
  • 网络construction treasury bonds
  1. 综合考虑各方面因素,今年拟发行1400亿元长期建设国债。

    Based on an overall consideration of various factors , we plan to issue 140 billion Yuan of long-term construction treasury bonds in 2003 .

  2. 这几年实施积极的财政政策,发行长期建设国债,是在特定情况下实行的特殊政策。

    The proactive fiscal policy we followed during the past few years and the issuance of long-term construction treasury bonds were special policies implemented under special circumstances .

  3. 经济适用房建设国债投资分析&行业系列分析之六

    Analysis of Treasury Bonds Investment on the Construction of Generally Affordable and Functional Housing

  4. 论积极财政政策和长期建设国债政策的调整

    Discuss the Adjustment of Positive Financial Policy and the Long-term Construction Policy of National Debt

  5. 近年长期建设国债资金投入应保持必要的政策连续性;

    The in recent years long-term construction capital input of national debt must maintain necessary policy continuity ;

  6. 续用好管好长期建设国债,带动经济持续快速增长。

    Continuing to improve the utilization and management of long-term treasury bonds for construction to promote sustained and rapid economic growth .

  7. 坚持实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,继续发行1500亿元长期建设国债。

    The pro-active fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy will be implemented continuously , and an additional 150 billion yuan of long-term treasury bonds for construction will be issued .

  8. 长期建设国债的政策调整应当和税收政策的调整相互呼应,协同配合,合理发挥多种财政政策手段的有机组合,培养经济自主增长能力。

    The policy adjustment of long-term construction national debt should the adjustment of the policy tax revenue echoes mutually , develop various financial policy means reasonably have unit to suit , train economic autonomous increase ability .

  9. 1998年至2002年底,我国累计发行长期建设国债6600亿元,用于扩大对公路、电气化铁路、农村电网、通讯、水利工程等基础设施建设的投入。

    From 1998 to the end of 2002 , up to 660 billion Yuan long-term State bonds had been issued to finance constructions of basic public facilities such as highway , electrified railway , electricity distribution network in rural areas and water conservancy project .

  10. 具体政策包括:年通货膨胀率达到2%,抑制日元过度升值,制定负利率,量化宽松,扩大公共投资,日本银行购买建设性国债,以及修订《日本央行法》。

    Specific policies include inflation targeting at a 2 % annual rate , correction of the excessive yen3 appreciation4 , setting negative interest rates , radical5 quantitative6 easing , expansion of public investment , buying operations of construction bonds by Bank of Japan ( BOJ ) , and revision of the Bank of Japan Act .

  11. 农网建设与改造国债投资分析&行业系列分析之四

    Analysis of Treasury Bonds Investment on the Construction and Reconstruction of Rural

  12. 弥补财政赤字、筹集建设资金是国债的筹资功能,国债的金融功能使国债成为财政政策和货币政策的结合点。

    Its financial function makes it become the connection of financial policy and currency policy .

  13. 第六章,结论与政策建议,给出本文的研究结论,从加强完善财政建设和优化国债管理两方面给出了国债管理的政策建议。

    Chapter 6 : conclusion and policy advice , which make a conclusion for the paper and give some policy advice .

  14. 1998年以来开工建设的大部分国债项目,要在今年内基本完工。

    Work on most of the projects financed by treasury bonds and launched since 1998 must be basically completed this year .

  15. 国家经贸委已经将加快医药现代物流系统的建设,作为国债技术改造项目支持的重点。

    The national Economic & Trade Commission has taken some policies to improve China 's modern pharmaceutical logistics system which is regarded as one of the most important projects assisted by the national debt .

  16. 总的考虑是,经过几年努力,在现有财政赤字规模不扩大的情况下,中央预算内经常性建设投资逐步增加到一定规模,同时逐步减少发行建设国债。

    The general idea is to appropriately increase investment from the central budget for regular construction each year for several years while systematically decreasing the issuance of Treasury bonds , and at the same time ensuring that the size of the deficit remains at the current level .