
  • 网络Compactness;tightness
  1. C空间上概率测度族的局部弱相对紧性

    On local weak relative compactness of probability measures in C space

  2. 算子权移位的紧性,正权和C(αβ)分类

    Compactness , Positive Weights and C_ (αβ) Classification of Operator Weighted Shifts

  3. Fuzzy拓扑空间的一种紧性

    A Kind of Compactness of Fuzzy Topological Space

  4. Fuzzy度量空间的完备性与紧性

    Completeness and Compactness for Fuzzy Metric Spaces

  5. B值测度的紧性

    The Compactness for Banach Space Valued Measures

  6. (m,n)&紧性与分离性

    ( m.n ) - compactness ane separation properties

  7. θ~n紧性与S(n)闭性制造性趣5“点”方案

    θ - Compactness and S ( n ) - Closedness 5 PLANS FOR SEX

  8. 并指出了拟H闭性与弱连续映射和紧性的联系。

    Connection among quasi-H closedness , weakly continuous mapping and compactness is also shown .

  9. 不分明实直线及其子空间的适当性,半闭包算子Cα与α~-紧性

    The suitability , semi-closure operator C.and a ~ & compactness in the fuzzy real line and its subspaces

  10. F紧性的几何刻划及其性质

    A geometric characterization of f & compactness and its properties

  11. 关于Scott开滤子拓扑的core紧性

    On Core Compactness of Scott Open Fliter Topology

  12. 关于强半正则&极大空间与LF几乎强F紧性的研究

    Research on Strong Semi-regular Maximal Spaces and LF Almost Strong F-compactness

  13. 关于Scott拓扑的core紧性

    On core compactness of the Scott topology

  14. LF拓扑空间的F紧性

    The F compactness of LF topological space

  15. Banach空间中具有Pr-紧性随机算子方程

    Random equations involving PR - compact operators in Banach space

  16. L1(Ω,F,μ)的子集的弱紧性及其应用

    Tke Weak Compactness of the Sets of L1 ( Ω, F ,μ) and Applications

  17. 良紧性的LF完全聚点特征

    The characterization of LF complete accumulation point on nice compactness

  18. 最后,研究了相对几乎SR紧性与相对良紧性、相对SR紧性、相对强F紧性之间的关系。

    Finally , the connections between relative near SR compactness and other relative compactness are studied .

  19. Banach空间逼近紧性与预报算子连续性的几何条件

    Approximative Compactness and Geometric Conditions for Continuity of Prediction Operator in Banach Spaces

  20. 关于Scott开滤子拓扑核紧性的注记

    Note on Core Compactness of Scott Open Filters Topology

  21. Banach空间中非线性脉冲Volterra积分方程解集的紧性与连通性

    Compactness and connectedness of solution set of nonlinear impulsive Volterra integral equations in Banach spaces

  22. 本文在Sobolev空间中讨论残差泛函J(u)的概念及性质,论证了残差泛函J(u)的弱紧性、强制性和下半连续性及凸性条件。

    In the present paper the concept and properties of the residual functional in Sobolev space are investigated .

  23. 利用半开复盖、定向开复盖、单调递增开复盖、点态W加细和垫状加细等刻画了可数亚紧性。

    Countably metacompactness are characterized in terms of semi open cover , point wise W refinement , monotonically increasing cover and cushioned refinement .

  24. 目标流形为Heisenberg群映射的紧性问题

    Problem about the compactness of the maps for the Heisenberg group target

  25. 最后,利用理想的θ-收敛性刻画弱连续序同态、几乎连续序同态以及几乎F紧性。

    Finally , some properties of weakly continuous order-homomorphisms , almost continuous order-homomorphisms and almost F-compactness are characterized by means of the θ - convergence of ideals .

  26. 多圆柱上Bloch型空间之间复合算子紧性条件的有关讨论

    A discussion on compactness conditions of composition operator between Bloch-type spaces in the polydisc

  27. 在本文中,我们研究了在Bloch空间β(Ω)上复合算子C的有界性和紧性,其中,Ω是有界齐性域。

    In this paper , we study the boundedness and compactness of composition operator on the Bloch space β(Ω), Ω is a bounded homogeneous domain .

  28. OrlicZ序列空间中的弱收敛与弱紧性

    Weak convergence and weak compactness in sequence Orlicz Spaces

  29. 以近似良紧性为基础,在LF拓扑空间上提出了序同态的N-连续性、分子网的N-收敛性及N-闭包算子等概念。

    He concepts of N-continuity , N-convergence of molecular nets , and N - closure operator on LF topological spaces are presented on the basis of notion of nearly nice compactness .

  30. 通过球面及齐性Riemannian空间的对称性质,证明了弱P-调和映射流的紧性性质。

    By using the symmetric structure of spheres or Riemannian Homogeneous spaces , we prove that heat flows for weakly p - harmonic maps have compactness properties .