
  • 网络married deal
  1. 他老是想撮合交易。

    He was forever attempting to arrange deals

  2. 基于Multi-agent的撮合交易系统体系结构

    Structure of Multi-agent Making Match Tradeoff System

  3. OTC交易和集中撮合交易有着各自不同的特点,满足了不同外汇交易的需求。

    All forex trading is ultimately concluded either through OTC trading or matched trading , both of which meet divergent demands for forex transactions .

  4. 美国的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-FrankAct)力求推动NDF离开通过电话撮合交易的较封闭市场,转而登陆更加透明的电子交易平台。

    The US Dodd-Frank Act pushes for NDFs to move away from the clubby , phone-brokered market and on to more transparent electronic trading platforms .

  5. 设计了考虑输电价格和输电损耗折价,并按MCP结算的区域电力市场月度撮合交易竞价机制,它主要解决了区域电力市场中省级电网间存在跨省输电价格情况下的竞争交易问题。

    This paper presents a new matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism . It solves the problems of transmission price between provincial networks in a regional electricity power market .

  6. 区域电力市场中月度撮合交易竞价机制研究(二)考虑输电价格、输电损耗折价和环保因素的类PAB结算机制

    Research on matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism in regional electricity market , part two & a PAB competition mechanism based on transmission price 、 loss and environmental expenditure

  7. 随着2008年雷曼(Lehman)危机之后欧美杠杆收购繁荣的终结,许多人看到了在华撮合交易的机遇&中国表现(相对)强劲的股市产生了许多获利退出的机会。

    With the boom in leveraged buy-outs in Europe and the US over following the 2008 Lehman crisis , many see opportunities for deal making in China – where the ( relatively ) robust stock market has produced many a profitable exit .

  8. 内存数据库在撮合交易系统中的研究与实现

    The Study on Main Memory Database in Matchmaking & Transaction System

  9. 基于多主体的撮合交易模型及算法研究

    The Research on Multi-Agent Based Matchmaking Tradeoff Model and Algorithm

  10. 电子商务中撮合交易系统的研究及实现

    The study and Realization on Matchmaking & transaction system in electronic commerce

  11. 撮合交易机制下的阻塞管理模型与算法

    Model and algorithm of transmission congestion management based on matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism settlement

  12. 由于与撮合交易的银行之间的联系,股票分析师的独立性已大打折扣。

    The independence of equity analysts is compromised by their association with deal-making banks .

  13. 就连竞争对手也承认,瑞银在亚太地区有着丰富的撮合交易经验和才干。

    Even rivals admit that the UBS has a deep well of dealmaking experience and talent in the region .

  14. 在9月19日上午达到巅峰之后,华尔街在撮合交易方面斩获颇丰的一年或许已经提早结束了。

    Wall Street 's big year of deal-making may have ended early & after peaking on the morning of Sept. 19 .

  15. 最后,我们也以实际的外汇交易系统中的定价策略为例,讨论了双向拍卖中第三方撮合交易的方法以及原理。

    In the end , we take the strategy of foreign exchange system for example to introduce the matching method as the third party .

  16. 其他人说,骑士和其他公司找出个人投资者的交易指令,将这些指令视为简易交易流,更易撮合交易。

    Others say knight and others seek out the orders of individual investors because they view those orders as so-called dumb flow and easier to trade against .

  17. 摩根士丹利希望这家合资企业将为其提供更大的管理控制权,并有在中国承销和撮合交易、以及交易股票和证券的更大空间。

    Morgan Stanley hopes the venture will provide more management control and more scope to underwrite and broker deals and to trade stocks and securities in China .

  18. 它们延续了发端于自动撮合交易的电子交叉网络的趋势,并且利用了允许计算机算法直接访问市场的技术进展。

    They continue a trend begun by electronic crossing networks which automatically match buyers and sellers and take advantage of technological developments that allow computer algorithms to access markets directly .

