
  • 网络OGFC;open graded;open-graded
  1. 通过对开级配抗滑磨耗层(OGFC)沥青路面施工的总结,提出了开级配抗滑磨耗层(OGFC)沥青路面施工工艺和施工质量控制要求。

    This paper concluded the experiences in the constructions of OGFC pavement , and proposed requirement of the construction technology and the quality control of OGFC pavement construction .

  2. 开级配大粒径沥青碎石混合料沥青路面温度应力影响因素分析一种面向多核处理器粗粒度的应用级Cache划分方法

    Analysis of Influence Factors of Temperature Stress of Open-graded Large Stone Asphalt Mixture in Asphalt Pavement A Coarse-Grand Cache Partitioning Technique for Multi-Programmed Workloads on CMPs

  3. 试验研究了粉胶比和集料级配对开级配沥青混凝土(OGFC)力学性能和透水性的影响。

    This paper studied the effects of the filler-asphalt ratio and the gradation on mechanical properties and water permeability of OGFC .

  4. 针对出现的问题,研究采用开级配抗滑磨耗层(OGFC)沥青混合料铺筑隧道路面。

    Due to these disadvantages , open-graded friction course ( OGFC ) asphalt mixture has been considered as the pavement material .

  5. 在力学特性研究中,通过改变试验温度和加载条件,对比和分析了开级配排水性沥青混合料PA-13和传统密级配沥青混合料AC-13的抗拉强度,得出了两者的脆化点。

    Suffering from different test temperature and loading speed , the mechanics strength between open-graded PA-13 and dense-graded AC-13 was compared . The brittleness point for both mixes was determined respectively .

  6. 开级配沥青磨耗层(OGFC)是一种具有互相连通孔隙的开级配沥青混合料,其孔隙率达到15%以上,它具有优良的降噪,排水,抗滑等功能,备受道路界人士的关注。

    Open-graded friction course ( OGFC ) is a kind of interconnected pores open-graded asphalt mixtures , the porosity of 15 % or more , and it has excellent noise reduction , drainage , anti-sliding , which has much concern from the pavement construction .

  7. 基于氢氧化铝阻燃体系的开级配沥青磨耗层防火面层研究

    Flameproof road surface of open-graded asphalt friction course based on ATH flame-retarding system

  8. 关于间断半开级配沥青混合料加罩旧水泥混凝土路面压实工艺的探讨

    Study on the Compaction Technology of Gap Semi-open Gradation Asphalt Mixture Used to Overlay the Cement Pavement

  9. 对于开级配,首先采用沥青膜厚度方法初定沥青用量,再综合析漏试验和大马歇尔试验确定其最佳沥青用量。

    To Open-graded , the optimal asphalt content is determined through the leakage test and the Large Marshall test .

  10. 半柔性路面是一种在开级配沥青混合料中填充水泥胶浆而形成的兼具沥青路面与水泥混凝土路面特点的复合路面。

    Semi-flexible pavement is generally described as an open-graded asphalt concrete mixture , which is filled with Portland cement grout .

  11. 适合于南方和高原紫外线强烈地区使用,尤其适用于对老化性能要求较高的开级配道路。

    So it fits to be used in south and altiplano with high intensity of ultraviolet radiation , especially for open-graded pavement with high request of anti-aging .

  12. 彩色水泥灌浆沥青混合料是将特殊设计的彩色水泥胶浆灌入到大空隙开级配基体沥青混合料中而成型的混合料。

    Color cement slurry - filling asphalt mixture is a new kind of mixture formed by filling special cement slurry into asphalt mixture with large void and open grade .

  13. 开级配和密级配的沥青混凝土对活化碱渣中的氯离子和其它可溶性成分具有较好的密封作用,应用于沥青路面是安全的。

    Both open-graded and dense-graded asphalt concrete can seal up the chlorine irons and soluble ingredients well , which makes sure it is safe when the soda residue is applied in asphalt concrete .

  14. 而后对影响室内混合料抗冻性能评价的因素进行了分析,提出单轴压缩模式更适合开级配磨耗层抗冻性能的评价。

    Then , factors which influence the indoor frost resistance evaluation were analyzed . It was found that uniaxial compression mode is more suitable to the evaluation on frost resistance of porous asphalt pavement in China .

  15. 研究人员通过试验和宏观有限元分析认为开级配沥青碎石能够防止反射裂缝,却很少有人能从细观层面上做出解释。

    By tests and finite element analysis for the macro-structure of pavements , researchers found that the open-graded asphalt macadam can prevent the reflection crack in asphalt pavements , but very few people can explain it on meso-level .