
  • 网络Constructive conflict
  1. 我们能从中学到哪些以在巴基斯坦、以色列等开展建设性冲突

    what lessons we could glean for waging constructive conflict , in Palestine , Israel and elsewhere .

  2. 本文从冲突管理的视角出发,将企业劳动关系中的冲突分为破坏性冲突和建设性冲突。

    From the perspective of conflict management , this paper divides the conflicts in labor relations into destructive conflict and constructive conflict .

  3. 其强度、广度和深度都超出了一般建设性冲突。

    Its intensity , scale and influence are all over these of ordinary constructive conflicts .

  4. 如今的冲突已不仅仅是传统意义上的破坏性冲突,建设性冲突的掌握和利用需要管理者不断地学习。

    Now the conflict has not only the destructive conflict in the traditional sense , managers need learn and master knowledge about constructive conflict .

  5. 管理者应努力将潜在的破坏性冲突转化为现实的建设性冲突,使其成为改进学生评教工作的内在动力。

    Administrators , therefore , should attempt to convert its destructive effect into constructive one , so as to drive for improvement in college students ' evaluation for teachers .

  6. 变革冲突是企业为适应市场环境变化而在思想观念、组织结构、管理方式等方面进行的应变活动,直接影响企业绩效,是最典型的建设性冲突,在管理中具有特别的价值。

    The change conflict , a typical constructive one , happens in ideological concept , organization structure , management mode , etc , since enterprises will adapt themselves to die evolution of environment .

  7. 在团队运作过程中鼓励建设性的冲突,尽量避免人际关系间的破坏性冲突。

    In team operation process encourages constructive conflict , and avoids interpersonal relationship destructive conflict .

  8. 从群体互动的观点,合作性目标促进建设性的冲突处理,竞争性目标阻碍了建设性冲突处理;

    Furthermore , cooperative goal promotes the solution of conflict while competitive goal impedes the constructive solution of conflict and finally affects group performance .

  9. 实证研究的结果表明信任度、对合作关系的承诺、依赖性、建设性的冲突解决技巧与产品相关性等是影响无障碍旅游区构建的关键因素。

    The main factors include interorganizational trust , commitment towards the relationship , interorganizational dependence , constructive conflict resolution techniques , and products correlations .

  10. 其他一些研究也曾发现,建设性婚内冲突与儿童问题解决与应对能力、甚至幸福感的健康发展之间存在关联。

    Other studies have linked constructive marital conflict with the healthy development of children 's problem-solving and coping skills and even happiness .

  11. 所以了解文化价值观如何影响冲突解决风格会有助于我们更好的理解不同文化的成员怎样才能进行有效的交流和建设性的解决冲突。

    Therefore , the knowledge of how cultural values affect conflict resolution styles will help us better understand how culturally different members can communicate effectively and resolve conf.