
  • 网络Overhead optical cable;adss;GYSTS;GYXTW
  1. 与输电线路同杆架设的ADSS光缆同传统意义上的架空光缆完全不同。

    ADSS cable which is installed with electric power transmission line is quite different from the traditional aerial cable for its feature of variable span .

  2. 本文基于系统集成的思想,在总结了国内外ADSS光缆工程研究和实践经验的基础上,提出了针对输电杆塔架空光缆项目的计算分析方案,并开发了一套辅助设计的软件。

    After studying the recent research results and summarizing practical experiences , the author develop a software of computation and design based on the principle of integration .

  3. 介绍了全介质自承式(ADSS)架空光缆的结构设计计算,并对其中架空悬链线的数学模型及有关计算作了详细论述。

    This paper introduced the structure design and calculation of ADSS fiber optic cable , and discussed the mathematic model of catenary , which is built on stilts , and related calculations in detail .

  4. 介绍了国际电信联盟(ITU)光纤标准的最新修订版,对国内电力架空光缆的光纤选型问题提出了看法和建议。

    The text introduces the latest revised version of the International Telecommunication Union ( ITU ) for recommendation optic fibers , and presents the opinions and suggestions referring to the styles choosing of optic fibers of the domestic power aerial optic fiber cables .

  5. 大跨距条件下自承式架空光缆的力学计算

    Mechanical Calculation of Self Supporting Overhead Optical Cable for a Big Span

  6. 配电网络地理信息系统电力架空光缆

    Something about Automatization of Power Distribution THE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM IN DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS

  7. 电力架空光缆综述

    The Summary of The Power Aerial Optic Fiber Cable

  8. 电力架空光缆超长距离传输方案的探讨

    Discussion and analysis on ultra-long haul transmission scheme of electric aerial optical cables

  9. 电力架空光缆内光纤的选型

    The type choosing of the inner fibers of power aerial optic fiber cables

  10. 谈架空光缆线路防护的措施

    Discussion on Protective Measures for Overhead Optical Cable Lines

  11. 架空光缆中松套管和护套的伸缩现象探讨

    Discussion on Expansion and Shrinkage Phenomena of the Loose Tube and Jacket in Aerial Fiber Optic Cables

  12. GB/T14138-1993架空光缆通信系统进网要求运作于空中的,尤其是通过空中线缆。

    Requirements for aerial optical fiber cable systems joined to national public telecommunication network operating or operated overhead especially on elevated cables .

  13. 京汉铁路与直隶沿线近代采煤业的起步京汉广架空光缆工程

    Beijing & Hankou Railway and Starting on Modern Coal Mining of Zhi Li Region along the Railway Line Beijing-Wuhan-Guangzhou Aerial Optical Cable Project

  14. 本文介绍了电力架空光缆的类型和适用的标准及主要的技术要求,并对各类电力架空光缆的技术经济性能作了初步分析。

    The text introduces the types , the application norm and the main technical requirements of the power aerial optic fiber cables , also analyzing the technical and economic performances of all kinds of power optic fiber cables .

  15. 关于光纤复合架空地线光缆OPGW雷击断股的一些考虑

    Considerations about Lightning Stroke to Break Strand of OPGW

  16. 在对运行的输电线路的普通地线更换为架空复合光缆地线(OPGW)的施工中,因改造线路停电时间短,地线更换范围大,工期及安全问题显得比较突出。

    After the running transmission line power cut , it often happens that common ground wire changes the aerial complex optical ground wire .

  17. 通过对ADSS光缆性能分析,确认全绝缘自支撑、架空式光缆在光纤通信中,可以利用电力系统的输电线路作为敷设光缆的架空杆路,实现同杆架设的目的。

    Through the analysis on the performance of ADSS optic-fiber cable , it was clarified that full insulated self-supporting optic-fiber cable could be strung on the same pole for electric power transmission line .

  18. 近年来,国内的光纤复合架空地线光缆OPGW光缆出现了多次雷击断股的事件,一些解决方案强调从系统设计方面来着手解决这一问题。

    In recent years , the incidents of broken strand of OPGW cable by lightning stroke at home are occurred for many times , some solving schemas are emphasized from system design aspect to solve this problem .

  19. 针对架空ADSS光缆架线工程,详细讨论了其架线力学计算方法,简要介绍了ADSS光缆架线力学计算软件的主要功能。

    The method of Aerial Mechanical Calculation has been discussed in detail in allusion to erecting project of aerial ADSS . Some major functions of the software by the name of " Aerial Mechanical Calculation for ADSS " have been briefly introduced .

  20. 架空地线复合光缆(OPGW)是当前电力系统中主要的通信通道。

    OPGW is the main communication channel in the current electric power system .

  21. 第五代架空地线复合光缆(OPGW)的研制

    Development of OPGW of the Fifth Generation

  22. 架空地线复合光缆OPGW的测试

    Test on Overhead OPGW

  23. 架空地线复合光缆(OPGW)兼输电线路架空地线和通信光缆功能于一体,正日益显示其优越性。

    The overhead OPGW , being of functions of the overhead ground wire and communication optical cable for transmission lines has demonstrated its advantages day by day .

  24. 介绍一种新型的架空地线复合光缆(OPGW),其光纤单元是一种具有PBT(聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯)内衬管粘合不锈钢管的松套型结构。

    The paper has introduced a new kind of overhead compound optical ground wire ( OPGW ), whose optical unit is kind of loose sleeve structure with stainless steel pipe bond with PBT lining tube .

  25. 结合大量的光纤复合架空地线复合光缆(OPGW)工程设计实践,对于110~500kV架空线路中的2条良导体地线,为了防雷逐塔接地所带来的电能损耗值得关注。

    Combined with many practices of OPGW project designing , this paper proposes that the electric energy loss of two good conductor ground wires on 110 kV to 500 kV OPGW is worth concern .

  26. 架空地线复合光缆O(PGW)作为电力系统的重要组成部分,广泛地应用在架空输电线路上,兼具着架空地线和光纤通信双重功能,在电力系统中起着防雷保护和传输信息的作用。

    OPGW is an important element of electrical power system , it is not only used for ground wire against lighting strike to protect transmission line , but also as fiber optic cable to transmit information .

  27. 介绍了架空地线复合光缆(OPGW)热稳定计算中需要考虑的问题,包括OPGW的允许短路电流,短路时间的选取和OPGW实际电流的计算方法,并提出了解决热稳定的措施。

    This paper introduces some important problems which should be considered in OPGW thermal stability calculation , including ability of the permitting short-circuit current , choice of the short-circuit time and calculation methods of the currents through OPGW . Then presents some measures to solve the thermal stability of OPGW .

  28. 架空地线复合光缆在华中局的应用

    The application of OPGW optical cable in Central China Power Bureau

  29. 架空地线复合光缆热稳定性问题的研究

    The Study of Thermal Stability of OPGW

  30. 架空地线复合光缆通信

    Composite fibre - optic overhead ground wire