
  • 网络Oil stone ratio;OAC;bitumie-aggregate ratio
  1. 试验结果表明对抗滑性能影响最大的是CA比,其次是油石比。

    The result of the test shows : It exert a largest influence on anti-slide performance for CA ratio , secondly it is asphalt-aggregate ratio .

  2. 首先进行前期室内试验,确定HRA使用的原材料、沥青与添加剂类型、级配和油石比。

    Firstly , we make sure the raw material , kinds of bitumen and modifier , graduation and bitumen-aggregate ratio by indoor test .

  3. 论述了以GTM设计的AC-16C改性沥青混合料为基础,在级配、油石比、粉油比变化的条件下,分别对混合料进行低温弯曲破坏试验。

    Described here is the cold bending rupture test on the AC-16C modified asphalt mixture designed using the GTM method with varied gradation , bitumen-aggregate ratio and cement-bitumen ratio .

  4. 在使用传统马歇尔设计方法确定最佳油石比的基础上,又引入了力学指标SCB,有效避免了材料与结构设计的脱节。

    The research is using traditional Marshall design methods so as to find the optimal asphalt-aggregate ration , then introduce into mechanical index ( SCB ) SCB , which effectively avoid disconnection between materials and structure design .

  5. 利用GTM试验方法对掺加不同掺量布敦岩沥青的混合料进行了配合比设计,得出了最佳油石比和标准密度;

    The mixed ratio of BUTON rock asphalt mixture with different proportion was designed , by the GTM experimental method . Then , the optimum proportion of the oil and stone , and the standard density were obtained .

  6. 集料吸水率对沥青混合料最佳油石比的影响

    Effects of Specific Absorption of Aggregate on Optimum Proportion of Asphalt

  7. 高速公路沥青混合料级配和油石比变异性分析

    Analysis on Expressway Asphalt Mixture Gradation & Asphalt Content Variability

  8. 优化神经网络在油石比预估中的应用

    Application of nerve network majorization in the forecast of oil stone ratio

  9. 沥青混合料最佳油石比确定方法试验研究

    Test Research on Obtaining Methods of Optimal Asphalt Content for Asphalt Mixtures

  10. 油石比控制及误差分析

    Mix Ratio Controller and Error Analysis for Aggregate and Asphalt

  11. 通过试验分析确定最佳的级配及油石比。

    It confirms gradation and asphalt-aggregate ratio by test .

  12. 多孔沥青路面级配组合与油石比确定

    Selection of porous asphalt pavement gradation and asphalt-concrete ratio

  13. 类似级配沥青混合料最佳油石比关系研究

    Relationship of the optimum asphalt ratios between similar gradation asphalt mixtures by weight of aggregates

  14. 在这3种试验方案最佳油石比的基础上对沥青混合料的路用性能指标进行了试验分析;

    On the basis of optimum oil stone ratio of 3 kinds of test projects , road performance were analyzed ;

  15. 通过马歇尔实验,分别分析了级配离析的油石比变化、集料离析、矿粉离析对各项马歇尔指标的影响。

    The Marshall Test has revealed the variation of oil-aggregate ratio induced by the segregation and its impact on Marshall Index .

  16. 通过马歇尔试件体积指标,确定了他们的最佳油石比。第三,混合料路用性能测试。

    Through the Marshall specimen volume indicators to determine their best than oilstone . Third , do the mixture performance tests .

  17. 试验时发现集料吸水率对沥青混合料最佳油石比有着较大的影响。

    The fact that specific absorption of aggregate has important effects on the optimum proportion of asphalt is detected by the tests .

  18. 从沥青混合料的两大指针级配和油石比的质量控制方式方面,对沥青混凝土连续式搅拌设备和间歇式搅拌设备的工作原理进行了较为深入的讨论。

    The working principles of batch and continuous asphalt concrete mix equipments are discussed from the quality control of Gradation and Oil-Stone Rate .

  19. 通过验证试验得出:沥青混合料中添加纤维能有效地减小集料吸水率的波动对沥青混合料最佳油石比的影响。

    Verifying test indicates adding fiber into asphalt mixture can weaken the effect of specific absorption of aggregate on the optimum proportion of asphalt .

  20. 分析的影响因素包括:沥青混合料级配、油石比、沥青类型、压实度等。

    The influence factors include the asphalt mixture percentage of void variety , the ratio asphalt and different gradation , and different kinds of asphalt .

  21. 基于矿料间隙率的预估最佳油石比经验计算法复合材料孔隙率的超声检测方法探讨

    Experience Calculation for the Best Asphalt Aggregate Ratio Based on the Voids in the Mineral Aggregate ( VMA ) Research on Ultrasonic Methods for Porosity Measurement

  22. 根据本文建立的油石比与稳定度、流值、密度、孔隙率、饱和度的数学模型,可以精确地确定沥青油石比,避免了人工画图带来的误差。

    According to die mathematical models developed by the thesis , the ratio of bitumen to stone can be gained accurately , and human error can be avoided .

  23. 然后,对确定配合比例的国产环氧沥青进行混合料目标配合比设计,确定了矿料的级配范围、混合料的最佳油石比以及高温固化温度、时间等参数。

    Then , it makes target mixture proportion design to study on the aggregate gradation scope , optimum asphalt content of mixture , the temperature and time of curing .

  24. 再生料沥青混凝土搅拌机采用以要求喷洒的沥青量的闭环控制系统,提高石料重量和喷洒沥青量的测量精确度,采用合适的控制方法,才能保证油石比的控制达到规定的指标。

    Drum mixer for asphalt concrete used feedback control system with spraying asphalt , promoting accuracy for measuring aggregate or asphalt and using proper control method ensures the given requirement .

  25. 试验结果表明:在4个因素中,纤维用量对沥青混合料最佳油石比的影响最大,而集料吸水率的影响有所减弱。

    The results of the test indicate that the dosage of fiber in asphalt mixture is the most important factor in the 4 factors and the effect of specific absorption of aggregate is weakened at the same time .

  26. 结合我省高速公路沥青路面的设计与施工,对黏层、封层的设计与施工、施工生产级配控制、最佳油石比确定以及半刚性基层强度设计指标等问题进行了探讨。

    Several problems of asphalt pavement on design and construction in our province including the design , construction of tack coat and seal coat , gradation control , optimal bitumen ratio determination as well as the strength criteria of semi-rigid base course are discussed in this article .

  27. 采用正交试验方法分析集料吸水率、纤维用量、水泥掺量及成型温度这4个因素对沥青混合料最佳油石比的影响程度。

    The 4 factors , such as specific absorption of aggregate , dosage of fiber , dosage of cement and molding temperature , were assembled properly by orthogonal design method , the effects of the factors on the optimum proportion of asphalt were studied at the same time .

  28. 本文通过试验研究了超声珩磨局部共振的影响因素,给出了最佳振动效果下,挠性杆与油石座截面积比、邮石座长度以及局部共振频率的取值范围。

    The influence factors of partial resonance for ultrasonic honing system were studied by tests . In this paper we discussed the area ratio of cross section between flexible pole and oilstone seat , the length of oilstone seat and the partial resonance frequency under the best vibrating effect .

  29. 通过实验比较了国产和进口氧化铝珩磨油石在粗珩阶段的珩磨加工效率。结果表明,在相同的加工条件下,进口Al2O3油石比国产Al2O3油石能够将珩磨效率提高两至三倍。

    Domestic Al_2O_3 honing stone and imported Al_2O_3 honing stone are selected to conduct honing experiment to compare their honing efficiency . It was found that the honing efficiency of imported honing stone is two or three times higher than that of domestic honing stone .