
zhèng wǔ
  • noon;midday;high noon;noontide
正午 [zhèng wǔ]
  • [high noon] 中午十二点

正午[zhèng wǔ]
  1. 正午耀眼的阳光。

    the glaring sunlight of high noon .

  2. 作为好莱坞经典西部片的影迷,我的第一倾向是表现得像《正午》(HighNoon)中的加里•库柏(GaryCooper),让那些朝鲜人好好见识下,在这一带他们是在跟谁打交道。

    As a fan of old Hollywood westerns , my first inclination was to behave as if I were Gary Cooper in High Noon and show those North Koreans exactly who they were dealing with in these parts .

  3. 她将在正午抵达纽约。

    She 'll arrive in New York at noon .

  4. 列车正午到达。

    The train arrives at midday .

  5. 时钟响过正午十二点。

    The clock chimed midday .

  6. 兄弟几个总是要到正午前后才姗姗来到工作室。

    The brothers usually roll into their studio around midday .

  7. 天很热,正午的阳光下,温度高达近90华氏度。

    It was hot , nearly 90 degrees in the noonday sun .

  8. 在正午时分的热浪之中,人们开始感到疲倦。

    People were beginning to tire in the midday heat .

  9. 现在的时间是正午过8分钟。

    It 's eight minutes after midday .

  10. 正午的阳光火辣辣的。

    The noon sun was fierce

  11. 正午时钟打12下。

    The clock strikes twelve times at noon .

  12. 沙漠里的空气在正午时刻被热气熏蒸得颤动起来。

    The air in the desert seemed to vibrate in the midday heat .

  13. 苏笑柏的《大娘家》、周思聪的《正午》则采用了简括的写意手法。

    Su xiaobai 's grandmother 's home and Zhou sicong 's noon time use pithy and simple sketches .

  14. 它的影子显示了太阳的运动方向,借此他们能够确定正午的时间。

    Its shadow showed the movement of the sun , by which they were able to determine midday .

  15. 这是正午的时候,孩子们游戏的时间已经过去了;

    It was noon . The children 's playtime was over ;

  16. 像正午的蜡烛融化,

    Lost as a candle lit at noon ,

  17. 我会在正午之前回来。

    I 'll be back before noon .

  18. 时间刚过正午,大夫拿起帽子和枪,还有一把短剑,把地图放在口袋里,迅速地消失在树林里。

    Then , a little past noon , the doctor took his hat , his pistols4 and a sword , put the map in his pocket , and walked off quickly through the trees .

  19. 确实,大家都知道,在美国是正午时分,在法国,正夕阳西下,只要在一分钟内赶到法国就可看到日落。

    Just so . Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun is setting2 over France . If you could fly to France in one minute , you could go straight into the sunset , right from noon .

  20. 十一点正at11o'clocksharp?正午12点atnoon?

    at 11 o'clock on the hour ?

  21. Goodmorning一般在正午之前使用;Goodafternoon在正午和下午5点之前使用;Goodevening一般在下午5点之后使用。

    Good morning is typically said in the morning before midday ; Good afternoon is said between midday and around5pm ; Good evening is usually said after5pm .

  22. 正午时分他会到店里,那是他和八位MBA同学今年7月在上海开的餐厅&Cheers。

    By midday he is at the Shanghai restaurant , Cheers , which he and eight classmates from his MBA programme opened in July .

  23. 观测的基本结果是:(1)近地面1.8m高度处以北风为主,风速大多低于2m/s,正午入射太阳辐射约700W/m2;

    Main findings are as follows . Firstly , the site is characterized by north wind with a velocity usually less than 2 m / s at a height of 1.8 m. Incident solar radiation is around 700 W / m ~ ( 2 ) at noon .

  24. 在安多地区和那曲地区都出现了逆湿现象,强逆湿主要出现在午夜或正午。

    The strong humidity inversion phenomena appear in night or noon .

  25. 早晨是戒指,正午是剑。

    The ring in the morning , at midday the sword .

  26. 到正午时,我们确实开始觉得热了。

    By mid-day we 'd really begun to feel the heat .

  27. 在正午和午后烈日当空时,要给他们提供部分遮荫。

    Provide partial shade from scorching noon or early afternoon sun .

  28. 据传,调查延续到了正午,并将在周三继续进行。

    The hearing adjourned by midday and will reconvene on Wednesday .

  29. 我一定要在明天正午前凑足500万。

    I got to get five million dollars by noon tomorrow .

  30. 但它正午若过,下一分钟就是夜。

    And his short minute , after noon , is night .