
  1. 中国儒家文化是中国传统文化的主流。

    Confucian cultural of China is the dominant ideas of Chinese traditional culture .

  2. 儒家宗法、孝悌的道统观念及其生演基督教孝道观与中国儒家文化中的孝道观既有相似之处,也有相异之处。

    The Christian view and the Confucian sense of piety are somewhat similar and somewhat different as well .

  3. 中国儒家文化、犹太文化、古希腊文化是世界的元典文化。

    The Confucian school culture , Judaist culture and Greek culture are the classical culture in the world .

  4. 前者是解读中国儒家文化的必读课本,后者则是认识孔孟之道的普及读物。

    The first four are primers interpreting Confucianism for readers , while the others are popular editions introducing the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius .

  5. 在社会文化方面,由于都是亚洲国家,菲律宾深受中国儒家文化和价值体系影响,其中社会和孝道方面有广泛的共鸣,而美国对菲律宾有西方价值、教育体系和消费行为的影响。

    In the socio-cultural dimension , the Philippines is influenced by China in terms of Confucianism and value-systems since both are Asian nations wherein these precepts widely resonate socially and filially .

  6. 中国儒家文化教育传统对儒家文化圈内各国的政治、经济和文化教育产生了广泛而深刻的影响?

    The Chinese Confucius cultural and educational tradition has exerted extensive and deep influences upon the politics , economy , culture and education of those countries of " circle of Confucius Culture " .

  7. 中国儒家文化的宗教性问题聚诉颇多,就儒教的影响力而言,夏商周代传统宗教伦理与儒家经典的合流延续成为晋商信仰的主流意识。

    The Chinese Confucian culture religious question gathers quite a lot of sues , speaking of Confucianism influence , confluence of tradition religion ethics and the Confucian classics in Xia Shang Zhou generations continues into the Jin business belief main consciousness .

  8. 日韩长期沐浴于中国儒家文化,战后又同受美国重商主义和大众文化的影响,以及战后国际工业技术发展的整体时空环境,致使现今日韩现代设计显性表征的趋同化倾向。

    Japan and Korea are bathing in Confucian culture in the long-term , also influenced by the United States-business and popular culture post-war , and in the whole space-time environment post-war with international industrial and technological development , cause their modern design characterization similarity .

  9. 中国儒家传统文化对韩国社会发展的影响

    Influences of China 's Confucianism on Korea 's Social Development

  10. 其建筑雄伟,独具东方民族风格,蕴含深厚的中国传统儒家文化。

    Its magnificent buildings , unique Oriental ethnic style and contains profound Chinese traditional Confucian culture .

  11. 中国的儒家文化也强调守信,“信”甚至被作为“五常”中的重要内容确定下来。

    Confucianism also lays such stress on trustworthiness which is even recorded as the core of Five Constant Virtues in China .

  12. 实存职业教育观形成原因有以下两个方面:一方面,中国传统儒家文化对职业教育的负面影响。

    The reasons were mainly in three aspects : First , the traditional Chinese culture impacts on the development of vocational education .

  13. 在中国儒家伦理文化大背景下,道德伦理与自然人性的悲剧冲突就成为中国悲剧精神的明显特征。

    Under the Confucian ethical background , tragic conflict of morality ethic and natural humanity become evident character of Chinese tragic spirit .

  14. 在精神性的反思过程中,本文重新估定了中国儒家孝文化存在的意义及价值。

    In the process of spiritual reflection , this paper reassesses the significance and value of the Chinese Confucian filial piety culture .

  15. 得到的结论是:以西方伦理审查制度的理论原则为框架,中国传统儒家文化可以成为伦理审查制度理论的有利补充。

    The conclusion is : the western ethical review system can be a framework , the traditional Chinese Confucian culture can be a beneficial supplement .

  16. 在日本和韩国的现代化进程中,中国儒家传统文化在其崛起的进程中已经并将继续发挥不可替代的作用。

    The traditional Chinese Confucian culture has played an important role in the rising of the two countries ' modernization and will continue to exert influence .

