
  • 网络True stress;real stress
  1. 材料的真实应力-应变曲线符合抛物线规律;

    ( c ) The true stress strain curves could conform to the parabolic law .

  2. 在此基础上,建议了一种确定正交各向异性韧性材料真实应力-应变曲线的方法。

    Based on FEM results and analysis a simple method was suggested to obtain the true stress and strain curve of orthotropic material .

  3. 这种现象用晶界滑移存在门槛应力这一模型得到满意的解释,并得到真实应力指数、活化能和晶粒指数分别为2406kJ/mol和3.3,它们不随应力而变化。

    This phenomenon can be satisfactorily explained with the model of grain boundary sliding with a threshold stress .

  4. 结果表明Oldroyd流体呈现出真实应力过量现象,并且理论预示结果与实验资料符合很好。

    It is shown that an Oldroyd fluid does exhibit " real " stress overshoot phenomenon and the theoretical predictions are in good agreement with experimental data .

  5. 利用Gleeble1500热力模拟试验机对6063铝合金(400℃~520℃)的不同应变率和应变了进行了热力模拟试验,获得了6063铝合金的真实应力应变曲线和方程。

    By using Gleeble-1500 thermomechanical simulator , compressed tests of aluminum alloy are made in certain temperature , at certain strain rate and strain , the true stress-strain curve and equation of 6063 aluminum alloy are gained .

  6. 再将实验得到的真实应力-应变曲线导入有限元软件的材料模型中,并结合热冲压成形的工艺流程,利用Dynaform软件对某汽车A柱加强件的U型局部进行热冲压热力耦合分析。

    Then put it into the model of material in FEM . Coupled thermal-mechanical simulation of hot stamping for the U-section of A pillar reinforcer by the software Dynaform , meanwhile , it combined the process of hot stamping .

  7. 对铝合金6082(T5)矩形中空截面挤压型材的基本力学性能进行了实验研究,获得了真实应力应变关系曲线和厚向异性指数r0、r45和r90。

    This paper presented an investigation of material properties of aluminium extrusions 6082 ( T5 ) . The true stress-strain curve and anisotropy parameter , r 0 , r 45 and r 90 were determined .

  8. 岩土材料真实应力&应变试验关系

    Experimental relationship between authentic stress and strain of rocklike material

  9. 计算时,板料的真实应力-应变曲线拟合为幂强化函数型。

    In calculating , power hardening function is used as the true stress - strain curve of materials .

  10. 根据镁合金热压缩实验得到的真实应力-真实应变数据,建立镁合金热变形的流变应力模型。

    The flow stress model was building according to the data obtained from the magnesium alloy hot compression test .

  11. 金属材料在不同应变率下的真实应力应变曲线是汽车碰撞模拟的一个关键。

    By scientific computing with the constitutive equation , the plate ′ s stress-strain curves at different strain rate are obtained .

  12. 通过比较工程应力-应变曲线和真实应力-应变曲线拟合的结果,分析两种拟合方式的区别。岩土材料真实应力&应变试验关系

    And two fitting method was compared to find the difference . Experimental relationship between authentic stress and strain of rocklike material

  13. 本文采用单试样逆光拍照法对延性材料拉伸试验缩颈后的真实应力-应变进行了有效的测量。

    The backlight photography with single sample was used to measure the true stress-strain of the ductile material after necking in tensile test .

  14. 通过实验得到真实应力的关系式及真实应变关系式,进而得到真实应力-应变曲线。

    Through the experiment , the relation formula of real stress , real strain and the curve of stress and strain are achieved .

  15. 最后,根据弹脆性材料的损伤本构关系确定受载复合材料板的真实应力场。

    Finally , the real stress fields of the composite plate loaded can be determined from the constitutive relation of damaged elastic material .

  16. 分析迁移应力,确定了真实应力空间中的屈服函数,并采用旋转硬化规律考虑应力引起的土体各向异性。

    Then the shift stresses were analyzed to specify the yield locus in true stress space and rotational hardening law was adopted to embody the anisotropy induced by stresses .

