
  • 网络Real Right of Ship
  1. 从《中国物权法草案建议稿》看船舶物权的若干问题

    Some Problems of Real Right of Ship According to the Suggestion of Real Law Draft of China

  2. 第一部分探讨了《海商法》中建立船舶物权的必要性。

    The first part discusses whether the Maritime Code should establish the concepts of real right of ship .

  3. 国家公权力对船舶物权限制研究

    Study on the Limitation of Public Power to Real Rights in Ships

  4. 船舶物权保护法律制度之研究

    On the Legal System to Protect the Right of Ship in Rem

  5. 船舶物权法律适用的反思

    Reflection on the Law Application of Ships ' Real Rights

  6. 船舶物权法律适用问题研究

    The Study on the Issues of Applicable Law of Real Rights of Ships

  7. 论船舶物权变动登记之公信力

    On the Public Confidence Efficacy of Registry Pertaining to Alteration of Real Rights in Ships

  8. 船舶物权登记论&实体法实现的程序进路

    On Registration of Real Rights in Ships : An Adjective Approach of Realization of Substantive Law

  9. 而正因为如此,《海商法》中就没有船舶物权这个词,对船舶物权的规定也是不系统的。

    Just because of this , there are no relative concepts of real right in our civil and commercial law .

  10. 第三问题是抵押权的物上代位权的规定是否适用于船舶物权。

    The third question is whether the provision of real subrogation of mortgage can be applied to the mortgage of ship .

  11. 本文的写作目的是为了研究在船舶物权领域如何正确合理地适用法律以解决现存的法律冲突问题。

    The purpose of this paper is to research how to choose the applicable law correctly and reasonably in the field of the real rights of ships .

  12. 船舶物权保护制度是随着船舶物权的产生、发展而形成和发展的。

    The emergency and the development of the legal system to protect the right of ship in rem are the result of the prosperity of Real Right Law .

  13. 结论是《海商法》中建立船舶物权的概念是一个无法回避的课题,我国在建立物权概念的同时,应建立船舶物权的概念。

    The conclusion is that the establishment of the concept of real right of ship is unavoidable . We should establish the concept of real right of ship at the time we establish the concept of real right .

  14. 作者结合我国《海商法》中船舶物权的规定,及我国《民法》、《担保法》等相关法律规定,对我国《海商法》第十四章提出了相应的修改建议。

    Combining the property right of ship in Maritime Code of PRC with other relevant legal provisions in Civil Law and Security Law of PRC , the writer put forward a proposal for amendment of Article 14 in Maritime Code of PRC .

  15. 在明确我国现行法律中船舶物权含义的基础上,作者将本文的研究范围限定为船舶意定物权变动的研究。

    After clarifying the meaning of " property right of ships " in current Chinese laws , the author makes it clear that he will make his research on " the property rights of ships " arising from the declaration of civil subjects ' will .

  16. 在这一部分,笔者从大陆法系各主要国家及我国的物权法的理论研究及立法发展的历史入手,探讨了船舶物权的立法历史以及《海商法》立法对于建立船舶物权概念的需求。

    Firstly I have discussed the theory research and legislation of real law in our country and other countries . And then I have discussed development of the legislation of real right of ship and the need of establishing the concept of ship real right in our Maritime code .

  17. 船舶担保物权的消灭问题研究

    Study on Extinguishment of Security Right on Ships

  18. 第五章则探讨了船舶担保物权的相对消灭问题。

    The fifth chapter discusses the case of relative extinguishment of security right on ships .

  19. 第二、三、四章针对三种船舶担保物权的个性,分别探讨引起它们消灭的特殊原因。

    The next three chapters study on the three kind of security right on ships individually .

  20. 同时,船舶担保物权包括船舶抵押权、船舶优先权、船舶留置权三种,它们也各有各的特点。

    At the same time , security right on ships includes mortgage of ships , maritime liens and possessory liens on ships . Each has its own characteristics too .

  21. 以此为基础,本文对中国相关法律规定提出修改意见,希望能对中国的建造中船舶担保物权法律制度的研究和完善有所助益。

    As stated above , some recommendation on amendments to relevant Chinese law are suggested , with a hope that it is beneficial to the research and improvement of the legal system of security interest for vessel under construction in China .

  22. 船舶所有权为船舶物权的基础和核心,既具有财产所有权的一般属性,又具有特殊性。

    The ownership of ship is the basis and the key element of the real right in ship , which bears the general attributes of property ownership and also some specific features .

  23. 在生效与对抗的效力比较中,本文详细阐述了何以对抗效力更具有合理性,并分析提出了船舶所有权变动中物权行为的双重性理论。

    This paper gives a detail analysis on the rationality of the rivalry effect of registration in comparison with inurement effect of registration and concludes the theory of duality of juristic act of real right .

  24. 船舶留置权在船舶担保物权中的优先顺序

    Priority order of possessory lien on vessel in the ships security interests

  25. 第五章结合案件中凸显的承租人越权处分船舶问题,具体介绍船舶融资租赁中的船舶物权和登记制度问题。

    The fifth chapter introduces the ownership and registration of ships in the ship financial leasing business by using the case of unauthorized disposition of ships by the lessee .

  26. 完善建造中船舶登记制度将有利于调整、稳定建造中船舶物权关系,保护交易安全,鼓励融资造船,为我国造船业和航运业的蓬勃发展提供良好的法律环境。

    A perfect registry system , which is helpful to adjust and stabilize the relations pertaining to real rights in vessels under construction , to protect the trade safety , to promote financing shipbuilding , can provide a good legal situation for development of marine transport industry and shipbuilding industry .

  27. 船舶扣押所依据的海事请求可以分为两种类型,一种是受船舶优先权或船舶担保物权保护的海事请求;另一种是一般海事请求。

    Application for the vessels arrest may be in the basis of two kinds of maritime claims , which are the maritime claims secured by maritime lien or other bail , and the maritime claims without such .

  28. 本文以建造中船舶登记制度为研究对象,比较分析了相关国际公约和国外立法,结合我国实际现状,对建造中船舶物权登记作了较为全面的研究。

    This thesis takes registry system of real rights in vessels under construction as the subject-matter , analyzing the relevant international convention and some foreign legislation and combined with the reality of our state , which does the comprehensive research on registration of real rights in vessels under construction .