
  • 网络Cortical cataract;cortex cataract
  1. 目的:探讨年龄相关性皮质性白内障(ACC)患者发病因素及各期发展与微量元素及维生素C、维生素E间的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between the disease factors , the development of every period in patients with age related cortical cataract ( ACC ), and microelements and Vitamin C 、 E.

  2. 两个试验中补充营养物质对皮质性白内障的患病率均无显著效果。

    No treatment effect was noted for cortical cataract in either trial .

  3. H2O2诱导大鼠皮质性白内障形成,Western-blot检测晶状体上皮细胞内蛋白激酶C-α的蛋白表达变化;

    The expression of protein kinase C in rat LECs during cataract formation was analyzed by Western-blot analysis .

  4. PCNA阳性4例。结论:老年核性白内障晶体上皮细胞密度高于皮质性白内障。

    The positive staining of PCNA in 30 cases of nuclear cataract and cortex cataract was 25 cases and 4 cases respectively .

  5. Src-家族酪氨酸激酶在皮质性白内障中对Na,K-ATP酶的影响

    The Effects of Src Family Kinases on Na , K-ATPase in Formation of Cortex Cataract in Vitro

  6. 结论OPN及CD44在前囊下白内障及皮质性白内障晶状体上皮细胞中均表达为阳性,在前囊下白内障晶状体上皮细胞中表达明显增强,两者在前囊下白内障的形成过程中可能起重要作用。

    Conclusion OPN and CD44 were highly expressed in the LECs of anterior subcapsular cataracts , suggesting that both of them may play a critical role during the development of anterior subcapsular cataract .

  7. 目的:比较老年核性及皮质性白内障晶状体上皮细胞中转化生长因子β2(TGFβ2)mRNA的表达有无差异,结合两种类型白内障晶状体上皮细胞的增殖状态,探讨其发病机理。

    Objective : To determine the levels of transforming growth factor - β 2 ( TGF - β 2 ) mRNA in lens epithelial cells ( LECs ) from patients with aging nuclear and cortex cataracts , and to approach the pathogenesis of these two types of aging cataracts .

  8. Src-家族酪氨酸激酶对皮质性白内障晶状体中缝隙连接蛋白的影响

    Effects of Src family kinases on gap junction Cx43 in formation of cortical cataract

  9. 老年核性及皮质性白内障晶状体上皮细胞中TGF-β2的表达

    Levels of TGF - β _2 mRNA in Lens Epithelium of Aging Nuclear and Cortex Cataract

  10. 人晶状体的基质金属蛋白酶和基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂:可能与皮质性白内障形成有关

    Matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases in the human lens : Implications for cortical cataract formation

  11. 老年核性和皮质性白内障患者转化生长因子β2的表达及晶状体上皮细胞的变化

    Expression of transforming growth factor - β _2 and changes of lens epithelial cells in age-related nuclear and cortex cataract

  12. 老年核性与皮质性白内障晶体上皮细胞密度及增殖细胞核抗原表达

    The Cell Density and Expression of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen ( PCNA ) in the Lens Epithelium of Aging Nuclear and Cortex Cataract

  13. 结果皮质性白内障晶状体的非蛋白巯基含量显著高于核性白内障晶状体(P<0.01);

    Results The content of nonprotein SH in cortical cataract lenses was significantly higher than that in nuclear cataract lenses ( P < 0.01 ) .

  14. 将95例皮质性白内障患者随机分为治疗组52例(障翳散治疗)、对照组43例(白内停眼药水治疗)。

    Patients were randomized into two groups : treatment group with 52 cases treated by " Zhangyi Powder " and control group with 43 cases treated by cataract eye drop .

  15. 结论方形截囊术为皮质性白内障超声乳化摘除提供了一个边缘光滑整齐、抗撕裂、无前囊碎片的开口,同时确保了人工晶体囊袋内固定的可靠性。

    Conclusion The results show that the square-shaped anterior capsulotomy provides a tag-free opening with smooth edges and excellent tear resistance for cortical cataracts , and raises the reliability of IOl intracapsular fixation .

  16. 结果老年性皮质性白内障初发期超声检查假阴性占1905%,敏感性不如裂隙灯检查,膨胀期、成熟期、过熟期超声的检出率可达到100%。

    Results In the incipient stage of senile cortical cataract , the false negative ratio of ultrasonography is 19.05 % , the sensitivity is lower than that of slit-lamp . In the intumescent stage , mature stage or hypermature stage , the relevant ratio of ultrasonography is 100 % .

  17. 糖皮质激素性白内障93例临床分析

    A clinical analysis of 93 cases with corticosteroid cataract