
  • 网络role taking;role?taking;roletaking;Role Assumption
  1. 在道德认知方面,儿童与同伴群体的相互作用能促进其观点采择(角色承担)能力的发展,这为儿童道德认知的发展提供了直接的条件。

    In the aspect of moral cognition , the interaction between a child and his peer group enhances the ability of perspective taking ( role taking ) which is the direct condition for the development of moral cognition .

  2. 然而,有些现有角色承担与Web服务有关的附加职责;我们将这些角色归类在扩展角色之下。

    However , some of the existing roles receive additional Web services-related responsibilities ; we categorize those under extended roles .

  3. 论我国就业问题中企业与政府的角色承担

    On the role undertaking of enterprise and government in employment problem

  4. 戒毒社会工作者的角色承担及面临的困境

    The Role and the Plight of Social Worker in the Drug Treatment

  5. 论角色承担理论在思想教育中的意义

    The Significance of Role Commitment Theory in the Process of Ideological and Political Education

  6. 角色承担是由米德提出而被科尔伯格运用到道德教育领域中的。

    Role commitment is put forward as a new theory by Mead and is applied in the moral education domain by Kohlberg .

  7. 一般情境和角色承担两种投射情境、有无诱因两种背景都会影响他们在诚信价值观有关指征上的表现。

    All of them show different indicators in the value of credibility arising from general situations and role-playing , and from backgrounds of inducements .

  8. 在个体道德从他律阶段向自律阶段转化的过程中,起关健作用的是角色承担机制。其中角色承担又包括观点采择和移情两个方面。

    In the transformation of individual morality from heteronomy to autonomy , the crux mechanism is role - taking , including perspective - taking and empathy .

  9. 在思想政治教育中,角色承担有助于克服人们的自我中心主义,有助于加强人们之间的互相理解,有助于培养人们的责任意识。

    The significance of role commitment for the ideological and political education is : to help overcome the self-centered , and help enhance the mutual understanding between the people and cultivate a sense of responsibility .

  10. 分析表明:老年妇女的社会支持需求广泛,经济供养渠道多样,需要照顾项目分布多样,生活照料者由不同社会角色承担,精神慰藉与亲情需求强烈。

    In the end we draw conclusions : the need of social support of elder women are extensive , channels of economic support are various , life care are taken by different social role , the need of spiritual comfort is huge .

  11. 在新的世纪,社会对本科学历小学教师有着新的期待,这一角色承担着新的任务,需要具备新的素质,也必然会经历一个特殊的学习历程。

    With the high expectation from the school which stands for the society , the primary school teacher with college academic credentials should undertake new tasks and need new qualities in the new century . So the role learning will be special .

  12. Thant不只做义工,后来更成为地区的全职项目统筹,在社区重建过程中担当领导角色和承担不少责任。

    Thant has moved on from being a volunteer to becoming a full-time coordinator of projects in his area , and this is enabling him to take leadership and responsibility to rebuild communities .

  13. 很多终端用户具有不同的角色以承担不同级别的责任。

    Many end-users have several different roles for handling different levels of responsibility .

  14. 数学则扮演着罗塞塔石碑的角色,承担着对物理原理的编码和解码工作。

    Math itself serves the critical role of Rosetta Stone , decoding and encoding the physical principles of the world .

  15. 他们所获得的称呼反映出他们所扮演的种种社会角色与承担的社会使命,也折射着他们与大学以及社会发展的不同关系。

    The forms of address that they have gained reflect their social roles and missions , and reflect the relationships between university and society .

  16. 成功的民营化改革与失败的民营化改革从正反两方面强调了政府在民营化中必须扮演适当的角色并承担与这些角色相应的责任。

    The successful and unsuccessful privatization reforms emphasize that the government during privatization should act suitable roles and undertake the responsibilities corresponding with these roles .

  17. 即使只是扮演,男孩女孩们会逐渐步入成年人的世界,担任不同的角色,承担不同的责任。

    This is true because boys and girls are being prepared , even in play , to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world .

  18. 然而,尽管股东的确因偿付承保人的角色而承担了风险,但他们并非是承担风险的唯一利益相关者。

    Yet , while shareholders do indeed bear risks in their role as the insurers of solvency , they are not the only stakeholders to do so .

  19. 当今时代,社会对大学的期望值越来越高,大学扮演着越来越重要的角色,承担着重大的历史使命。

    In the contemporary era , the society has increasingly high expectations of the university . The university plays an increasingly important role in bearing significant cultural missions .

  20. 根据不同主体在金融市场中扮演不同经济角色、承担不同风险的事实,提出了基于不同经济角色的风险划分&权益风险与债权风险。

    Based on the fact of that different actors in financial markets are acting differently and have different roles , Financial Risk can be classified into Equity Risk and Risk of Creditors Rights .

  21. 由于教师扮演着职业和家庭双重角色,承担着职业与家庭的双重责任,并随着教学竞争压力的增大,教师所面临的来自工作和家庭两方面的需求必然会发生冲突。

    With the increase of teaching competitive stress at present , the teacher plays a profession and family dual role and undertakes family and career of dual responsibility , facing from two aspects of work and family needs conflict will happens .

  22. 此外,目前参与艺术品证券化的交易所作为承销商和发行方,应该扮演起证券化过程中投资银行的角色,承担起所应该承担的义务和责任,特别是要为最终证券购买者进行风险隔离。

    Besides , the art stocks , as the underwriter and the seller , should play a role as investment bank in the process of art securitization and take the relating duties and responsibilities , particularly help the security buyers avoid the risks .

  23. 接受角色意味着承担提供相应的Web服务的责任―也就是说,提供角色的端口类型的实现。

    Accepting a role comes with the obligation to provide the corresponding web services & that is , to provide an implementation of the port types of the role .

  24. 一个好的过程需要定义各个角色的工作承担责任,产品的建立,不同角色之间的协同工作等等。

    A good process defines the roles involved , the activities undertaken , the work products created , and the handoff points between the different roles .

  25. 女性从物质到心灵都是男人的附属,在家庭和社会扮演着装饰品角色,并承担着传宗接代的任务。

    Women are adjuncts of men physically and mentally . They act as " decorations " in family and society and take responsibility for continuing the family blood .

  26. 在同声传译中,译员同时扮演着发言人和听众的双重角色,并承担着多项任务。

    In the simultaneous interpretation , the interpreter plays a dual role as the speaker and the audience and has to manage various tasks at the same time .

  27. 博物馆在21世纪以经济为主导的全球化时代中扮演着十分重要的角色,需要承担起教育、休闲、娱乐甚至大众的精神依归等社会职能。

    Museums in the 21st century era of economic globalization dominated play an important role , it need to take education , leisure , entertainment and even the mass of spiritual and other social functions .

  28. 他说:但在现实中让父亲放下传统上担当的部分角色,而承担起母亲们一贯肩负的部分职责还是有一定的困难。

    " But there is also an inability to let go of some of the more traditional roles that fathers have played and pick up some of the responsibilities that mothers have traditionally taken greater ownership for ," he said .

  29. 文章致力于弄清性别在高中校长的角色冲突、角色承担和工作满意度三个方面的影响。

    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of gender on role conflict , role commitment , and job satisfaction of the high school principals .

  30. 党员有着较低的学习倦怠得分,学习积极性较高,但是在党员自身角色上不愿意承担学习和生活上的模范带头作用。

    Even though Party members have lower learning burnout scores , they are not willing to fulfill the obligation to play an exemplary role in daily life and study .