
  • 网络Chinese Association of Ethnology
  1. 2006年被中国民族管弦乐学会授予终身贡献奖。

    In2006 , he was conferred Lifetime Contribution Award by China Nationalities Orchestra Society .

  2. 中国民族管弦乐学会

    Chinese Society of Folk Orchestral Music

  3. 中国少数民族音乐学会第十届年会暨聂耳音乐研究研讨会记实

    The 10 ~ ( th ) Annual Meeting of Chinese National Minority Music Academic Association and the Nie Er Music Research Seminar

  4. 按照中国少数民族音乐学会成员格里拉特所说,一种好的传播媒介,就像合唱团,对继承和发展少数民族文化至关重要。

    A good medium , such as a chorus , is vital to carry on and develop ethnic minority culture , according to Gereleta , who is also a member on the Council of China Ethnic Minority Music Society .

  5. 历任中国作家协会民族委员会委员,中国少数民族作家学会理事。

    He has successively served as a member of the Nationalities Committee of Chinese Writers Association , a director of China Minority Writers Association .