
  • 网络Code Red;Red Code;Script.Redlof
  1. 我们都知道近期“红色代码(CodeRed)”和类似的病毒已经引出了许多问题。

    We all know the problems the Code Red and similar viruses have caused lately .

  2. 例如,防止“红色代码”病毒的补丁程序称为Q300972。

    For example , the patch for the Code Red virus is called Q300972 .

  3. 红色代码病毒及其变体的防杀策略

    Red Code Virus and Its Variants : Killing Strategies

  4. “红色代码”病毒出现新变种

    New Variant of Code Red Virus Sighted

  5. 肖似化代码、修辞性代码、风格化代码共同构成了张艺谋电影的红色代码能指。

    The iconographic codes , rhetoric codes and style codes form the red code signifier .

  6. 我们的审计检查了“红色代码”修订是否存在,检查了反病毒软件并且抽取出它的版本。

    Our audit checks for the presence of the Code Red fix , checks for anti-virus software , and extracts its version .

  7. 如果这种新的蠕虫病毒的传播速度像“红色代码”一样快,成千上万的网站将在“黑客”的攻击下失去全部防御力。

    If the new worm spreads as quickly as last week 's Code Red outbreak , hundreds of thousands of Web sites could be left open to computer hackers .

  8. 不过电脑专家称,那些已经装有防红毒软件的机器不容易受到红色代码病毒新变体的感染。

    Machines that had already been " patched " with Microsoft software aimed at thwarting the virus were not vulnerable to the new Code Red , computer experts said .

  9. 尤其汹涌爆发的“红色代码”、“蓝色代码”及“尼姆达”病毒,使人们更加深刻的认识到了网络安全的重要。

    Especially , when the turbulent outbreak of the virus of Code Red , Code Blue and Nimda , it makes people get a clear awareness of the importance of the safety of network .

  10. 整个世界好像都停止了,只有那红色的代码在不停闪烁,我脑门子上的汗一下子全出来了。

    The entire world stopped with the exception of the red , flickering symbol as sweat began to form on my brow .