
  • 网络construction insurance;Insurance of construction project;Contractor All Risk Insurance
  1. 对建筑工程保险制度强制实行的探讨

    Implementation of Compulsory Construction Insurance System

  2. 建筑工程保险是建筑工程项目风险管理的有效手段之一,以交纳工程保险费为代价将工程风险转移给专业的风险承担者&保险公司。

    Construction insurance is one of the effective means of construction risk management . It is a method to deal with risks , which shifts most of construction risks to a professional risk bearer & insurance company , at the cost of premium .

  3. 浅议我国的建筑工程保险

    Brief Analysis of Architectural Engineering Insurance in Our Country

  4. 对建筑工程保险制度及应用机制从技术层面进行了系统研究。

    The insurance system for construction project and its implementation mechanism are technically discussed .

  5. 研究建筑工程保险机制,具有开创性的现实意义。

    It is of pioneer significance to study the operation of the insurance system for construction project .

  6. 对国内外建筑工程保险制度和工程保险的应用现状进行了比较全面、深入的分析。

    A detailed analysis is performed on the insurance systems in China and abroad for construction project and how they have been carried out .

  7. 企业财产损失保险;家庭财产损失保险;建筑工程保险;安装保险;货运保险;机动车辆保险;船舶保险;能源保险。

    Business property insurance ; family property insurance ; building insurance ; installation insurance ; cargo insurance ; motor vehicle insurance ; shipping insurance ; energy insurance .

  8. 实施建筑工程保险是转移风险的一个重要措施。但是我国建筑工程保险的理论研究十分滞后,保险实践困难重重。研究建筑工程保险机制,具有开创性的现实意义。

    The implementation of the insurance system for construction project is an import measure on the insurance for the construction project , however , lags behind the times and the project of insurance services has encountered various difficulties .

  9. 关于加快在全国范围内强制实施建筑工程质量保险制度的建议

    Suggestion about quicken implement of compulsive inherent defect insurance system in China

  10. 在此基础上,本文针对建筑工程质量保险,构建了广义线性模型在建筑工程质量保险费率厘定中的应用框架体系。

    On this basis , this paper establishes models of construction quality insurance ratemaking .

  11. 我国建筑工程质量保险研究

    Research on Building Quality Insurance in China

  12. 首先本文研究了法国和西班牙建筑工程质量保险的法律基础、保险要点和实施情况等方面,并且对两者进行了比较。

    Firstly , this paper studies and compares the regulations , the highlight of the insurance and the implementations in France and Spain .

  13. 在借鉴国外建筑工程质量保险成熟经验的基础上,根据我国目前建筑工程质量管理的现状,提出在中国运行建筑工程质量保险的模式。

    With references to the successful implementations of Building Quality Insurance in such countries , this paper puts forward the model of implementing Building Quality Insurance in China in respect of the present condition of building quality management in our country .

  14. 本文采取比较研究与理论研究相结合的模式,定性分析与定量分析相配合的方法来探讨中国的建筑工程质量保险,可以对建筑工程保险在我国的推行提供参考。

    This paper examines Building Quality Insurance in China by doing comparative and theoretical studies , qualitative and quantitative analysis at the same time , and it is thus helpful in providing references for the implementation of Building Quality Insurance in China .

  15. 建筑业中工程保险应用研究

    Application research of construction insurance in construction industry

  16. 香港建筑市场土木工程保险的分析与研究

    Analysis and Study of Insurance for Civil Engineering Construction Project in Hong Kong Construction Market