
  • 网络oleochemicals;oleochemical
  1. 对我国基础油脂化学品工业的生产工艺及装备技术水平进行了综述,包括基础油脂化学品工业的生产工艺及装备发展历史、现状及发展动态;

    The technical level of the production technology and processe equipment of Chinese oleochemical industry , including the historical description , the status and the development trends were reviewed .

  2. 对各国油脂化学品及相关产品的进出口状况进行了分述。

    The imports and exports of oleo chemical-related products by countries are related respectively .

  3. 对2005年日本合成洗涤剂、肥(香)皂、油脂化学品以及家用产品的产销量进行了回顾和总结,对日本洗涤剂市场及油化学品市场形势进行了分析研究,并预测了未来的发展趋势。

    The production quantity and sales of synthetic detergent , soap and toilet soaps , fatty chemicals as well as household products in 2005 are reviewed . The market status of Japan detergent and fatty chemicals is researched , and the development trend in the future is also forecasted .

  4. 我国油脂化工、精细化工的发展趋势是巩固和深化现有的油脂化工产品、以特种技术为基础发展油脂精细化工产品,利用资源优势开发特种油脂精细化学品、研发与市场对路的专用油脂化学品。

    Some suggestions were put forward such as consolidating and deepening the existing oil chemical products , developing the meticulous chemical products of oil based on special technology , utilizing the resource advantage to develope fine chemicals of special oil , developing special-purpose oil chemicals to meet the market needs .