  17. 中西文化差异的根本动因是中国的儒家文化和西方的基督教义分别统治着中西的意识形态,只有理解中西方不同的文化特征,才能充分体会不同建筑的韵味。

    The fundamental motivation of the differences between Chinese and western cultures is that , Chinese Confucian culture and western Christian doctrines dominate their ideologies , respectively .

  18. 中国传统儒家文化以家庭为本位,特别注重血缘关系和伦理价值。

    Chinese traditional Confucian culture is family-centered , with an emphasis on the relationship by blood and ethical value , which functions as a powerful conservative force .

  19. 家族及家族企业的管理特点,深受中国儒家传统文化的影响与制约,其中最关键的问题是如何看待人。

    Administrant characteristics of family and family firm are influenced and restricted by Confucian traditional culture , however pivotal issue is how to look on " people " .

  20. 第三部分主要从家庭,中国儒家传统文化与西方基督教两种信仰和华裔与日裔之间三个不同角度分析了三部作品中的冲突。

    The third part , from these three angles : family , Confucian regulations and Christian doctrines , American-Chinese and American-Japanese , analyses various conflicts in these three plays .

  21. 从宏观的层面出发,在中国传统儒家文化的主要特征与西方文化特点的比较中,对我国学校道德教育改革定位作如下构想:解构形而上学的道德传统,还道德以科学的基础;

    Based on a macroscopic comparison between traditional Chinese Confucian culture and western culture , this paper puts forward the following suggestions concerning the reforming of moral education in school : reconstructing the scientific basis of morals by deconstructing the metaphysical moral tradition ;

  22. 中国足球与儒家文化

    Chinese Football in the Influence of Confucian Culture

  23. 以爱德华·霍尔在跨文化交际研究中提出的“高语境文化”概念为研究对象,分析其在中国产生的儒家文化渊源。

    Through the analyses , the conclusion that the Chinese high-context culture has its origin in Confucianism is drawn .

  24. 中国传统的儒家文化和道家文化中,孕藏着丰富的心理学思想,二者在本质上是统一、互为补充的。

    The Confucianists and Taoists , as two main stream of Chinese traditional cultures , are full of much rich psychological thoughts .

  25. 中国传统的儒家文化对日本和韩国有着极其重要的影响,从而形成了以中国为中心的儒家文化圈。

    The traditional Chinese Confucian culture has important influence on Japan and Korea , thereby forming the Circle of Confucian Culture with China being the centre .

  26. 在宗教身份层面,他极力寻求与中国道家和儒家文化中人文主义思想的认同,偏离了根深蒂固的基督教信仰。

    In terms of religious identity , he painstakingly identifies with the " humanism " of Chinese Taoism and Confucianism and deviates from his deep-rooted Christian belief .

  27. 而传统伦理关系形成并存在的根本原因则在于缓慢发展的封建农耕经济、家国同构的社会体系以及中国悠久的儒家文化。

    The formation and existence of the ethical relations lie in the slowly developing agricultural economics , the system of the co-construction of home and country and the old Confucian culture .

  28. 特别是独生子女的意外死亡,其父母老来丧子,是人生之大不幸,这在中国这个有着儒家文化传统的社会里,这本身就是一种悲哀。

    The sudden death of an only child is a tragedy for any middle-aged or elderly parents .

  29. 并由此探究了中国古典哲学思想儒家文化,道家文化和佛学与徐渭绘画艺术的相关问题。

    And explores issues related to Chinese classical philosophy thought Confucian culture , Taoist culture and Buddhism , and Xu Wei painting art .

  30. 研究表明,虽然日本与中国都属于东方儒家文化圈的国家,但是,两国不同的性别文化是造成差异的主要原因。

    It is also analyzed in this article that the main reason which causes the difference between different gender culture , although both Japanese and Chinese are in the same Oriental Culture .