
  • 网络Electronics enthusiasts;Electronic Fans
  1. 在他撰写的那本书里,他告诉电子爱好者们如何让原始的80年代的家用电脑提速,从而能运行强大的3D软件来制作动画模型。

    He wrote his book to show electronics enthusiasts how they could soup up their primitive home computers of the early 1980s to run powerful three-dimensional software suited to graphical modelling .

  2. Java程序员处理来自电子表格爱好者的报告时,利用几个Java技巧可以提高他们的工作效率。

    A few Java tricks can increase a programmer 's " miles per gallon " when working with reports from spreadsheet lovers .

  3. 希金斯是一个电子游戏爱好者和全职父亲。他之前从事财务管理的工作,后来成为了军火情报专家,从位于英国莱斯特(Leicester)的家中追踪叙利亚战争。

    Mr Higgins , a video games enthusiast and stay-at-home dad , who had previously worked in finance ad & # 173 ; ministration , has become a munitions expert , tracking the Syrian war from his home in Leicester in the UK .

  4. 虚拟赛事允许世界各地的电子竞技爱好者从家里或其他训练设施进行比赛。

    It allows e-sports fans around the world to compete from home or their training facilities .

  5. 第一个是一个标准的原型设计电路试验板。如果您是电气工程师或电子产品爱好者,您肯定已熟悉这些硬件。

    The first is a standard prototyping " breadboard . " If you 're an electrical engineer or electronics hobbyist , you 're undoubtedly familiar with these already .

  6. 一项最新研究发现,约十分之一的电子游戏爱好者表现出上瘾迹象,而这种上瘾行为会对他们的家庭、朋友和学习成绩造成负面影响。

    About one in10 videogame players show signs of addictive behavior that could have negative effects on their family , friends and school work , according to a new study .

  7. 如果电子竞技爱好者产生的人均收入以更快速度增长至7美元,那么,到2017年,电子竞技行业的规模将达到十亿美元,并且拥有无限的增长潜力。

    If the average revenue per enthusiast grows faster and jumps to $ 7 , eSports will be a billion dollar business by 2017 with even more growth potential going forward .

  8. 这项发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上的研究结果,质疑了电子烟爱好者关于电子烟可能比传统戒烟方法更能帮助吸烟者戒烟的观点。

    The findings , published in The New England Journal of Medicine , call into question the claims by e-cigarette enthusiasts that the devices may be better than traditional quit aids at helping smokers to stop .

  9. 但电子香烟的爱好者却引以为豪地宣称电子烟产生的是水蒸汽而非烟雾。

    E-cigarette fans proudly point out that these devices produce water vapor rather than smoke .