
  • 网络Rich Media;Rich Media Ads;rich-media advertisement
  1. 现状与展望:富媒体广告渐成新宠&访互动通首席执行官郑斌先生

    Actuality and Prospect : Rich Media Ads are Becoming New Favorites

  2. 富媒体广告,营销新动力

    Rich Media Ads are the New Power of Marketing

  3. 从互联网的发展看富媒体广告

    Know Rich Media Ads from Development of Internet

  4. 富媒体广告秀

    Rich Media AD Show

  5. 好友登陆个人主页,即刻被极富冲击力的富媒体广告效果激醒。

    Once your friend logs into their homepage , a forceful , shocking rich-media popup advertisement will snap him or her out of it .

  6. 帕美瑞强调,对于智能手机和平板电脑上的富媒体广告&也就是按照客户要求做得更加细化、精美的多媒体广告,价格与在网页上的类似广告相差无几。

    In any case , Palmieri emphasized that rich media ads – those that are more customized and flashy & command similar prices to their equivalents on the web .

  7. 交互式网幅广告、富媒体广告、产品广告网站和搜索引擎广告凭借其强大的技术支持和友好的交互内容成为交互式网络广告的几种典型传播形式。

    Interactive banners , rich media ads , ads sites and search engine ads are the main typical forms in interactive online advertising with its strong technical support and friendly interactive content .

  8. 在对在线视频、横幅广告、富媒体和赞助广告进行比较后,eMarketer发现,显示广告的增长速度比搜索广告还要快。

    Counting online video , banner ads , rich media , and sponsorships among the mix , eMarketer sees display growing at a faster pace than search advertising .

  9. 微软的新方法能够传递出每一则广告,不管是显示广告、富媒体或搜索广告等,是如何影响消费者的最终购买决定的,这些广告通常都出现在多个站点和多个频道中。

    Our Engagement Mapping approach conveys how each ad exposure whether display , rich media or search , seen multiple times on multiple sites and across many channels influenced an eventual purchase .

  10. Greystripe宣布他们将与Adobe合作来为Android、iPhone和其他的移动Web平台提供富媒体、交互式的广告解决方案。

    Greystripe has announced that they are collaborating with Adobe to provide rich media , interactive ad solutions across Android , iPhone , iPad and other mobile web platforms .