
jǐn jí fǎn yìnɡ
  • Emergency response;alarm reaction
  1. 如果一个大事故发生在如此遥远的地方,Petrobras、巴西海军和私营航运公司都难以展开人们在墨西哥湾见到的那种大规模紧急反应措施。

    If a big accident were to occur so far out , neither Petrobras nor Brazil 's navy nor private shipping could mount an emergency effort on the scale seen in the Gulf of Mexico .

  2. 为对泄漏作出紧急反应,建立了超级基金。

    The Super Fund is established for emergency response to the releases .

  3. 只有训练有素的被认可的紧急反应人员才可以对紧急形势做出反应。

    Only trained and certified emergency responders should respond to emergency situations .

  4. 这种威胁提出了新挑战,必须共同作出紧急反应。

    Such threats present new challenges and require an urgent and collaborative response .

  5. 紧急反应组称那辆车很干净。

    ERT says that the rover 's clean .

  6. 等待您的紧急反应和请恳请删除如果你不感兴趣。

    Waiting for your urgent response and please kindly delete if you are not interested .

  7. 海洋污染紧急反应支持系统

    Marine Pollution Emergency Response Support System

  8. 化学品紧急反应信息系统

    Chemical emergency response information system

  9. 加勒比灾害紧急反应机构

    Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency

  10. 我们将继续和各州及地方政府一起勤勉努力,调整我们的紧急反应能力。

    And we will continue to work diligently to coordinate our emergency response efforts with State and local governments .

  11. 一支紧急反应部队抵达了现场,发现了五名队员死亡,另有三人失踪。

    An emergency response unit arrived at the scene and found five members of the team dead and three others missing .

  12. 他们还将制定一项计划,明确为实施这些成果和全面作出紧急反应所需的资源。

    They will also develop a plan that identifies the resources required to implement these outcomes and the overall emergency response .

  13. 总机将传呼紧急反应小组成员并传达报警的具体地点或区域。

    GSC will call for Emergency Response Team members through telephone or fire pager and give them the location or area of the alarm .

  14. 为加强国家对极端耐药结核作出紧急反应而要求提供援助并受到艾滋病毒极大挑战的首批国家之一是南非。

    Among the first countries to request assistance to strengthen its national emergency XDR-TB response , and the extra challenges posed by HIV , is South Africa .

  15. 紧急反应小组应接受多方面的培训,以便能够妥善处理包括火灾在内的各种紧急情况。

    The Emergency Response Team ( ERT ) of the hotel will be sufficiently trained and manned to cope with any type of emergency not necessarily confined to fire .

  16. .对印尼苏门答腊岛强烈地震的紧急反应已经转移到恢复和重建方面。

    Indonesian Earthquake Efforts Shift to Rebuilding Phase The emergency response efforts to the earthquake that hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra is shifting to recovery and rebuilding efforts .

  17. 为了实现这一点,组织应不仅仅考虑业务连续性规划,更要多考虑组成一个紧急反应团队,当确实发生情况时,能够调用。

    To do this , organisations should consider not just business continuity planning , but putting together emergency response teams that can be mobilised if a situation does arise .

  18. 首席执行官应负责确保有一个业务连续性计划,但可能不是领导紧急反应团队的最佳位置人选。

    Although the CEO should take responsibility for ensuring there is a business continuity plan , the CEO might not be the best-placed person to lead an emergency response team .

  19. 最早期的一些活动是对突发事件的紧急反应:分发药物和疫苗,控制疫情以及向难民提供救济。

    Some of the earliest activities were urgent responses to emergencies : the delivery of medicines and vaccines , the containment of outbreaks , and the provision of relief to refugees .

  20. 目前,国际上此类制度比较成功的是美国的超级基金制度,该制度主要是用于治理全国范围内闲置不用或被抛弃的危险废物处理场,并对危险品泄漏做出紧急反应。

    At present , the US super-fund system is relatively more successful in the whole world . The super-fund system is mainly used to govern the left unused or abandoned dangerous waste sites across the country , and make emergency response to the leakage of dangerous goods .

  21. 吴悌说,应该加强紧急灾情反应,这是迫在眉睫的。

    Vu Thi says it is urgent that the emergency response be stepped up .

  22. 设立加勒比共同体紧急救灾反应机构政府间协定

    Inter-Governmental Agreement establishing CARICOM Disaster Emergency Response Agency

  23. 国家必须紧急作出反应,否则就要面临今后财政需求大大加重的前景。

    Countries must respond urgently or face the prospect of vastly heavier financial demands in the future .

  24. 该设施的急救和医疗训练中必须包括当地的紧急医疗反应人员和医院。

    Local emergency medical responders and hospitals must be included in the first aid and medical training for the facility .

  25. 我们必须迅速就这一紧急状况作出反应。

    We must act swiftly to respond to the urgency .

  26. 关于交通紧急事件快速反应系统的研究

    Research About Quick Responded System of Traffic Emergency Incidents

  27. 紧急应变和反应区域中心

    Regional Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response

  28. 基于ITS的紧急事件快速反应系统的研究

    Study on ITS Based Emergency Response System

  29. 紧急应变和反应方案

    Emergency Preparedness and Response Programme

  30. 第二,法案确立了联邦权威。联邦既有权对危险物质的紧急处理做出反应,也有权清理渗漏场地。

    Second , the Act establishes federal authority to respond to hazardous substance emergencies and to clean up leaking sites .