
  • 网络Chinese Culture Research
  1. 文化视野与中国文化研究

    Culture Vision and Chinese Culture Research

  2. 论当代中国文化研究中的原型批评思潮

    On the Archetypical Criticism in the Current Studies of Chinese Culture

  3. 中国文化研究的本土语境与当前困境

    Native Context and Contemporary Dilemma of China 's Study of Culture

  4. 对中国文化研究现状的反思

    Reflections on the Present Situation of Chinese Cultural Studies

  5. 当代中国文化研究探源

    An Exploration of Modern Chinese Cultural Research

  6. 文化诗学的出现,不失为一种对中国文化研究的富有前景性的理论创建。

    The appearance of cultural poetics is a kind of theoretical creative idea with inspiration of Chinese cultural studies .

  7. 后现代的呼应与现实语境下的辩证综合&当代中国文化研究的现状考察

    The dialectical comprehensiveness under the postmodern echoing and the real context & the Inspection on the present cultural studies in China

  8. 因为还有许多精神文化活动没有纳入中国文化研究的范围,如中国古代的民间信仰。

    This is not enough because many spiritual and cultural activities are not included in the scope of the research of Chinese culture .

  9. 当代中国文化研究的一个突出优势,就在于每个局部的问题常常都与那些根本性的大问题有着千丝万缕的联系。

    One of the notable advantages of contemporary Chinese culture study is that every partial problem is connected with the big essential problems in various ways .

  10. 季羡林一生共出版了11本学术著作,发表200多篇论文,作品涉及10多个学术领域,其中包括中国文化研究、比较文学和梵文等。

    Ji published 11 academic books and over 200 papers in more than 10 academic fields , including Chinese cultural research , comparative literature , and Sanskrit .

  11. 具体来说,本论文分为以下几个部分:绪论,托尼·本尼特对西方马克思主义文艺理论的修正、独特的文化研究视角以及富有成效的研究实践等,这些对中国文化研究来说都具有重要的指导意义。

    The correction to Western Marxism literary theory , the unique cultural research perspective and productive practice studies by Tony Bennett , have an important guiding significance for Chinese cultural studies .

  12. 第四章进一步探讨周作人的民俗文化观,分析他确立的从民俗文化角度进行文学批评的方法,兼及他从民俗学视角进行的中国文化研究;

    The fourth part explores in a further way Zhou 's perspective of folk culture , and analyzes the method he has established to conduct literary criticism from the angle of folklore as well as his research on Chinese Culture .

  13. 近20年来中国文化地理学研究综述

    The Summarization of Cultural Geography in China in Recent Twenty Years

  14. 他一生致力于中国文化的研究和阐发。

    He devotes his life to Chinese culture research and analysis .

  15. 中国大众文化研究的理论根基与发展现状

    The Theoretical Basis and Development the Study of Chinese Mass Culture

  16. 民间信仰与中国文化精神研究

    A study of folk belief and the essentials of Chinese culture

  17. 把精神分析引入中国地域文化研究&论精神分析学派的隐型文化理论在中国地域文化研究中的改造性应用

    Introducing psychoanalysis into the research of the Chinese local culture

  18. 在《中国建筑文化研究文库》首发式上的讲话

    Speech at Publishing Ceremonial of Research Library Chinese Architectural Culture

  19. 中国文化修辞学研究之现状及展望

    The Current State and Expectation of China Cultural Rhetoric Research

  20. 中学英语教学中的中国文化教学研究

    A Study on Teaching Chinese Culture in TEFL in the Middle School

  21. 中国酒文化研究50年

    Fifty Years ′ Research on China Culture of Alcoholic Beverages

  22. 中国文化史研究的可喜收获

    Gratifying Harvest of Studying in the History of Chinese Culture

  23. 大学文化与当代中国先进文化研究

    A Study of University Culture and Contemporary Chinese Advanced Culture

  24. 20世纪中国文化史研究之回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Research on Chinese Culture History in 20th Century

  25. 中国龙文化研究提纲

    The Outline of the Study of Chinese Dragon Culture

  26. 中国饮食文化研究现状及其研究方法初探

    Preliminary Research on the Present Status and Research Approach of Chinese Catering Culture

  27. 第二部分:中国大众文化研究中的法兰克福现象。

    Part II : The phenomenon of Frankfurt in Chinese popular cultural studies .

  28. 中国狼文化研究

    Study on the Culture of the Wolf in China

  29. 中国玉文化研究范畴浅析

    A Preliminary Study of Research Categories of Jade Culture

  30. 90年代以来中国大众文化研究的回顾与反思上世纪90年代以来传统文化热之考察

    The Review and Survey of Chinese Popular Culture Studies Since the 1990 's