
chuán bó suó yǒu quán
  • ship ownership;ownership of ships
  1. 论我国船舶所有权登记的属性

    Legal Nature of Ship Ownership Registration in Our Country

  2. 未登记船舶所有权转移的效力

    On the Validity of Unregistered Transference of Ownership of Ships

  3. 建造中的船舶所有权的问题。

    The second one is the question of ship under construction .

  4. 船舶所有权法律制度研究

    The Research on the Legal Systems of the Ownership of Ship

  5. 论我国船舶所有权变动中的登记效力

    A Study on Registration Effect of Alteration in Ship 's Ownership

  6. 船舶所有权转移的法律问题研究

    A Study on the Transfer of the Ownership of Vessel

  7. 结论是我国应建立的船舶所有权的概念应当是采用抽象概括式的概念而不应该是具体列举式的概念。

    The conclusion is that we should establish the concept of abstraction instead of enumeration .

  8. 船舶所有权的原始取得

    Original Obtainment of Ownership of Ship

  9. 船舶所有权注销登记

    Deletion Registration of Ownership of Ship

  10. 船舶所有权继受取得

    Derivative Aquisition of Ownership of Ship

  11. 船舶所有权的原始登记

    Original Registration of Ownership of Ships

  12. 船舶所有权研究领域中,船舶所有权转移是一个重要问题。

    The transfer of the ownership of vessel is a very important issue in the study of vessel 's ownership .

  13. 船舶所有权的取得、转让必须经过登记才能受到国际法的保护。

    The acquisition and transfer of shipping 's ownership cant be protected by the international law unless it is registered .

  14. 论船舶所有权变动与第三人利益保护

    On Acquisition , Creation , Loss and Modification of Ownership of Ships and the Protection of Third Parties ' Interests

  15. 船舶所有权人及其它有权雇用船员之人无正当理由不得拒绝。

    The ship owners or the parties who have the right to employ seafarers shall not refuse in lack of due reasons .

  16. 船舶所有权登记证书、船舶抵押权登记证书、光船租赁登记证书。

    Register of certificates to bearer the vessel ownership registration certificate , the vessel mortgage registration certificate , and the bareboat charter registration .

  17. 银行作为出租人的贷款人时,不享有船舶所有权,往往以贷款所购买或建造的船舶设定抵押担保自己的债权。

    Being a lender , a bank , not possessing the ownership , usually gets the right of ship mortgage established on the ship .

  18. 第9条船舶所有权之移转,非经登记,不得对抗第三人。

    Article9no transfer of the ownership of a ship can be set up against a third person , unless such transfer has been registered .

  19. 船舶所有权变动的登记效力选择是船舶所有权变动的基本理论问题。

    The choice of effect of registration is the basic theoretical problem in the acquisition , creation , loss and modification of ownership of ship .

  20. 我国船舶所有权移转登记制度新发展&《船舶登记条例》与《海船登记规则》之比较

    On the Recent Development of Registration of Transfer of Ship 's Ownership ── Comparative Study of the Ordinance on Registration of Ship and the Rules of Registration of Sea-going Vessel

  21. 船舶所有权为船舶物权的基础和核心,既具有财产所有权的一般属性,又具有特殊性。

    The ownership of ship is the basis and the key element of the real right in ship , which bears the general attributes of property ownership and also some specific features .

  22. 在生效与对抗的效力比较中,本文详细阐述了何以对抗效力更具有合理性,并分析提出了船舶所有权变动中物权行为的双重性理论。

    This paper gives a detail analysis on the rationality of the rivalry effect of registration in comparison with inurement effect of registration and concludes the theory of duality of juristic act of real right .

  23. 第3章研究了发生船舶所有权变动的具体形态,提出了建立船舶善意取得、沉船所有权和无主船舶取得等立法建议;

    Chapter Three does a research on the specific configuration of the shift to the ownership of ship , putting forward a legislature suggestion on the ship 's acquisition by good faith , ownership of sank ships and ship without legal owner .

  24. 由于海事优先权不因船舶所有权的转让而消灭,也无须登记,这使得二手船买卖无法或很难进行。

    According to the provision that " maritime liens shall not be extinguished by virtue of the transfer of the ownership of the ship and shall not be registered ", it is impossible or difficult to carry out second-hand ships sale and purchase .

  25. 船舶所有权变动中必须依据诚实信用原则、公平原则、公信力原则和效率原则平衡所有权变动的当事人和第三人的利益。

    The interests between the parties to the acquisition , creation , loss and modification of ownership of ships and third parties shall be balanced according to bona fide doctrine , the principle of equity , the principle of authenticity effectiveness of public summons , and the principle of efficiency .

  26. 论建造中船舶及所有权归属

    On the Ownership of the Ship under Construction

  27. 中远此前曾游说反对超大型矿砂船进入中国港口,但淡水河谷同意将4艘此型船舶的所有权转让给中远。

    Cosco had previously lobbied against VLOCs having access to Chinese ports , but Vale has agreed to transfer ownership of four of these vessels to the Chinese company .

  28. 但是,就建造中的船舶申请船舶所有权登记的,仅需提供船舶建造合同;

    For the registration of ownership of a ship under construction , the contract of ship construction shall be submitted .

  29. 就新造船舶申请船舶所有权登记的,应当提供船舶建造合同和交接文件。

    For the registration of ownership of a newly-built ship , the contract of ship construction and the delivery document shall be submitted .

  30. 就自造自用船舶申请船舶所有权登记的,应当提供足以证明其所有权取得的文件。

    For the registration of ownership of a ship built by oneself for one 's own use , a document evidencing the procurement of ownership shall be submitted .