
zhèng zé
  • regular;canonical
正则 [zhèng zé]
  • [regular] 具有全等正多边形各面的以及多面体的所有角均相等的

正则[zhèng zé]
  1. 推广的N个时间的哈密顿原理和正则变换群

    Generalized Multi-Time Hamilton Principle and Canonical Transformation Group

  2. 对CDMA时变色散信道基于离散正则模型的盲辨识方法

    Blind Identification of CDMA Time-Varying Dispersive Channels Based on Discrete-Time Canonical Model

  3. 名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成!

    If the name is not right then speech will not be in order , and if speech is not in order then nothing will be accomplished .

  4. source:正则表达式所匹配的输入字符串。

    Source : The input string the regular expression is matched against .

  5. Fuzzy正则表达式与Fuzzy有限态自动机的关系

    On the relation between Fuzzy regular expression and Fuzzy finite state automaton

  6. value属性可以是文本字符、变量或变量外加一个定制的正则表达式。

    The value attribute may be literal characters , variables , or variables plus a customized regular expression .

  7. R0代数的正则性及其Fuzzy拓扑表现定理

    The Regularity of R_0 Algebras and Their Fuzzy Topology Representation Theorem

  8. N是M的正则子模;

    ( 2 ) N is regular submodules of M ;

  9. (B,H)&正则泛函的畴数与指标理论

    The category and index for ( B , H ) - regular functionals

  10. VISUALBASIC6.0中正则表达式的应用

    Application of regular expression in Visual Basic 6.0

  11. 正则半群的弱左C同余

    Weak Left-C Congruences on Regular Semigroup

  12. 正则Fuzzy蕴涵代数

    Regular Fuzzy Implication Algebra

  13. 关于Fuzzy正则半群

    On Fuzzy Regular Semigroups

  14. 实现了一种基于TV正则化的图像盲恢复算法。

    Realize an algorithm for a blind image restoration by using the total variation regularization .

  15. 如果R满足WSRA升链条件,那么R是正则环。

    If R satisfies WSPA ascending chains conditions , then R is regular ring .

  16. 在朱平工作的基础上,继续探讨P拟正则半群的广义格林关系和一些性质。

    Discuss general Green relation ships and some more characteristics about P quasi regular semigroups on basic of ZHU Ping .

  17. 应用正则式抽取Google网页内容

    Extracting the Content of Google Web Page with Regular Expressions

  18. SAR图像幅度域增强的正则化方法

    Regularization method for SAR image enhancement in amplitude domain

  19. 本文还对基于TV正则化模型的盲图像恢复算法进行了研究分析。

    The blind image restoration algorithm based on the TV of regularization model is also analyzed in this paper .

  20. 对应函数D(z)和广义非正则方程

    Correspondence Function D ( z ) and Generalized Irregular Equations

  21. 给定一个字符串,它对Match进行循环以试图找到相应的正则表达式。

    Given a string , it loops through the Match to try to find the appropriate regular expression .

  22. 研究了局部紧Hausdorff空间上正则Fuzzy测度的性质。

    The properties of regular fuzzy measure on locally compact Hausdorff space are studied .

  23. 在图10中,ReferenceName(在本例中是User)存储使用正则表达式语法提取的值。

    In Figure 10 , the Reference Name ( User in this example ) stores the values that are extracted using regular-expression syntax .

  24. 我们也把split游戏推广到了广义ω-正则表达式。

    An extension of the split game to generalized ω - regular expressions is also established .

  25. 例如,正则表达式A(B(C))包含子组(B(C))和(C)。

    For example the regular expression A ( B ( C )) has the subgroups ( B ( C )) and ( C ) .

  26. 另一正则变换g3:TN→TN给出全部热力学公式。

    Another canonical transformationg_3 : TN → TN gives all of the thermodynamic formulas .

  27. 本文研究N(2,2,0)代数的左单位元、正则元的特征,指出它们之间的联系。

    The Paper focuses on the characters of left Unit element and regular element of N ( 2,2,0 ) algebra and its relation .

  28. 基于lk范数正则化方法的SAR图像超分辨

    SAR Image Super-resolution Based on Regularization of l_ k Norm

  29. 本文用群论方法推出多原子分子正则振动模式的可约表示特征标公式,在IBM微机上实现程序化,使红外光谱振动模式分解更加简便、实用。

    The character of reducible representation for normal models of multi-atomic molecular system is formulated by group theoretical approach .

  30. 提出一种全新的基于空间滤波理论的正则化方法,它不依赖于阻抗分布的先验估计,因此它比最大后验(MAP)正则化方法易于实现;

    We developed a new regularization method based on the spatial filtering theory , which is independent on the estimation of impedance distribution .