
huáng dēng dēng
  • glistening yellow;golden
黄澄澄 [huáng dēng dēng]
  • (1) [glistening yellow]∶金黄色的

  • (2) [golden]∶具有金子般颜色的

  • 黄澄澄的麦穗

黄澄澄[huáng dēng dēng]
  1. 此园一年四季彩叶缤纷,尤其在秋高气爽之时,漫步园中,那红彤彤、黄澄澄的秋叶秋果更是美不胜收。

    This colorful garden throughout the year Coleus , especially in autumn when the walk through the gardens , that glowing red , glistening yellow fruit of the autumn leaf fall is even more beautiful .

  2. 有红通通的苹果、黄澄澄的梨子、月牙般的香蕉,咧了嘴的石榴。

    A bright red apples , pears glistening yellow , crescent-like bananas , pomegranate varieties , of the mouth .

  3. 阿尼的橙子不像阿诺德的橙子那样黄澄澄的。

    Arnie 's oranges are not as orange as Arnold 's oranges .

  4. 海滩平坦而坚实,沙粒黄澄澄的。

    The beach was smooth and firm , and the sand yellow .

  5. 关于这种黄澄澄金属的泡沫破灭了吗?

    Has the bubble burst for the yellow metal ?

  6. 当他打开盖子,满满一箱黄澄澄的金子简直让他眼花缭乱。

    When he opened it , piles of yellow gold met his dazzled eyes .

  7. 透过浅浅的湖水,金子就像黄澄澄的奶油一样。他们的搜寻到此结束了。

    Through the shallow water the gold showed like yellow butter , and here their search ended .

  8. 大家都爱吃的黄澄澄的蜂蜜是辛勤的蜜蜂的伟大创造。

    Honey , the rich gold liquid that we all love is the miraculous creation of industrious honey bees .

  9. 罐中的鸟食是些黄澄澄的颗粒,有一缕野草的清香散发出来。

    The bird food in it was some yellow grains which gave off the refreshing smell of wild grass .

  10. 奇异的是,山泉不知从哪里冲来黄澄澄的金砂,渐渐的填满了小坑。

    Strangely , the mountain spring anyhow brought some bright yellow gold sand and got to fill the small hole .

  11. 就在这时,床边有了动静,有个东西轻轻跳上他的双脚,用一双黄澄澄、

    And then there was movement beside the bed , and something landed lightly on his legs . He felt nothing .

  12. 春天永在,不用种子,地里也长出鲜花来;河里流的是奶和酒,以及从橡树蒸馏而来的黄澄澄的蜜糖。

    Perpetual spring reigned , flowers sprang up without seed , the rivers flowed with milk and wine , and yellow honey distilled from the oaks .

  13. 当黄澄澄的茶水入口时,你就会感觉头脑清醒了很多,一杯清茶一份关爱,一口香茶一份情谊。

    The yellow tea when the entrance , and you will feel clear-headed of the lot , a cup of tea to a caring , one of a friendship tea .

  14. 桌上会有一碗又一碗的鸡肉、米饭、菠菜和辣味羊肉,全都由妇女们亲手烹调而成。饭后还有一盘盘香脆的苹果、一块块黄澄澄的蛋糕,还有一大壶奶茶。

    There would be bowls of chicken , rice , local spinach and spicy mutton , all cooked over the fire by the women , followed by plates of crunchy apples , slices of yellow cake and a big kettle of milky tea .