
hóu mì
  • dense;denseness;intimate;compactedness
稠密 [chóu mì]
  • (1) [intimate]∶亲切,密切

  • 往来稠密

  • 宝玉听得这话如此亲切稠密,大有深意。--《红楼梦》

  • (2) [dense]∶又多又密

稠密[hóu mì]
  1. 在量子稠密编码的过程中,C作为控制者。

    In the process of quantum dense coding , C works as a controller .

  2. 想象身体较稠密的层面(aspect)。

    Imagine the more dense aspects of the body .

  3. 我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,途经人口稠密的街区。

    Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods

  4. 尼日利亚是非洲人口最稠密的国家,也是非洲大陆的经济强国。

    Nigeria is the most populous African country and an economic powerhouse for the continent .

  5. 有6,000万人口的东北部是美国人口最稠密的地区。

    The north-east , with 60 million people , is the most densely populated part of the United States

  6. 上海市大部分市区人口稠密。

    Most of Shanghai City is thickly settled .

  7. 导弹是瞄准军事目标而不是瞄准城市人口稠密居住区的。

    The missiles are aimed at military targets , not at urban centres .

  8. 住得日益稠密的居民,对内和对外都不得不更紧密地团结起来

    The denser population necessitates closer consolidation both for internal and external action .

  9. 建议该处存在有稠密的侵入的岩浆体,延伸到20千米左右的深度,该区附近有低速的P波速度。

    This region is surrounded by lower P wave velocities .

  10. 本文特别研究了稠密完备格上Fuzzy集扩张运算的性质。

    Specifically , the extended operation 's properties of Fuzzy sets on the dense complete lattice are considered .

  11. B(C0,C(K))空间可达范数算子的稠密性问题

    Dense Question on getting norm operator in B ( C_0 , C ( K )) Space

  12. N(Z)的和图.一种基于最小割的稠密视差图恢复算法

    An Algorithm for Dense Disparity Mapping by Using Graph Cuts

  13. X射线激光在稠密等离子体诊断中的应用

    Application of X-ray lasers in dense plasma diagnostics

  14. 他希望(hope)将村民安置在少数人口更稠密的城镇,从然而节约土地。

    He hopes that land can be conserved by resettling villagers into fewer and more densely populated towns .

  15. 当这类发散数列被限制在区间(a,b)内时,其项的分布保持“均匀稠密”,称该数列在[a,b]上是一致分配。

    If the divergent sequence is limited within some intervals and its term 's distribution is uniform and dense , called uniform distribution .

  16. 稠密Ar等离子体中粒子间相互作用的研究

    A study on interparticle interaction in dense argon plasma

  17. 稠密气固两相流中颗粒团运动的DEM模型研究

    Studying of cluster behavior in dense gas-particle two-phase flow by using DEM model

  18. 本文得到了E与其每一个因子空间Ei之间关于连续性、完备性、收敛性和稠密性等性质的关系。

    In this paper , we obtain some relations between E and each factor spaces E_i concerning continuity , convergence , completeness and density .

  19. 基于DT剖分的二维稠密匹配

    2D dense image matching based on delaunay triangulation

  20. 根据耳廓形状半自动匹配特征点,运用标定信息进行外极校正,最后利用稠密匹配重建3D耳朵模型。

    Match ear features according to auricle shape semi automatically . Epipolar correction is done by using camera calibration information and 3D ear shape is reconstructed after density matching .

  21. 提出了一种基于三态动态规划和census变换的实时鲁棒稠密立体匹配方法。

    We propose a dense stereo algorithm based on census transform and 3-state dynamic programming ( DP ) .

  22. 半稠密的点对应这一步有效的解决了SFM问题中得一个关键难题correspondence,这为下一步对人脸作自动的三维分析提供了坚实基础;

    It also provides semi-dense correspondence , which is one of the key problems of SFM .

  23. 随着贮存停放时间的延长,复合体系中的纳米SiO2聚集更为稠密,结合胶含量增加并逐渐达到平衡;

    The agglomeration of nano-silica aggregated , bound rubber content increased and reached equilibrium with increasing thermal annealing time .

  24. Rees定理在稠密正规语言中的一个应用

    An application of Rees theorem to dense regular languages

  25. 空间X是几乎亚紧的当且仅当X的每一单调开覆盖U有一个开加细,且在X的某一稠密子集上是点有限的;

    A space X is nearly metacompact if and only if every monotone open cover U has an open refinement that is point-finite on some dense subset of X ;

  26. 稠密Ar等离子体不透明度的计算测量了稠密氩等离子体温度,并与国外文献报道结果进行了对比。

    The calculation of opacity about dense argon plasma Hugoniot data and shock temperatures of the shock generated Ar plasma were measured in this work .

  27. 具体来说,首先根据三角形的形状信息对三角形进行凝聚分层聚类,将CAD网格模型中的三角形分类为稀疏三角形区域与稠密三角形区域。

    Specifically , by clustering the shape information with the agglomerative hierarchical clustering method , the triangles in the given CAD mesh model is first classified into sparse triangles and dense triangles .

  28. Bergman空间上Hankel算子的稠密性

    Density of Hankel operators on the Bergman space

  29. 一种基于FDTD法的数值方法用来分析稠密离散随机媒质。

    In this paper , a novel method for studying dense discrete random medium in two dimensions is presented based on the FDTD method .

  30. 分次除环和Jacobson稠密性定理

    Graded Division Rings and the Jacobson density theorem