
yóu qījiɑnɡ
  • painter
  1. 他的职业是油漆匠和装潢师傅。

    He works as a painter and decorator .

  2. 肯尼迪没有接受过做油漆匠的正规培训。

    Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator .

  3. 我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。

    I went to work as a painter in my hometown , Natrona Heights , Pennsylvania .

  4. 油漆匠对油刷整个房子的估价是1000美元。

    The painter 's estimate for painting the whole house was1000 dollars .

  5. 几名油漆匠试图调出这个底色,但是谁也不能令那位古怪的妇女满意。最后来了位油漆匠。他非常自信能调出那种颜色。

    Eventually , a painter approaches who is confident he can mix the proper color .

  6. 夫人,你为什麽不找个油漆匠?

    Madam , why don 't you get a painter ?

  7. 我们雇了一个油漆匠油漆卧室。

    We hired a painter to do the bedrooms .

  8. 油漆匠将梯子斜靠在墙上。

    The painter pitched the ladder against the wall .

  9. 所以她决定把两张最佳座位的票送给油漆匠。

    So she decided to give the painter two of the best seats .

  10. 那个主妇很满意,于是这个油漆匠也变得很出名。

    The woman is pleased with the result , and the painter becomes famous .

  11. 那个油漆匠真会磨蹭。

    That painter really takes his time .

  12. 最后,来了一个油漆匠。

    Eventually , a painter comes .

  13. 我的第一份工作是在面包师的手下工作,接着又成为了油漆匠。

    My first job was with a baker 's , and then I was a painter .

  14. 最终,油漆匠、乐队指挥和英国飞行员们一起飞向了中立国瑞士。

    Finally , the painter , conductor and a British pilots fly to a neutral Switzerland .

  15. 你可能会找到一件新公寓或是决定打电话叫油漆匠或修理工来。

    You may find a new apartment or decide to call in the painters or repair men .

  16. 几名油漆匠试图调出这个底色,但是谁也不能令那位古怪的妇女满意。

    Several painters try to match the shade , but none comes close enough to satisfy the eccentric woman .

  17. 一个在塔上工作的油漆匠把一小桶油漆挂在大钟的一个指针上,使钟走慢了。

    A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down !

  18. 迫于形势所逼,油漆匠和指挥家只得替代各自所救的飞行员去和中队长大胡子在浴室碰头,在几次好笑的误会后,他们终于接上了头。

    Under the force , the painter and conductor of each alternative to save and pilots in the bathroom , mustachioed mid-team leader in several funny misunderstanding , they finally connected to the head .

  19. 一九四二年五月八日,法国一位叫勒内.迪谢的房屋油漆匠来到诺曼底一家机构的办事处:这家机构负责为希特勒建造规模庞大的「大西洋长城」防御系统,以备盟军进攻。

    On 8 May 1942 , a French house painter named Rene Duchez arrived at the offices of an organisation in Normandy which was charged with building Hitler 's Atlantic Wall , a colossal system of defences against Allied invasion .

  20. 今天还穿著天鹅绒外套到处走的人不是一个艺术家而是一个插科打诨的小丑或者一个油漆粉刷匠。

    The person who runs around in a velvet suit is no artist but a buffoon or merely a decorator .