
  • 网络The Differential Mode of Association;the pattern of difference sequence;hierarchical order;differential mode of the association
  1. 差序格局:从乡村版到城市版&以迁移者的城市就业为例

    The Differential Mode of Association : from Rural to Urban Version-With Examples of the Migrants ' Urban Employment

  2. 差序格局&中国传统社会结构和中国人行为的解读

    " The Differential Mode of Association ": Understanding of Traditional Chinese Social Structure and the Behaviors of the Chinese People

  3. 乡土中国社会差序格局新趋势

    New Trend of " Diversity-orderly Structure " of Chinese Native Soil Society

  4. 第三网络社会与新差序格局

    The Third Network Society and New Different Relationship Pattern

  5. 老年人精神需求差序格局

    ARipples Pattern of the Mental Demands of the Elderly

  6. 差序格局视野下的腐败问题考察

    " Bad Sequence Pattern " From the Perspective of the Problem of Corruption Investigation

  7. 新市民的信任:从差序格局到扩展的同心圆&以无锡市广瑞一村为实证对象

    Trust of the New Citizens : Change from Orderly-diversity Pattern to Extended Concentric-circle Pattern

  8. 费孝通提出我国社会网络呈现差序格局。

    Fei notes that there exists a Pattern of Difference Sequence in Chinese social network .

  9. 新诗散文化的理论误区与新诗格律化的必要性江苏区域经济社会发展差序格局的文化驱动机制研究

    A Study of the Culture-driven Difference-order Pattern in the Regional Socio-Economic Development in Jiangsu Province

  10. 各国的立法实践同样体现了权利实现的这种差序格局。

    The legislative practices of various countries also embody this pattern of difference in fulfillment of rights .

  11. 而从其精神蕴含上来分析,儒家伦理中“仁”的模式顺应的是一种等级制安排的差序格局。

    In terms of its spiritual meaning , this benevolence applied only to a hierarchal arrangement of society .

  12. 社会因素主要是传统的差序格局的人际关系模式和二元制度分割所造成的利益区割以及制度惯性的影响。

    Social factors includes mainly the influence of traditional interpersonal relationships mode and interests district cutting by institution arrange .

  13. 这种控制权的转移会以差序格局的特征展现出一定的路径依赖性。

    This kind of transfer of control power characterized by pattern of difference sequence will show certain route dependency .

  14. 现代社会的人际关系类型及其互动逻辑&试谈差序格局模型的扩展

    Types of Interpersonal Relationships and Interaction Logics : Expansion of the Differential Mode of Association Theory for Modern Chinese Society

  15. 本文以角色关系人情化概括了传统社会中差序格局之类特殊主义的交往方式对现代社会的介入。

    By the term of ″ Humanization of Role Relarionship ″ this article summarizes the involvement of communicative ways in modern society .

  16. 差序格局下农村社会资本的重构&基于新农村建设中社会资本的经验研究

    Reconstruction of Rural Social Capital in Orderly-diversity Pattern & Based Upon Empirical Research of Social Capital in the Construction of New Rural Area

  17. 进而建立符合生态正义的绿色差序格局和谐发展的理治社会。

    Then we can build up a green gradual pattern compromising with ecological justice and a harmoniously developing society of rule by ration .

  18. 差序格局层次的视角从个人扩展到社会关系。

    When the level of " cha-xu pattern " ( differentiate pattern ) is entered , the perspective is expanded from individuals to social relations .

  19. 传统中国司法重在维护差序格局的社会秩序,当事人的财产诉求就自然地要退居次要的地位,这一特点在近代也未发生根本变化。

    Traditional Chinese justice upheld the social rule of " differentiation structure of social order ", so the property appeal of litigants naturally withdrew to secondary position .

  20. 乡村社会差序格局的人际关系结构,封闭、自足的农耕经济和以家族文化为代表的传统文化都为这种非制度性因素在乡村社会产生和存在提供了坚实的基础。

    The difference preface pattern , close and self-sufficient agro-farming economy , and the traditional culture have laid a solid foundation for the existence and development of these factors .

  21. 求职者往往都是通过像水波纹一样从中心点向外扩散的(差序格局)弱关系得到就业信息,而通过靠近中心行动者的强关系最终敲定工作。

    Job hunters usually obtain information from weak ties , just like water ripple spread outward from the center , but only strong ties have the final say in fixing jobs .

  22. 这种帮助和限制体现了费孝通先生差序格局的概念,理性行动不是只考虑到利益,这种行动更多是受其所在社会文化的影响。

    The help and restrict reflect " Differential Mode of Order " by Mr. Fei . Rational action not only about interest , this action is more influenced by society and culture .

  23. 其社会史意义,体现在对中国古代社会结构的影响,如对大家庭、差序格局的形成所起的不容忽视的历史作用,同时,对中国古代社会风气包括大小传统都影响深远。

    For instance , they had impacted greatly on the formation of the expanded families and the structure of difference . Meanwhile , they exerted impact on the ancient social customs and traditions .

  24. 农村社会在熟人社会和差序格局解体后,原来提供公路的农民集体组织也纷纷解体,最终导致农村公路自我供给不足。

    After the acquaintances society and the differential mode disintegrated , The original collective organizations of farmers which provide roads have also disintegrated in rural society , and led the supply of rural roads insufficient eventually .

  25. 只有结合上述多种方法措施,我国公务员思想道德建设才能有效地克服差序格局所带来的负面影响,进而才能提高广大公务员的综合素质,更好的履行自己的责任。

    Only by combining the above-mentioned multiple measures , the ideological and moral construction of civil servants can effectively overcome the side-effect produced by this pattern , thus improving their overall quality and fulfilling their duty .

  26. 可见,在封闭和关系相对简单的农村社会,人们是严格按照差序格局理论来寻找关系的,即从强关系到弱关系的逐渐扩展开来的行为逻辑。

    It is obvious that in the closed and relatively simple rural society , people look for relations in light of the theory of " difference preface pattern ", namely , from strong relation to weak relation .

  27. 同时,由于传统差序格局的存在,通过传统人际关系和宗教信仰对村干部的影响,家族和庙会组织在很大程度上影响着村政权。

    Meanwhile , owing to the existence of framework of differentiation and order and taking advantage of the traditional personal relationship and the impact of religion on cadres in rural China , IPGs to a great extent influence the village regime .

  28. 企业主的人际网络和信任差序格局是影响融资可得性的关键因素,几乎所有的资金都是依赖于人际网络获得,匿名交易获得的资金微乎其微。

    The network and diversity-orderly structure and trust of business owners are key factors which affect the availably of financing . Almost all of the funds are dependent on social network , with a minor part from " anonymous " trading .

  29. 分析了坡脚土家族以家庭为核心的差序格局中,父系亲属关系,母系亲戚关系,地缘与行政关系的功能,从而深化理解土家族基层社会的构成原则。

    In the relative and remote structure that regards a family as core , the dissertation discusses father-clan relative relationship , mother-clan relative relationship , function of earthbound and administration , and then deeply understand constitution principle of the Tujia basic society .

  30. 实证分析发现,农村社会资本是一个多维度概念,农民个体社会资本呈现差序格局的形态,村域社区社会资本中普遍信任缺失。

    The empirical analysis finds that the rural social capital is a " multidimensional " concept , the peasants ' individual social capital shows " differential mode of the association form ", the village domain social capital is lack of general trust .