
  • 网络Filter;Electronic filter
  1. 沿着一条直线的图象象素被转换成视频信号,然后由一个电子滤波器进行低通滤波。

    The picture elements across a line are converted to the video signal and low-pass filtered with an electrical filter .

  2. 电子滤波器可以消除谐波。

    Electronic filters can remove harmonics .

  3. 电子滤波器应用十分广泛,但设计方法却十分繁杂且不易掌握。

    Electronic filters are used very widely , but the design methods are very complicated and difficult to grasp .

  4. PET前端电子电路滤波器的设计

    Filter design of Front-end electronics for PET

  5. 其中抗干扰滤波模块由带有自动调谐功能的电子调谐滤波器组成,需要解决的问题是电子调谐滤波器调谐短周期的问题,其周期要小于100us,以保证速度满足频率捷变的要求。

    Filter modules are consist of automatic tuning electronic filter , the problems need to be solved is the short period of electronic tuned filter , the period is less than 100 us , to ensure the good frequency variable speed .

  6. PIN二极管电子开关在滤波器切换中的应用

    Application of PIN Diode Electronic Switch in Filter Switching

  7. 描述了一种使用HTS/AuMEMS开关电容器阵的低插损电子调谐式滤波器。

    A low loss electronically tunable filter was demonstrated using HTS / Au MEMS switched capacitor arrays .

  8. 研究结果发现平行的磁矢势和静电势两者可以以截然不同的方式移动狄拉克点的位置,这有可能成为一种实现电子或空穴滤波器的有效方式。

    It is found that both parallel magnetic vector potential and electrostatic potential can decisively shift Dirac point in a different way , which may be an efficient way to achieve electron or hole filter .

  9. 40W日光灯电子镇流器的EMI滤波器的设计

    Design of a EMI Filter Based on 40 W Fluorescent Lamp Electronic Ballasts

  10. 电子风琴的音色滤波器

    Tone Filters for Electronic Organs

  11. 电子可调谐光学滤波器

    Electronically tunable optical filter

  12. 在介绍高压直流换流站技术现状基础上,从电力电子器件、有源滤波器、光电流传感器、控制和保护系统、接线方式等几方面,探讨换流站技术的发展趋势。

    The present status for HVDC converter station is presented , and its future development trends are discussed in several aspects such as power electronic components , active filters , optical direct current transducer , control and protection system , mode of connection , etc.

  13. 采用MAXIM公司专用滤波器设计芯片MAX274/275及其配套的开发软件,给出了一种简洁、有效的滤波器设计解决方案,对于电子工程师设计电子系统的滤波器具有实际指导作用。

    A simple , practical scheme by using special chip of MAX 274 / 275 is proposed and its supporting software is designed by MAXIM Company . This solution will be of guiding significance for electronic engineers to design wave filters in electronic system .

  14. 伴随着近年来移动通信、电子对抗和导航技术的巨大发展,各种电子系统对于微波滤波器提出了很高要求和新的变化。

    With the huge development of mobile communication , electronic countermeasure and navigation technology , variety of electronic systems for microwave filters has placed enormous demands and new changes .