
jǐn jí yínɡ jiù
  • Emergency rescue;urgent rescue
  1. 特别是在时间和设备受限的情况下,如紧急营救、军事行动、商务会议等场合中节能显得尤其重要。

    The energy conservation appears especially important in the situations such as emergency rescue , military action and business conference where the time and the devices is constrained .

  2. 贝尔的生意在星期五结束,甚至在紧急营救的消息过后,投资者受到的惊吓大过于安慰,这家银行仍然值超过三十五亿。

    At the close of business on Friday , even after news of the emergency rescue had frightened investors rather than reassuring them , the bank was still worth over $ 3.5 billion .

  3. 直升机接到命令,紧急起飞前去营救三个登山的年轻人。

    A helicopter was scrambled to help rescue three young climbers .