
  • 网络district councilors
  1. 直到1991年他连续7年在索利霍尔担任区议员。

    For seven years until 1991 he served as a district councillor in Solihull .

  2. 区议员因选举种票及妨碍司法公正被判监三个月

    District Councillor was jailed for three months for vote-planting and perverting the course of justice .

  3. 我是本区议员弗兰克·安德伍德

    I 'm Frank Underwood , your congressman .

  4. 你认为选出黎既区议员最需要解决咩问题?

    Which problem do you think the New District Council members need to tackle first ?

  5. 本人亦进一步声明,本人并非现任区议员。

    I further declare that I am not an incumbent Member of any District Council .

  6. 刘皇发议员就“委任区议员加入谘询及法定组织”提出质询。

    Hon LAU Wong-fat raised a question on " appointing District Councils members to advisory and statutory bodies " .

  7. 有嘉宾提出,既然区议员也是由选举产生,区议员应可以直接成为选举委员会的委员。

    Some participants suggested that district council members should become members of the election committee since they were elected .

  8. 叶国谦议员就“向因公受伤的区议员作出赔偿”提出质询。

    Hon IP Kwok-him raised a question on " compensation for District Council members injured in the discharge of duties " .

  9. 有嘉宾提议四个分组维持不变,另加入全体区议员。

    A participant suggested that the current composition of the four sectors remain unchanged , but include all District Council members .

  10. 杨森议员就“委任最少的区议员”动议议案,以便在立法会辩论。

    Dr Hon YEUNG Sum moved a motion on " appointing least number of District Council members " for debate in the council .

  11. 这导致有些区议员称它们为「鸡肋」&食之无味,弃之可惜。

    That has led some councillors to dub them " chicken ribs " - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away .

  12. 如果区议员有权推选行政长官人选,选民在区议会投票时会有不同的考虑。

    If District Council members were given a say in selecting the chief executive , voters would have different considerations when casting their votes in District Council election .

  13. 主席女士,建议方案的重点,是增强区议员在选举委员会和立法会的参与程度。

    Madam president , the main thrust of the proposed package is the enhanced level of participation of District Council members in the election committee and the legislative council .

  14. 华盛顿州民主党区国会议员里克·拉森发表声明,呼吁罗德曼不要“中伤被外国扣押的美国同胞”。NPR新闻,马丁·凯斯特西雅图报道。

    District Congressman from Washington State Democrat Rick Larsen , who released a statement calling on Rodman not to " cast aspersions on a fellow American who is being held by a foreign nation . " Martin Kaste , NPR News , Seattle .

  15. 必须向区国会议员申请。

    The Congressman of the district must be petitioned .

  16. 有请本区国会议员,弗兰克·安德伍德

    Our very own congressman , Frank Underwood .

  17. 他是这个区的议员。

    He 'd the congreddman of thid didtrict .

  18. 他亦为葵青区议会议员、职业训练局理事、及基本法推广督导委员会委员。

    He is also Member of Kwai Tsing District Council , Member of the Vocational Training Council , and .

  19. 法官、各政府部门及相关组织的首长,以及立法会及区议会议员等嘉宾届时亦会出席。

    Guests including judges , heads of various government departments and other related organizations , Legislative Councillors and district councillors will also attend .

  20. 立法会议员不时与区议会议员行闭门会议及共进午餐,以便就彼此关注的事项进行讨论及交换意见。

    Meeting-cum-luncheons are held in camera with District Council members from time to time to discuss and exchange views on matters of mutual interest .

  21. 代表哈莱姆黑人区的国会议员查尔斯兰格(charlesrangel)支持重新实行征兵制,他认为不征兵是不公平的。

    Congressman Charles Rangel , who represents Harlem , supports the return of the draft on the argument that not having one is unfair .

  22. 我正在你们这区竞选州议员。

    I 'm running for state Senate in your district .

  23. 关于这件事我要给我区的众议院议员写信。

    I 'll write to the congressman of my district about this .

  24. 为将自己政党的下议院议员与反对党下院议员区分开,下院议员将称反对党下议院议员为“我的朋友阁下”。

    To distinguish MPS of one 's own party from those on the other side of the house , and MP will say'my hon . friend ' .

  25. 区议会由民选议员和委任议员组成。在新界区的区议会,乡事委员会主席为当然议员。

    A District Council is composed of elected members , appointed members , and , in the case of District Councils in rural areas , the chairmen of Rural Committees as ex officio members .

  26. 各临时区议会均推行会见市民计划,让居民约见区议员,就区内问题发表意见。

    Each Provisional District Board operated a meet-the-public scheme , under which residents could meet board members face-to-face to express their views on any district problems .

  27. 建议堂区监察区内环境事务,向政府反映意见,推动区议员及立法会议员监察地区环保情况。

    Parishes should monitor district-wide environmental matters and voice opinions as well as urge District Board members and Legislative Council members to promote and monitor the environmental situations in the district .

  28. 第一届区议会选举在一九九九年十一月二十八日举行,选出共390名区议员。

    The first election for the District Councils was held on November 28 , 1999 , returning 390 elected members .