertising activities is necessary .

  2. 根据法律,广告必须是完全真实和健康的。

    According to the laws , advertisements must be completely truthful and healthy .

  3. 浅论法律对广告活动的监管

    On Supervision of Law to Advertising Activities

  4. 生产服务业是服务业的一种,它不同于一般的消费性服务业,旨在服务于其他产业,为其他产业提供诸如融资、法律、广告和会计等服务。

    Producer services different from ordinary consumer services are a kind of service industries , which provide services , such as financing , legal , advertising and accounting for other industries .

  5. 在现代经济社会中,广告作为市场经济最重要组成部分,像空气一样无处不在,我们需要运用法律对广告进行规制。

    In the modern economic society , advertisement , being the most important part of the market economy , likes air everywhere . We need to use the law to regulate advertisement .

  6. 本文从国家行政权力机关、行业自律、消费者监督管理等方面论述了法律对广告活动的监督管理,并概述了广告活动中的法律责任。

    This paper demonstrated the supervision of law to advertising activities from several aspects , such as national authorities , self-discipline of industries and consumer supervision , and presented responsibilities of law in advertising activities .

  7. 如果你在法律、广告或媒体行业工作,每年的这个时候,就会有朋友、熟人和你几乎不认识的人来问你是否能为他们的孩子找份工作。

    If you work in the law , advertising or the media , this is the time of year when friends , contacts and people you barely know ask if you can give one of their children a job .

  8. 强化法律意识拓宽广告渠道

    Improvement of advertising business with enhancement of law consciousness

  9. 本公司有权对不符合有关法律法规的广告予以修改直至撤换。

    This company has the right to modify or even cancel those advertisements that fail to accord with relevant laws , rules and regulations .

  10. 我国法律对悬赏广告没有明确规定,但实践中此类纠纷时有发生。

    Though there isn 't definite stipulation about reward advertisement in law , in our judicial practice , this kind of dissensions happens at times in daily life .

  11. 由于我国法律对悬赏广告缺乏明确规定,因此司法实践对悬赏广告纠纷案件的处理也做法不一。

    Because the law in China is short of clear stipulation about the advertisment of offering a reward , judical practice handles the dispute case about it in different ways .

  12. 我国现行法律在虚假广告代言人责任制度上存在缺失,造成明星代言广告的失范,并带来一系列的弊端。

    At present , the law of the false advertisement spokesman responsibility system has some flaws , causing some misbehavior of the stars as well as a serious of drawbacks .

  13. 我国相关法律明确规定广告主、广告经营者、公告发布者、商品推荐者作为虚假广告行为主体应承担虚假广告民事责任。

    Law of our country make sure that advertisers , advertising agents , announcement , commodity is recommended as the false advertisement behavior main body should assume civil liability for false advertisement .

  14. 雅虎(Yahoo)可能威胁Facebook要针对10多项专利对其发起法律诉讼,涉及广告、社交网络、以及即时通讯等领域。

    Yahoo ( yhoo ) may threaten Facebook with legal action over more than 10 patents covering areas like advertising , social networking and messaging .

  15. 广告违法行为的法律原因,在于广告立法的滞后带来的广告执法机制的失灵。

    The causes lie in the malfunction of law-enforcement mechanism led to by the lagging legislation .

  16. 商业言论的法律保护&兼论广告表达权

    On the Juristic Protection of the Commercial Speech & about the saying right of the advertisement

  17. 广告的约束机制主要分为国家法律约束机制和广告行业自律机制。

    Advertising is the main binding mechanism legally binding mechanism for the state and advertising industry self-regulation mechanism .

  18. 广告代言行为的法律性质决定了广告代言应与其他的广告活动一样受到法律的规制。

    Endorsement Legal nature of the endorsement campaign should be the same with the other regulations under the law .

  19. 实际上许多服务项目,如电脑、工程设计、法律、会计和广告等业务,都是用于商品生产的。

    In fact , many services such as computer , engineering , legal , accounting and advertising services are used in the production of goods .

  20. 在法律、会计和广告等领域的专业服务公司,掌控最大份额收入的合伙人通常影响力最强。

    At professional services firms in fields like law , accounting , and advertising , the partners who control the biggest share of revenues wield the most influence .

  21. 这些法律漏洞表现在广告法调整范围狭窄、广告法律制度不完善、广告法律制度滞后。

    Firstly , legal systems of advertisement contain legal loopholes manifested mainly by the narrow regulative scale of advertisement law , defect of subject right in advertisement legislation , defect of advertising law-enforcement procedures .

  22. 商标具有下述六大功能:识别产品、刺激消费、提供产品信息、作为名誉象征、便于法律保护、进行广告宣传。

    Also , discussed in this chapter are the functions of trademark , including such aspects as identifying products , promoting consumption , providing information of products , symbolizing reputation , providing law protection , and facilitating publicity .

  23. 由于其代言的广告本身是超越了法律底线的虚假广告,因此引发的虚假广告代言人与消费者对峙公堂的事件屡见不鲜,造成了极为恶劣的社会影响。

    Because of its endorsement of the ad itself is already beyond the legal bottom line of false advertising , therefore cause of false advertising and consumer advocate confrontation court events it is often seen . , resulting in an extremely bad social impact .

  24. 同时我还问她,我可不可以找个私立学校改学“法律助理”,因为我看到有招法律助理的广告。

    I also asked her whether I could look for a private school to study Legal Assistant course , as I read posted jobs in that area .

  25. 然而通过对我国立法的梳理和国外法律的考察,不难发现我国法律在虚假广告代言人民事责任方面规定的不足。

    However , after studying relevant laws in China and foreign countries , it is not difficult to find that there is lack of regulations of civil liability for false advertising spokesperson .