
huò yùn dài lǐ
  • Freight forwarder;cargo or shipping agency
  1. 本文在架构于Web技术的国际货运代理系统中引入了Agent代理技术和分布式构件技术。

    This dissertation import Agent and distributed component technology to International Freight Forwarder System based on Web technology .

  2. 京唐港H货运代理公司发展战略研究

    The Research on Development Strategic for H Freight Forwarding Company of Jing Tang Port

  3. 我国加入WTO以后,以铁路为依托的铁路货运代理企业发展现代物流面临着更大的机遇和挑战。

    After entry into WTO , the railway freight forwarder which will develop the modern logistics confront with a bigger opportunity and challenge .

  4. 本文从理论和实践上实现了在B/S模式下利用ASP技术来开发某货运代理企业的管理信息系统。

    This paper realizes Management Information System of some freight agency enterprise with ASP ( Active Server Page ) technology based on B / S mode .

  5. 随着中国加入WTO以及世界制造业中心向中国转移,中国的外贸进出口量迅速飙升,货运代理企业的数量和规模在不断增加,相互间的竞争也在不断增强。

    As China being a member of WTO and world manufacturing center , its foreign trading throughout put increases quickly , the number and scale of freight agent increased , so the competition become more severe .

  6. 最后,针对传统的C/S二层结构及B/S三层结构模式中存在的不足,提出了B/S架构基于分布式COM构件技术的国际货运代理系统的四层体系结构;

    Finally , aiming at eliminating the deficiency of traditional C / S two-layer structure mode and B / S three-layer structure mode , a four-layer system structure of IFFS based on distributed COM component technology is proposed .

  7. 公司具有IATA的一类客货运代理资质,在2001年通过了ISO9001国际质量认证。

    IATA companies with a class of passenger and freight agent qualification , in2001 passed the ISO9001 international quality certification .

  8. 但丹东天达国际货运代理有限公司(dandongtiandainternationalfreightandforwardingcompany)的富雪表示,车皮的归还几经拖延,但朝鲜曾请求中国方面予以批准。

    But Fu Xue , of the Dandong Tianda international freight and forwarding company , said there had been delays in the return of wagons but that North Korea had asked for permission from China .

  9. 而且我国加入WTO后,货运代理等服务市场逐步放开,国外的跨国公司凭借先进的服务理念、管理方式与运作技术,纷纷抢滩中国外贸运输市场,货运代理市场呈现出空前激烈的竞争态势。

    With entry into the WTO , freight forwarding market gradually opened up . Foreign multi-national companies with advanced services , management and operation technology , have swarmed into Chinese foreign trade transport market . Freight forwarding market has shown unprecedented fierce competition .

  10. 在本文提出的体系结构设计方案中,为了与业务的组织功能结构相适应,减轻系统维护与升级的成本与工作量,整个现代货运代理系统采用了B/S分布式架构。

    The designing project of architecture in this paper adopted a distributed network architecture in order to fix in with the systemic function structure , and took usage of B / S calculation structure in order to reduce the cost and work of maintaining and upgrading the system .

  11. 同时,加入WTO,意味着市场将进一步放开,竞争主体会迅速增多,竞争态势将更加激烈,货运代理公司的生存和发展又面临着严峻的威胁和挑战,何去何从呢?

    At the same time , join the WTO implys that the market of freight will be unloosened much more , the competitors will be manifold fleetly , and the rivalrousness will be more furious . The subsistence and development will face the austere menace and challenge .

  12. 中辉国际运输服务公司于1983年正式注册成立,是经国家外经贸部批准的一级货运代理并拥有NVOCC资格。

    Dragon Santafe International Transportation & Services Co. , LTD which was formed in1983 is a Class A international freight forwarder and NVOCC licensed by the Ministries .

  13. 对上述规划的各子系统:报关业务管理子系统、基于GPS的运输管理子系统、仓储管理子系统、国际货运代理子系统等进行了功能、业务流程和数据流程分析。

    According to the proposal , the paper plans many subsystems , there are : customs reporting management subsystems , transportation management subsystems based on GPS , warehouse management subsystem , international freight forwarder subsystem . The paper also analyzes the function , business processing and data processing .

  14. 因此,在过去一年里,ofac加大了在船运和货运代理行业的执法力度,也对大量违反制裁的案件进行了调查。

    So , over the past year , OFAC increased enforcement efforts in the shipping and freight forwarding sectors , and also investigated a number of sanctions violations .

  15. 本文将开源Drools规则引擎嵌入到服务系统中,实现业务规则部署、运行。然后,以货运代理内部所提供的报关服务和订舱服务流程为例,进行了个性化分析,设计了相应的流程模型。

    We embedded rules engine named Drools which is open source into the service system , to achieve the deployment and operation of business rules . Then , we analyzed the personalization of customs services and booking service , and design process models .

  16. 关于我国国际货运代理人才队伍建设的思考

    The Thinking on Building Talent team of China International Freight Agency

  17. 企业从事国际贸易,国际货运代理是不可缺少的一个环节。

    The freight forwarder is an indispensable link in international trade .

  18. 货运代理服务的目的地与贸易航线相若。

    The destinations of freight forwarding services mirror the trade routes .

  19. 在我国,货运代理市场从无到有,发展速度非常快。

    In China , the freight forwarding market grows very fast .

  20. 加快国际货运代理企业向第三方物流转型

    Accelerating the Transition of International Freight Forwarder to Third-Party Logistics Operator

  21. 国际货运代理业的现状及中国货代企业的发展方向

    Present Situation and Development of China Int Cargo Agent Sector

  22. 货运代理业发展现代物流的优势与选择

    The Advantages And Choices For a Freight Forwarder to Develop Modern Logistics

  23. 对我国国际货运代理法律问题的思考

    On Legal Problems in the Field of International Forwarding Agency

  24. 货运代理是国际运输的组织者和设计师。

    A freight forwarder is an organizer and planner of international transportation .

  25. 货运代理企业基于信息化的业务流程再造

    Business Process Reengineering Based on Informatization for Freight Forwarder Enterprises

  26. 我国国际货运代理业的发展与完善

    The Development and Perfection of International Freight Agency in China

  27. 21世纪中国货运代理业的发展趋势及其对策

    A study on international freight forwarders in China in the 21 Century

  28. 中国将于2007年公布最终修订的国际货运代理管理办法。

    China will publish revised implementing regulations on international freight forwarding in2007 .

  29. 船舶货运代理,租船订舱。

    The ships freight transportation acts for , charterering and booking service .

  30. 货运代理同意收到客户以上的委讬书。

    The Agent acknowledge receipt of the above instructions from the Customer .