  19. 基于信息经济学理论、博弈理论以及人工智能中多主体理论所建立的多主体撮合交易模型,是因特网中未来电子商务极其重要的交易模型。

    The multi-agent Matchmaking tradeoff model based on the theory of information economic , game and the AI 's multi-agent is the very important model of the Internet EC in the future .

  20. 本文针对中介型电子商务交易平台所特有的海量数据处理、并发请求、实时响应等需求特点,提出一种新的基于内存数据库的撮合交易系统模型。

    Taking the characteristics of mass-data , concurrent requests and real-time response in the medi-electronic commerce platform into account , a new type system of matchmaking & transaction based on main memory database is proposed in this paper .

  21. 本文提出了一种新型的面向市场构架的综合撮合交易系统,描述了其原理及技术实现,在比较当前成型的电子商务交易系统的基础上,阐述了本系统的优势所在。

    This paper present a new type comprehensive system of matchmaking & transaction facing to market frame , describe the principle and technical realization , and elaborate the advantages of this system , comparing to up-to-date transaction system in electronic commerce .

  22. 例如,贝莱德正试图在自己的客户群体中撮合债券交易的买方和买方,让他们通过贝莱德自有的阿拉丁交易网络(aladdintradingnetwork)完成交易,这种方式使投资者能够绕开华尔街交易商。

    For example , BlackRock is attempting to match buyers and sellers of bonds among its customer base , using its electronic Aladdin trading network , which would allow investors to bypass wall street dealers .

  23. 贝莱德的计划是,如果某些客户要出售一只证券而另一些要买入这只证券,自己可在公司内部“撮合”交易,无需华尔街银行经手。

    The plan is that if some BlackRock clients are selling a security and others are buying , the group can " cross " those trades internally without going through a Wall Street bank .

  24. 这个软件实现了月坛视界网站电子交易的核心功能&买入委托、卖出委托之间的实时撮合、交易功能,也实现了交易所开盘、收盘的数据库相关表处理功能。

    This procedure not only has realized the key function of the electronic trade of website of " Yue Tan Shi Jie " but also has realized that the database relevant tables operate during opening and closing trade .

  25. 她回答说没门,对他俩的关系以及撮合的其它交易,她表示无可奉告。

    There is nothing she can say about the relationship or other deals she might be arranging .

  26. 虽然邵逸夫可能觉得精力足够充沛,明年可以再次走下红地毯,但他努力撮合的一桩交易,可能终结他在TVB的统治。41年前,他协助创立了这家广播电视公司。

    While Sir Run Run may feel spry enough to walk down the red carpet again next year , a deal he is trying to broker may bring an end to his reign as chairman of the broadcaster he helped found 41 years ago .

  27. 运用自动撮合方案优化货运交易业务&公路货运电子商务系统简介

    Wielding the Plan of Automatic Match , Optimizing the Business of Freight Transport Trade

  28. 随着全球金融业务发展,电子化交易日渐成为金融交易的主要形式,对于金融交易的性能和可靠性要求日渐增高,撮合系统作为金融交易中的重要系统需要可靠地提供更好的性能。

    With the development of global finance , electronic trading has become the major form of financial trading . Meanwhile the need for high performance and highly reliable system is more and more acute .

  29. 中国一家国有铁路建设公司将为意大利最有名的足球俱乐部之一建设一座新的体育场。这得益于一位以撮合中西体育产业交易而闻名的人士的参与。

    China 's state-backed railway builder will be constructing a new stadium for one of Italy 's most storied soccer clubs , thanks to the involvement of a figure known for broking sports deals between China and the West .

  30. 不同于其他国家的柜台交易方式,中国债券交易所市场采用电子撮合方式,减少交易成本的同时还可以提供含有更多市场信息的高频债券交易数据,具有一定的研究意义。

    Unlike the OTC trading in most of the other countries , Chinese exchange bond market adapts trading via electronic facilities , and in this way the exchange trading can provide less transaction cost as well as the high-frequency data which contain finer market trading information .