  17. 然而,其自带的岩土本构模型都忽略了中间主应力的作用,因而并不能全面地反应岩土材料的真实应力状态。

    However , among those materials , the effect of intermediate principal stress was generally ignored , which actually does not comply with the real property of geotechnical materials .

  18. 本文还针对目前在混凝土结构中普遍采用的预埋钢弦应变计进行应力实测的方法,改进了分析主塔混凝土索塔收缩、徐变的有效方法,为得到索塔真实应力提供了可靠保证。

    In addition , practical calculating method for concrete structure time deformation and shrinkage are improved when using steel chord strain gage actual measure the key section of main tower .

  19. 现有井壁围岩应力求解模型大都基于平面应变假设,相对岩石真实应力状态会有一定的误差。

    Most of the existing models for borehole wall stress are based on plane strain hypothesis . So some errors may be generated as compared with the real stress state of rock .

  20. 本文通过拉伸实验研究了国产聚碳酸酯板的力学行为,得到了这种材料在不同应变速率下的真实应力&应变曲线。

    The mechanical behaviour of polycarbonate ( PC ) is studied in this paper by tensile experiments . A set of true stress & strain curves for different strain rates is obtained .

  21. 本文采用两节点铰接单元,以真实应力为参数对大跨拉索穹顶轻型结构进行了几何非线性静力分析。

    This paper presents geometrical non linear static analysis of long span lightweight cable dome by two jointed elements method , it 's proved by practical cases that the method used is both effective and of high accuracy .

  22. 充分考虑标准试验试样制备、设备参数设置、温度调节等细节,对聚乙烯管试样进行等速率拉伸、蠕变、松弛试验,通过合理的试验处理得到真实应力应变曲线以及力学性能参数。

    Take full account of the preparation of standard test sample , set of device parameters , temperature and other details on the polyethylene pipe specimen , constant strain rate tensile , creep test and relaxation test are accomplish .

  23. 通过对圆孔翻边应力应变分析,应用全量理论,推导出了变形区应变、厚度及变形时材料真实应力的分布规律

    In the paper , based on the deformation theory , the author deduces the distribution regularities of strain , thickness of plate and real stress in the deforming region through analyzing stress and strain in the round hole burring process

  24. 概述了随机疲劳寿命估算的一般过程,就该过程中的局部真实应力应变分析的简化计算方法和随机载荷下的循环应力应变模拟及疲劳损伤进行了探讨。

    With a general review given briefly to the prediction procedure of random fatigue life , the article discusses mainly two problems : the simplification of locally real stress-strain analysis , and the cyclic stress-strain simulation and fatigue damage under random loads .

  25. 该方法不需要测定材料的真实应力应变曲线,仅需知道材料的屈服强度、抗拉强度和延伸率等几个必要参数,简单易行,能很好地将材料的应变强化现象考虑在内。

    With the strain hardening effect being taken into account , the method is simple to be applied which only needs several basic material parameters such as yield strength , tensile strength and elongation percentage , not to measure the factual stress-strain curves .

  26. 根据真实的应力应变曲线讨论了橡胶材料模型的局限性。

    According to the true stress and strain curves the limitations of the material model are discussed .

  27. 将纳达依表达式应用于圆柱形试样扭转试验时真实扭转应力的测定。

    Nadai 's expression is applied to the determination of true torsion stress of a cylindrical test piece .

  28. 提出了一种新而简单的真实扭转应力测定方法,即图解法。

    A new and simple method , i. e. the graphical method , for determining the true torsion stress is proposed .

  29. 另一方面是随着计算机技术和数值计算方法的发展,试验设备的进步,使考虑土的较为真实的应力应变关系成为可能。

    Progress of the laboratorial equipment and calculational methods makes it possible to find out the comparatively authentic constitutive relations of the soil .

  30. 以塑性区贯通为失稳判据的强度折减有限元法,可以很好的求解真实的应力分布和模拟软土边坡破坏过程,是一种值得提倡的方法。

    The strength reduction FEM , taking the run-through of plastic zone as unstability criterion , can obtain actual stress distribution and simulate the process of slope failure .