
  • 网络Ink Solvents
  1. HY系列高级彩色油墨溶剂油可替代进口的同类产品用于制造各种高档油墨。

    HY series quality colour ink solvent oil can substitute the imported products to produce all high-class ink oil .

  2. 利用润滑油抽出油生产浅色油墨溶剂油

    Manufacturing light-color ink solvent from extract oil of lubricating oil

  3. 对抽出油原料进行简单的二次加工,加入适当抗乳化剂,研制出浅色油墨溶剂油。

    Light-colored ink solvent oils were obtained through secondary processing by adding certain deemulsifier .

  4. 为降低商标材料残留的油墨溶剂成分对卷烟的污染,采用顶空-气相色谱/质谱法分析了12种卷烟商标纸的残留成分。

    In order to reduce the cigarette pollution by ink solvent residues in printed label , the volatile components in 6 kinds of printed label were analyzed by head-space GC / MS.

  5. 炼油厂重质芳烃油有多种化工用途,可作为蒸馏工艺强化剂、优化溶剂脱沥青工艺添加剂、橡胶工业的橡胶填充油和工艺软化油、工业导热油、黑色油墨溶剂油等。

    Aromatic extract oil can be utilized in many chemical fields , e.g. it can be used as active additives in vacuum distillation unit and solvent deasphalting unit , rubber extender oil and process softening agent in rubber industry , thermal conducting oil and printing ink solvent .

  6. 环境保护要求,油墨的溶剂最好是水。

    To meet the requirement of environmental protection , water is used as the solvent of ink .

  7. 除了可用作涂料稀释剂外,它还可用作合成树脂用原料、油墨用溶剂、电子清洗剂及化妆品用溶剂。

    Additionally , it is used as a material of synthetic resin , solvent in ink , cleaning agent in electronics and solvent in cosmetics in addition to as thinner of coating .

  8. 为油漆、清漆及油墨用之溶剂,亦为防发白水及天那水之主要组份。

    Solvent for paints , lacquers and printing inks , also as ingredient for solvent retarder and thinner formulations .

  9. 首先列举了当前应用比较广泛的几种油墨,如溶剂型油墨、水性油墨和能量固化型油墨。

    The widely used inks were introduced , such as solvent ink , watermanship ink and the energy curing ink .

  10. 对研制的大豆油胶印油墨耐有机溶剂、耐酸、耐碱等各种物化指标进行测试分析,结果显示其物化指标优越。

    The physical and chemical indexes of self-made soybean oil offset ink such as organic solvent-resistance , acid-resistance , alkali-resistance , are measured and analyzed and the result shows it has superior parameters .

  11. 清洗胶布上油墨的一种溶剂。

    A solvent used for cleaning ink from the offset blanket .

  12. 洗胶布液:清洗胶布上油墨的一种溶剂。

    Blanket wash : A solvent used for cleaning ink from the offset blanket .

  13. 目前常用的塑料凹印油墨中使用的溶剂为有毒的甲苯。

    At present , the solvent in the plastic gravure printing ink which in common use is the poisonous toluene .