
  • 网络Roles;character sets;role set
  1. 决定当前的SOAP节点正在扮演的角色集(下面有更多的关于这方面的内容的介绍)。

    Determine the set of roles in which the current SOAP node is acting ( more on this below ) .

  2. 处理这个处理程序理解的以及当前的SOAP节点正在扮演的角色集的消息头。

    Process headers that this handler understands and that are bound to the set of roles in which the current SOAP node is acting .

  3. 最终,RUP插件可以提供覆盖许多用户的可适应的角色集,包括有各种各样残疾的人。

    Eventually , RUP plug-ins might offer sets of adaptable personas covering a great range of users , including those with a variety of disabilities .

  4. 基于角色集的访问控制(RSBAC)是以通用访问控制结构(GFAC)为基础,对Linux内核进行安全扩展的开源访问控制方法。

    Rule set based access control ( RSBAC ) based on the generalized framework for access control ( GFAC ), is an open source security extension for Linux kernels .

  5. 因此之故,可以说代表是一个多重代理的角色集。

    Thus the congressman can be said a role of multiple delegated aggregate .

  6. 运动员作为社会成员中的一员同样也有角色集。他们不但是驰骋在赛场上、训练场上的体育健儿、面向大众还是公众人物,而且还是课堂中的学生。

    As one member of the society , athletes have the role cluster , too .

  7. 您的需求基于角色集仍旧稳定,并且仍旧推动评估点对新平台的选择。

    Your requirements based on the set of personas would remain stable , and would still drive the selection of evaluation points for the new platform .

  8. 根据这些专家审查,随着迭代的进展,为设计人员修改角色集或澄清特征也许是必要的。

    Based on these expert reviews , it may be necessary to modify the set of personas or clarify their characteristics for designers as the iterations progress .

  9. 这种变更可以破坏应用程序对一些用户的易访问性,根据项目的角色集分析每个变更。

    Such changes can destroy an application 's accessibility for some users ; every change should be analyzed with regard to the project 's set of personas .

  10. 如果您的角色集隐含地包含了对与屏幕阅读器互通性的需求,您可以在变更、之前通过检查需求来预料该问题。

    If your persona set implicitly contains a requirement for interoperability with screen readers , you could anticipate this problem by doing a check against requirements before making the change .

  11. 针对组合服务中的跨域操作进行端对端的域间自主授权协商,并根据挖据出的角色集建立最小成本的跨域角色映射以满足跨域访问授权需求。

    Authorization negotiations were set up among relevant domains for each cross domain operation in composite services and cross domain role mappings were built according the mined role sets with minimized cost to fulfill the cross domain operations .

  12. 毕马威(kpmg)将在周一首度发布的一项调查报告显示,信托公司在中国扮演着一个独特角色,集私人银行业务、资产管理和私人股本业务于一体。

    Trusts play a unique role in China , bringing together private banking , asset management and private equity operations , according to an inaugural survey of the sector by KPMG , which was released on Monday .

  13. 迭代开发需要不同的技能集,以及角色定义集。

    Iterative development requires a different skill set and set of role definitions .

  14. 但是,只能使用有限的边缘传输服务器角色功能集。

    However , a limited set of the Edge Transport server role features will be available .

  15. 同时提供一个算法来求每个角色的权限集。

    The paper also give an algorithm to solve privilege set for every role .

  16. 针对一般网站后台管理系统的权限管理功能的需要,实现了一个基于角色和权限集的权限管理子系统,使用了文本文件保存后台用户和权限设置数据。

    Given the demand of the permissions management requirements in the website backstage management system , this paper implements a permissions management system based on roles and permission sets , which uses text files to save data of backstage users and permission settings .

  17. 这种方法对于云测试很有用,因为它解决了测试从多个访问角色或不同数据集(正、负、边界值,等等)访问API的需求。

    This approach is useful for cloud testing because it addresses the need to test access to an API from multiple access roles or different sets of data ( positive , negative , boundary values , and so on ) .

  18. 更改此处的用户将影响所有使用此角色的多维数据集。

    Changing users here will affect all cubes that use this role .

  19. 作者在教学实践中应用了社会学群体动力理论,提出了教学过程中的两种转换:一是教师身份的转换,即授课者由教师角色转换成班集的群体领袖;

    The author applies the theory of group dynamics sociology and put forward two changes : one is the change of teachers ' arole ;

  20. 皇帝角色是武帝角色集的中心,其特点对武帝的人格和思维都产生了极大的影响。

    The role of emperor was the core of Emperor Wu Di 's role collection , and its characteristics had the enormous influence to his personality and thought .

  21. 把关人已由传统的单向传播与控制信息向多元角色转换,成为集传播与接受、调整与变革为一体的新型网络信息调控者。

    The censors ' role has changed from the traditional one-way circulator and information controller into the new information manager , whose role covers circulation and receival , adjustment and reform .

  22. 一般来说,社会中每个人都扮演着多种角色,这种现象称为角色集。

    Normally , each individual plays more than one role in the society , which is called a role set .

  23. 其他有关这个新角色的细节(角色性格、出现集数和登场时间)都还没有披露。

    Yet all other details surrounding her role ( character , episode count , first airdate ) thus far are being kept under wraps .

  24. 访问控制方面采用了基于RBAC的访问控制模型,使用角色继承来解决不同类型的企业之间角色集冲突的问题,并提供了一个图形化的角色管理工具来简化管理员的工作;

    In terms of access control , a model based on RBAC is employed , role inheritance could solve the problem of the conflicts among the roles of companies with different types , and a graphic tool for role management could simplify the work of administrators .

  25. 用户要访问实时数据,首先需要具有实时库相关的角色,并且所访问数据的标识必须存在于角色的许可集属性中,这两者缺一不可。

    Users to access real-time data , first with real-time database-related roles , and the identity of the access to data must exist in the permission set of role attributes , both of which are indispensable .

  26. 将同一角色多次访问系统的记录取并集即找出此角色的最大许可集。

    The same role in the system records visits will be checked and set the maximum permissible set as this role . 3 .