
  • 网络shaker;cocktail shaker
  1. 按个人口味将适量柠檬汁、柠檬甘露酒、冰伏特加酒倒入调酒器进行调制并且调制均匀。

    Pour the lemon juice , lemon cordial and vodka into a cocktail shaker and shake well .

  2. 他用鸡尾酒调酒器帮我们调了一杯酒。

    He mixed us a drink in the cocktail shaker .

  3. 把调酒器装满一半冰块。

    Half fill the shaker with ice cubes .

  4. 好莱坞的第一卷电影胶卷开始放映不久,鸡尾酒调酒器就开始晃动了。

    Soon after the first reel of celluloid unspooled in Hollywood , the cocktail shakers began chattering .

  5. 这位90岁的长者一点没有慢下来的迹象,从未想过永远地放下调酒器。

    The90 year old is far from slowing down and has no thoughts of putting down his cocktail shaker ( 11 ) for good ( 12 ) .