
jiàn shè ɡōnɡ zhài
  • Construction bonds;public bonds for construction
  1. 三百万元经济建设公债的发行怎样使用呢?

    How shall we use the three million yuan from economic construction bonds ?

  2. 安倍晋三如今有些改口,尤其是他关于日本央行应购买建设公债的想法。

    Mr Abe has rowed back somewhat in recent days , especially from his ideas that the bank should buy construction bonds .

  3. 一五计划时期,中央政府决定连续发行5期国家经济建设公债,借此来筹措一部分建设资金。

    Central Government issued the economic construction bond successively for five times in order to raise some of construction fund during the first five-year plan .

  4. 六厘英金庚款公债,是国民政府以英退庚款为基金,在国内外发行的粤汉铁路建设公债。

    Six Li Bonds of the British Boxer Indemnity is Yue-han Railway construction bonds , a successful railway construction bonds put on sale in China and abroad .

  5. 安倍晋三还提出,日本央行应无限量购买建设公债(即为资助公共建设而发行的政府债券),直到达到通胀目标。

    Mr Abe has also floated the idea of the BoJ purchasing construction bonds government debt issued to fund public works in unlimited quantities until the inflation target is met .

  6. 为着发展国营经济和帮助合作社经济,我们在群众拥护之下,发行了三百万元经济建设公债。

    With the support of the masses , we have issued economic construction bonds to the value of three million yuan in order to develop state enterprise and assist the co-operatives .

  7. 一五时期的国家经济建设公债发行&以上海为中心的考察公债在美国经济发展中的作用及其对我国全面建设小康社会的启示

    The Issuance of the Economic Construction Bond during the First Five-year Plan The Role of Public Debt in Building China 's Well-off Society in an All-round Way : on the Experience and Practice of the United States

  8. 无论是清末民初,还是当前社会主义建设时期,公债都是事关国家经济发展的重要因素,弄清中国公债思想的发展演变,提出精华思想是很有必要的,具有很大的理论与现实意义。

    Bonds are a important factor of national economic development whether in the late Qing Dynasty , or at the socialist construction period , thus it has a great theoretical and realistic significance to make clear the evolution of Chinese bonds and put forward the cream of the thoughts .