
jūn shì zǔ zhī
  • military organization
  1. 新的北大西洋公约组织将是一个精简了的军事组织。

    The new NATO will be a pared-down military organization .

  2. 废除军事组织及武装。

    Do away with the military organization and potential of .

  3. 有迹象表明,非法军事组织的活动得到了国外势力的支持。

    There are signs of paramilitary activity supported from abroad .

  4. 武器出售给了一个商人,他又将其倒卖给了一些准军事组织。

    The arms had been sold to a businessman ; he sold them on to paramilitary groups .

  5. 这些绑架者与任何军事组织都没有紧密联系。

    The kidnappers had no affiliation with any militant group .

  6. 因此,西方对俄罗斯实施了制裁,打起了假消息战,并努力重振北约(NATO)作为军事组织的雄风。

    Hence the sanctions , the war of disinformation and the reinvigoration of Nato as a military force .

  7. 警方要求布林交出她的手机、电脑记录以及她与准军事组织“真爱尔兰共和军”(RealIRA)联系的笔记。

    The police demanded that she turn over her cell phone , computer records , and notes about her contacts with the paramilitary Real IRA organization .

  8. MGRS是北约(NATO)军事组织使用的标准坐标系统。

    The MGRS is the standard used by NATO militaries .

  9. 外交大臣威廉•黑格(WilliamHague)称,他们不会参与培训和武装卡扎菲上校的敌人.但是会提供军事组织,通讯和后勤方面的建议。

    The Foreign Secretary William Hague said they would not be involved in training or arming opponents of Colonel Gaddafi but would advise on military organisation , communications and logistics .

  10. Gil对不同的组织进行了项目研究,从领先的制造公司和军事组织到小型工厂。

    Gil has conducted research projects in a variety of organization , from leading manufacturing and military organizations to small factories .

  11. 该党还成立了一个准军事组织匈牙利卫队(hungarianguard),制服上带有战前匈牙利法西斯党的徽章已发展到在布达佩斯城市中行军,而且在很多小城镇拥有势力范围。

    It has also formed a paramilitary wing , the Hungarian guard , whose uniforms bear the insignia of pre-war Hungarian fascist parties and which has staged marches in Budapest and has a presence in many small towns .

  12. 1995年,乌代建立暴力准军事组织萨达姆突击队(FedayeenSaddam),向父亲呈献突击队头盔的样品,它是模仿达思·韦德(DarthVader)的头盔制作的。

    In 1995 , Uday formed the Fedayeen Saddam , a violent paramilitary organization , and presented his father with a prototype for its helmet , modeled on that of Darth Vader .

  13. 得分高者会被招入一个秘密的准军事组织。

    Those who score well are recruited into a secret paramilitary academy .

  14. 警方备有所有非法的准军事组织的档案。

    Police kept files on all the illegal paramilitary organizations .

  15. 八路军大概是世界上独一无二的一种军事组织。

    AMONG world military organizations , the8th Route Army was probably unique .

  16. 裁军绝不仅仅是军事组织的一个枯燥无味的问题。

    Disarmament is no mere arid question of military organization .

  17. 他们还表示,隶属政府的塔米尔准军事组织为犯罪活动提供了渠道。

    It alleges that Tamil paramilitary groups affiliated to the government have unfettered access .

  18. 管理一家私人军事组织。

    He runs a private military organization .

  19. 军事组织本体分析

    An Analysis of Military Organization Ontology

  20. 然而,鲍威尔强调如果要和平进程取得进展,巴勒斯坦地区的军事组织活动发布被制止。

    However Powell warned Palestian militants must be stopped if the peace progress to be succeed .

  21. 我们拥有一支来自世界各地的海勤队伍,他们受过特殊训练能与国际军事组织配合行动。

    We had a special cosmopolitan crew that was trained to cooperate with an international military force .

  22. 然而正是这种策略使乌里韦能够说服准军事组织解除武装,面对司法审判。

    Yet it is this tactic that has enabled him to convince the paramilitaries to disarm and face justice .

  23. 地区部落不仅是一种自治的政治组织,而且也是一种军事组织;

    The local tribe was not only a self - governing political body , but also a military body ;

  24. 在普拉昌达当选为总理之前,他即负责党的组织工作又负责军事组织的工作。

    Prior to his election as prime minister , Dahal was heading both the party organization and military wings .

  25. 当地军事组织的成员通常是由能力的当地氏族成员,在本地区拥有相当大的权势。

    Members of the local militia are usually members powerful local clans , which wield considerable power in the region .

  26. 近年来他变得越来越极端,邻居说看过他穿着非法军事组织的军服。

    His views had become increasingly extreme in recent years and he had been seen by neighbours wearing paramilitary uniform .

  27. 任何军事组织中都要有前线部队,以及指挥

    Within any military hierarchy , you 've got troops in the field , and then you 've got command .

  28. 土耳其一直想要加入的欧盟组织也要求其解散该军事组织。

    The European Union , which Turkey is bidding to join , has also called for the abolition of militia .

  29. 这个智慧超群的青年团队在二战时期对美国的军事组织作出了重要的贡献。

    This group of brilliant young men had made an important contribution to US military organisation in the second world war .

  30. 我们的客户遍布全球,包括航空公司、机场、货运代理、地面服务及军事组织。

    Our customers are airlines , airports , cargo airlines , ground handlers , and military organizations everywhere in the world .