
  • 网络hop
  1. 利用神经网络的误差反向传播算法(BP算法),结合告警、天气和工程设计几方面的数据资料建立了微波中继段告警分析预测模型。

    By means of BP ( error back propagation ) artificial nerve network , with data from alarm , weather and engineering documents , microwave hop performance analysis and forecast model is established .

  2. 基于BP算法的微波通信中继段性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Microwave Hop Based on BP Algorithm

  3. 光纤放大器在超长中继段中的应用

    The Application of the Optical Amplifier in the Over-Long Trunk Section

  4. 本文主要分析在光缆实际接续中引起光纤接头损耗过大的原因和处理方法,以及对整个中继段损耗的影响。

    This paper mainly analyses the causes of exceeding fiber splice loss , describes the processing method for it and it 's affection to relay section losses .

  5. 主要介绍了光缆敷设前的单盘检验测量、光缆接续的光纤损耗测量以及工程完工时的中继段光纤衰减的测量等。

    The paper introduces mainly single plate test measurements before laying optical cable , the optical loss measurements and optical decay measurements for relay length following the completion of the optical attenuation .

  6. 利用模型结合河北省平原地区的实际数据资料,进行了微波中继段站距、天线高差以及气候因素对告警的影响规律分析。

    By means of the model , with data from microwave communication hop on plain area in Hebei province , influences of hop length , antenna height difference and weather to alarm are made .

  7. 针对天津市二级光缆干线网工程的设计,就光缆网的可靠性,光纤类型、光缆容量及扩容方式的选择及中继段长度的计算等问题进行了探讨。

    The reliability of optical cable networks , optical fiber types , optical fiber capacity , pair gain mode selection and length calculation for trunk selection are discussed according to the Tianjin secondary optical cable trunk network engineering design .

  8. 论文还通过改善衰减中继距离计算公式,提高了MSTP工程建设规划精度,通过10G高速业务中继段距离的计算,为目前MSTP网络有足够的繁冗性和数据带宽的可升级能力提供支持。

    Thirdly , this paper improving the formula of attenuation relay distance , raise the accuracy of the construction plan . And calculate 10G high-speed attenuation relay distance to ensure enough data bandwith and upgrading capacity in the new MSTP network .